Mushrooms are the fruit of knowledge of good and evil which he doesn't eat its a parasite that infects your brain and causes you to have higher polarization tendencies. Because like magic mushrooms they effect the brain, much as anything does when you eat it, eating food causes a sensation at and after consumption, your comfort of body represents the comfort you have for the highs you get from what you eat more or less of.
For example in my case my anxiety subsided completely when I eat more meat and less vegetables because my body needs meat more then it needs vegetables at all. It needs a little however, much as cats and dogs eat grass at times for similar discomfort, I also need a lot of milk, for deep thinking all day or I don't feel comfortable. What you are craving constantly represents a needed nutrient in your body, you need that food or you hurt yourself.
Secondly, toothpaste is actually a highly deep past multiverse definition expansion bottomless component of reality that shouldn't go in your mouth either and gets you high, this is why it feels weird after using it. That feeling is you spitting out your creativity you just had when you woke up, followed by everything you had that evening in your teeth.
Because you put your innovation expansion of cavities on your teeth in concentrations of it located as that paste and spat it out again with the cavities, down the sink. As innovation causes cavities in the fruit bubbling liquid of existence as it opens a new space in the cavitiestooths of being which induces new spirituality, insight, progress, new matter.
That's why past is even better then shaving cream, at making types of substance, when mixed or used with shaving cream, since shaving cream makes hardness, mixing in toothpaste makes it squishier. These are noted properties of craft supplies and other white materials which happen to reflect blank slates of material, which represent reality being deleted and wiped of its data for recycling into other behaviors with presently no known way to undo.
Paste has to do with innovation and quantum collapsing for new laws of physics, which causes the cavities of spacetime to change as it emits a paste into it which induces in the undefined of physicality an expansion of matter, which isn't calcified at all.
Since nothing as matter is bottomless and every observation is a collapse of quantum position from nothing into whatever is defined, this emits the past which immediately causes itself to be induced in reality.
Although that's what I know thus far, from quickly reconstructing from observation aspects of reality I can't perceive directly for never being noticed, these I do by looking at some feature and asking what causes it behind the seen as an artistic depicting.
This depiction quickly draws out a metaphorical allegory of the unseen, which reflects what I imagine and self explain each thing as, which upon inspection guarantees both the visual as explanation, the explanation is the visual and in this occasion it depicted what basically had to be described as teeth and toothpaste specifically.
In fact, if I figure out how to do it properly, I should be able to induce a cavity in my teeth without it deteriorating the teeth permanently, I presume my obsession's with milk is also related as science points out its associated with deep thinking.
I think teeth represent the foundation of identity, which stores where you end up in after life at the time of itself forward to decay as time alterations after it.
Since its the stone grounding of yourself, which in turn records your soul, until death do us part and you return at the bones of birth matching yourself, since that was my missing key to what meant you came back and where.
As we all know you can rebuild a face from a skull. That skeleton fits the body of you forward, as it holds the identity of you last breath, its last growth, that decaying enters the quantum data of definition, as prior said paste, and embeds the reformation somewhere in existence, representing you walking away as the decay of body angled in other dimensions, which walk of in other angles.
Its equally likely its why I have cavities and why because I spent so long questioning whether it was heaven and hell, from a head injury, that my tooth extended extremely and almost killed me by piecing my eye and going into my brain.
As I spent too long on that question, until they did a root canal and it fell apart after breaking and decaying as I lost the ability to ask the question for completing it and never needing to ask it again, as I lost the capacity anyways. On my recent x-ray as their is one half of the tooth left, it revealed that the roots decreased in scale from before, as I no longer need possess the capacity to process its question.
Since I ran out of data to process and rendered myself as survival instincts and an incapacity for decision making and self control, as the brain damage I got as a kid that started that tooth damage, was stopped at the root canal, but restarted until it shut completely by my resolution, with the conclusion survival and life not good and evil. So while I am an impulsive automatic doggo deman drone, since I am stuck on a seizure of of compulsion, my adaption from brain damage suffice.
