The sphere above, is divided into the sky, curvature and earth that in essence are what we know it as. When we look at the horizon, above and below it we see the distance of it as something distinct. That springs from the knowledge of it, that in difference of opinion views earth round or flat or on my cosmology as a ring instead of either. This may seem as something unusual or falsifiable to some, but depending on which one is false, one finds reasons for why which one is true.
Thus these concepts reveal the idea that follows from here, as the ideas that we observe after now.
- Wall dimensions
- Space curvature
- Corebital attraction
- Observation hypothesis
Previously we described the idea of scales of observation and depth of expanse that one explores as the cosmological view of a world as simply what in that world is studied as the nature of that reality. However these scales of cosmology are often viewed as the world itself, which with the concept of the following basic key components describe what is found in a world in that cosmology.
The perceived in the reality describes the corebit that represents the orbiting focus of bodies and places of reality that effect the experiences encounter over the difference of another. In the use of one world, we encounter the same seeming scenery differently because we focus on it in another way. So in the same place of seeming surface identical, is in the difference of opinion as a different version of that scenery, since what is actually noticed in each world varies from one to the other. The result is an observed sense of features that better display the world known or instead of the other one.
This is how we describe the wall dimensions which represent the extents of scale that define what is found in a world. As the things that are different by the difference of what a specific world notices due to practice about any everyday likeness are places of encounter narrowed to encounter. That in agreement sounds same due to what two worlds can see.
Yet means and focused it in distinct ways and positions of life that saw the same reality from worlds of other angles and curves, didn't encounter over time, nor in moment see what another compared. The result is an experience of what sounds identical in two people, but is actually a wholly parallel view, since neither persons knowledge and observations daily led to encounter or needed view identical.
As with the scales of the wall, the scales of scale that differentiate what is spotted in the day or night, apart from another place are shown below, as the four aspects of experience that distinguish encounter.
Depending on which of these, how much, how often and when you access these concepts of noted experiences, with the focus of self regarding a cosmology and knowledge base distinct, causes what in thought alone seems to you as a typical day with worldly events of expected encounter to be universal, are actually limited to what in that typical is actually registered by another reality as other concepts.
So in the essential focus on the knowledge as the laws of a reality, with the continued knowing of it instead of another, plus the time spent living in that mindset, one is more likely to encounter, feel and recognize that world over another in the infinite that can be encountered.
So because ones pattern recognition is based of psychology and ones knowledge forms the self as identity, the view one ends up finding in features of reality depends on what everyday they do or what here we alter to experience. We alter the experience of perceived distinct parts of scenery and expected encounter by firstly knowing the world or having an idea and looking for the likeness or discovering likeness that resembles the same. This in turn changes where we look and what overtime we find in it.
As such below are three cosmologies, including a larger detail on the one first introduced as the wall sky, that in the difference of summarized beliefs below them, describes what one focused on instead of the other as topics and belief. Each has a way to travel worlds, that meets in the ways they are, as the manner they use to venture off reality, by using what in each cosmology I defined approaches it unlike.
Then after shows a corebit pattern as a visual appearance, which when recalled or referenced, helps note similar features around you that narrow what is seen to that reality. As in that simple affirmation of a likeness about life, one finds a subtle excess of features in that direction over the features of the other that is missed, so one ends up with the way of life, in other parts of reality.
This in turn lets one encounter in time and sought gaze parts of life another misses from other either. Although it may in this moment merely seem that it's just encounter in same world that changes.
Thus below are three worlds, that each describe a different cosmology, which in life there see's other. These three worlds are viewed in the lens of science and the spiritual knowledge or beyond, but also aspects of my own magic and averence intertwined to enable slight variations of concept that are less cliche. This simply because it makes the examples fresh and also more easily ventured in certain areas.
The flat earth world carried on the back of a turtle belongs to the modern spiritual religious and occult concepts of magic and the astral and celestial reality inside the dome in the infinite sea of a flat biosphere. In this reality they practice the occult, the spiritual, ritual and energy manipulation.
They focus on the changes of world by manifest of will and things like technology are magic not science, for being related to the manifest of our wills