Since I should have died the every time the memory exceeded itself, which has happened approximately 1 wall, 2 omnitruth, 3 hwall, 4 dog, 5 blood, 6 tooth, 7 garbage, 8 mass and 9 protoid. These are the occasions my memory exceeded its storage, on a recent headache I ended up trying to store my memory off brain with a use of protophorms, I have had no headaches since except the acid meth one.
I believe cavities are due to memory expanding spacetime, which causes the tooth to no longer exist in new space. Which explains why modern sciences advancements induce more cavities in people then ever before, since squirrels don't loose teeth from cavities outside. Thus something deeper must be done. Its unclear why dentists get you high when leaving but any drug is typically a sign of brain damage and a need to adapt to something in it.
As when I checked with my modelling of the actural unseen reality using my methods, once I got outside the multiverse, yes outside the multiverse and in the omniverses components of other then worlds, the likeness of the models became explicitly tooth and toothpaste related in likeness in that search specifically of perception related things and I realized later that they reflect literal components of the same likeness in reality.
Although this theory begins when I realized the world I'm perceiving is in my body, what I let go becomes the world, what I consume enters myself, what enters me becomes the world, what I let go is in me. In fact to actually perceive the real physical reality you have to leave the body and all its perception.
Your dreams are you in your other cells fixing your body while asleep, much as here fxes or is for something, but you only gain access awake if you know how to access them by awareness and often in my case when needed such as during my fights with the coronavirus where I go straight to where it is and deal with it myself from another cell angle.
Leaving your spiritual body on a cellship off from all your parralel lives is actually visiting the real world and this is to enter something else to start anew, which requires venturing the entire multiverse of you and setting up a departure from human somewhere in it, astral projection is you in your body but not in this life or awareness of yourself the spiritual.
Much as quantum clouds, reflect actual clouds. Mind and matter translate by identical terms, dream clouds, real clouds and quantum clouds are one.
Now another thing, showers are explicitly brainwashing, which is where the paranoias term originated because the medication given to schitzophrenics is made in the effort to cause them to shower more and to be more functionally normal, but often isn't working perfectly, while the chemical is memetically imbued with its intent, which translates to brainwashing equals showering to a chemical entity translation.
All the voices correlate to desires of the doctors medicating you without them being aware they cause the voices by accident, because they don't translate correctly to actual terms. They mean well but the entity isn't human and doesn't grasp it properly, even if they mean the same as expected by your occupational therapist. However these same issues may be instinctive reactions of yourself, because something is wrong with them in survival.
Infact, the reason you shower is cause it feels good, which I presume is actually useful for being comfortable even to me, because in essence its cleaning bacteria that temper scent which in turn influences thinking as those feelings you feel throughout the day are actually caused by your scent, because if you pay attention that feeling is coming from the same area as your nose.
I noticed this because when I snort meth sometimes, then go for a cigerrete I get an intense anxiety like feeling nothing else compares to, which may equally represent too much stimulants in your body, since the smoke and the meth are both stimulants triggering your brain in the same area. Which I also noted I always felt good in some specific way when my family tells me I stink, always the same feeling.
Because you can't smell yourself straight, for being used to it and enjoying it, however, I noticed I did feel better after a shower, but alas my brain seems to have an unusual tendency to reject certain specific things people do, which when I was younger I was trying to fix, but something told me these things aren't actually healthy although I don't always know why, so for now I'm gonna consider why showering is dangerous, even if it helps you feel clean at all.
I'll presume firstly, that it wipes your chemical sensations of feeling whether these things are intentional or not, which I'm gonna estimate they are not intentionally set up for everyone using them. The reason voiding your sensations of mind is bad is likely because it maladapts you to natural instinctual detection of scents in the area, causes you to require restabilizing your mental state to comfort constantly, especially since it refreshes your brain essentially.
I'm not sure what pressing the refresh button on a computer does but I don't know if its required every day, because the issue is that scent of a natural sort is only disgusting cause your used to perfume, but that scent informs a mate of healthy selectivity, which encourages an adapted species, unlike one that ends up with numerous mutations that debilitate the person born in unjust manners for not being made for life itself but rather other worlds.
Also, I'm concerned about memory, people around me seem to rely on memory to to store information about everything they learn, this seems useful and keeps the business model in perfect order, but alas, the concern I have is that this causes people to recall the information they read too much, likely equally from brushing their teeth calcifying innovation, which restricts adaption so changes your teeth. The issue I have with memory however is especially the internet.
As if you keep recording and remembering the information online in restricted consistent record, while continuing to build up more and more collected data, you will likely potentially develop a headache or a psychosis from exceeding your memory, forcing it to collapse, inducing a mania, which in turn will cause you to reorganize the information into an essentialized unit, but will separate you from the cognition of averages by lack of traceback clarity.
While this is equally how society went from primitives, to pantheon, to monotheism, to alchemical, to renaissance, to Victorian, to modern and then following internet, multiverse scale deviationism by isolated person plus too much arbitrary information in one section isolated from everyone else entirely. On top of that this over usage of information is what causes adaptions in the brain, which causes cavities and things like cancer. However, cancer is a maladaptation of an adaption if its able to exist.
That requires that it effectively can function in life, which cancerous behaviors do not, because they are effectively built off the above adaptions and the habits of consumption we eat and do causing specific anomalies in adaptability expecting need for something that isn't life and rather alien to another order beyond the earthly form. Which one would either have to transfer to, but no infrastructure is made, or pursue a more earthly adaption.
Since certain cancers can be helped with specific types of living arrangement that enable that persons lifestyle and needs to be effectively adapted apart from the earthly plane its no longer adapted for. However cancer in old age is actually likely to be a bodies preset up for the next reality they are transferring to, when they die, because the body is shifting to the requirements of the other reality.
But that reality better be one you want, rather then one you accidentally set up for yourself by not selecting survival here or intentionally adapting based on your own control of idea formation and opinions that direct the flow of mutation by being the brains central chemical emission position, which influences all bodily orientation and transmutation.
Because society works on a seemingly belief and separately skeptical argumentation reality, people tend to be fooled into discomfort for not liking what they get confined into from arguments false. False because each is inherently a chemistry of mind that individually effects the body and forward transmission of the awareness to the chemically matching geometry of formation on death, matching personality and memory.
Which on the memory front, I'm not even sure a human mind can support any value without somehow collapsing into something like severe autism. As severe autism looks explicitly to me like a child that somehow got way to immediately obsessed with some arbitrary thing no one else saw too quickly and built up a highly complex language and perception off angle from ours on its own that's not even visually seeing you like it sees.
Even if you can sometimes get them to talk with machines, but you've never asked what it means if it means anything at all, because even then it wouldn't translate to you, because they saw another concept at a very young age and broke off the status quo very early on, similar to how crazy old ladies on the street do similar for after years of being in isolated other concepts have become so far enlightened in something no one knows, for not listening, that they don't speak of the matter you speak of at all.
They can use it however to do anything they wish. Alas, this is because past the age of science, their is too much information for people to believe easily , as its too broad and complex for them to take in in sense of fully grasping by another individual, unless its explained in lengths such as this. This only worsens with every added page you read in something, where too much r/memes makes you fantastic at only that, rather then anything else at all.
This in turn forms what you consume and become, which regarding memes as strictly cat pictures, while useful for annoying others and laughing is not going to keep you alive if anything arbitrarily selects other information and goes predatorial and unkindly like myself a dog deman, for having selected my own hype specific concoction of my own adaptive construction of information, instinct, body, genetic traits.
As seriously, all these things have long term effects on your generations produced and yourself now.
A long time ago, I saw a weird ass advertisement with a stuffed puppet unicorn trying to shit in a ice-cream cone and failing to do so until it was given a special stool to do so and it vanished. It was said to help you shit naturally as the way we do it these days is what causes hemorroids from strain.
In fact I used a normal stool I had once and while it was a weirder experience, I concluded it was way smoother down the toilet then any other time.
Likely that business never made any money because I bet no one wants it cause the ad made them awkward. Even if they the creators of it are actually right about the fact that the way you shit gives you hemorroids because in the woods you shit by squatting and your not forcing it naturally on the toilet, so it gives you hemorages cause you ait supposed to be forcing it.
That's why homeless women shit on the streets without realizing there crazy cause their fleeing the bathroom that is not a healthy place under its squeaky clean appearance, too clean for being unnatural.
So are children parks, because monkey bars aren't spaced as branches and slides don't exist in natural reality unless your in a running river about to go down a waterfall.
These train body for what isn't natural, which means they aren't for nature and the body grows up in them, so they get used to this stuff, much as videogames are good at training reactions but of your fingers, not your body, weightlifting isn't an animals strength.
Something about the washrooms and entertainment especially is not natural whatsoever, sitting on a chair is probably more natural as is roughly everything else in the house, except what distracts us and what cleans us, but I swear to god something is really wrong with the bathrooms in this society.
In fact I don't even dream of bathrooms much and if I do they aren't anything like these ones at all. In fact I think dreams the future, because they have all the crazy stuff and I feel I figured out why bathrooms aren't in style then, for being something less about survival, which science calls the reason for dreams. Your not supposed to eat anything in the bathroom because it will kill you.
In my recent videogame I was playing, called outer worlds I believe, the halcyon colony there in outerspace has companies and businesses.
Certainly the board there sounds like its not doing a good job on an isolated new colony in outerspace which should be expected to be a very hard thing to adapt to from the home world.
However one of the businesses is hiding its new product and it happens to be diet toothpaste. They also make the claim better then nature and they eat that stuff so I presume they've perfected artificial consumption better then nature itself before leaving for another solar system.
I laughed at that at first because why eat toothpaste so why need diet toothpaste, but maybe they're right about that fact, you shouldn't put what you can't even eat on your body either. In fact the same company uses the same memetic math as I do.
So now rather than helping the outlaws after shooting security for having the outlaws be eaten alive by raptidons, I will shoot the outlaw leader in the face and then get that back and tell the old lady in the inn about it so they also make more then one.
Just cause being fat is like the worse maladaptation of them all, no offense, you just can't run at all.
Cause beauty products still sinks into the skin, no one used to grow that old, but wrinkles might be more then just what all that stuff did as you got older. For a meth addict for over a year, I looked pretty good unclean most days, for what the photo's on the internet sell you about that stuff though.
I bet its cause I take a drop and I use it rather then let it float around in my body higher then I, so it decays into amphetamines, doesn't get me high and then my stool turns rock solid so I'll start using that stool cause meat, cereal, water, milk and meth diet makes for a longer shit waiting time that explains equally the shitty feeling once withdrawing.
As its the shit in your intestine from three weeks ago when I had beats that turned it red this time. Its probably also what overdoses you on its toxins, so I might drink a laxative tea once and a while too.
That should allow me to adapt to my tasty treat.
This has been news reports from doggo deman.
We are the illuminati, its an honor to be brainwashed, the studying order greys and the reptilians, you are in prison planets.
We are the infirmary, its an honor to go shower, the happy sort of gay and the reptile brained, you go in shower curtains.
Its more then what they sound like being unclear, its a chemical that doesn't know what its hearing when its made and telling you to do.
But is what its telling you do something you should?
Cause things I know that get me high, they tell me no, but none the less all these strange things get me high too, so I wonder what I fear might be deeper so. Perhaps they don't know what they claim is so.
I swear my voices got worse when they switched medications, but I also admit that's when I started taking meth, so I guess we'll never know which it is. They used to be so nice, maybe they don't mix well.
Maybe they could change the medication, I know I need it for some reason, but maybe its the meth. Either way, I swear their telling me to shower and how to escape my simulated psychosis reality.
Like they say simulation, they want to take me out of the simulation but I never asked for that, I think they mean psychosis though cause that's got to be it. Its what an outsider would call a simulated reality.
I'm gonna say its an accident, because the reason I think this is because they don't say the right words for it like its not properly explaining it but its uncanny in some way, which is saying likeness in allegory.
Because somehow I'm gonna choose to argue its an accident of translation by what isn't intended to communicate to the brain like that but is by the same intention thats applied to the chemistry as accident.
Just so you know I can turn off my voices, I can shut them off by pressing on the area and removing any force applied to it from inside my brain because I control my brain from its quantum uncertainty and cloud, which originates by my breath that is my thinking, which can come back intot he body if you kill it and turn it back up and running anyways.
Your not supposed to eat anything in the bathroom because it will kill you.
In my recent videogame I was playing, called outer worlds I believe, the halcyon colony there in outer space has companies.
One of the businesses is hiding its new product and it happens to be diet toothpaste.
I laughed at that at first because why eat toothpaste, but maybe they're right about that fact, you shouldn't put what you can't even eat on your body either.
Cause it still sinks into the skin.
Your not supposed to eat anything in the bathroom because it will kill you.
In my recent videogame I was playing, called outer worlds I believe, the halcyon colony there in outer space has companies.
One of the businesses is hiding its new product and it happens to be diet toothpaste.
I laughed at that at first because why eat toothpaste, but maybe they're right about that fact, you shouldn't put what you can't even eat on your body either.
Cause it still sinks into the skin.
Videogames are timetravel, they occur in an order of time setting and they can be useful insights into ages starting around planet colonization all the way to magical fantasy worlds and past to stranger sciences and then mario although we'll say monster hunters was all the way back in the age of dinosaurs.
As I've gotten two of the keys of games lore and why they exist there, in skyrim the first puzzle of them all is two snakes one whale, the key means one snake or another snake means nothing, a whale unlocks the door because its hidden unlike the other two, since the whale is bigger then two snakes in size.
Next I found out halcyons colonies need diet toothpaste and use memetic math like I do, because diet toothpaste isn't gonna make you fat and is better then nature, which is better for survival, compared to their toothpaste and ours, because ours isn't edible like the rest of the bathrooms products and that my friends got to be so bad for you, that your granmother will look better then you when your her age for it.
So no I'm not showering and brushing my teeth, I'm gonna make chems better then nature and inspire aunti cleo and the dwemer of tomorrow. Cause I guarantee the order of time goes colonization, bioshock, final fantasy X, skyrim, witcher, hyrule, xenoblade 1 and 2 and I'm gonna decide to disappear like the dwemer not use magic like jesus said. At least not that kind cause that stuffs brutal.
Ill come back to kill it like the witchers and link though, cause you can't see God in that, you need sacred sciences of xenoblade and after that you get mario and stuff crazier then heck, you know why mario is so advanced? Have you seen their pipes, items and cannons, seriously how do you survive that pipes fall, use no mana for the fireballs and how many fucking cannons fit in that little box?
Monster hunter is actually before all this, its very primitive pre caveman stuff though, from before we forgot it all and the dinosaurs bones were used for tools so ended up being destroyed at some still unrecovered point in the line.
Bioshock goes after space travel, because they have early magic, but aren't as advanced as final fantasy X, which falls from Sin, which starts the fantasy genre from advanced quantum mechanics. Bioshocks third game suggests their are many earths and that makes sense, given its thousands of earths on distinct planets so advanced they have flying cities and underwater ones.
This leads to the flat world beyond space, which final fantasy X stands on, but they are too powerful and sinful because they use magic and science but ignored the sacred and monotheistic side of it, so they fall to eldritch demons, which are different from demons and the eldritch of our age.
Only the dwemer leave that age, they disappear and sense the witchers later, then the dwemmers return as the hylians after that age to restore a sacred order.
Which personally I'm gonna avoid the mess up for myself with that and implement the sacred into my science and magic averence before that, so will regrettably be a necrocleric for this adventure as a saiterge emaphet. Cause I'll take the christians advice for the next thousand years, long before I go with what a second roman empire repeats thrice.
Fluffy wuffle sketchy swagger omnitravelling videogame forplaying pengate writefinisher out.
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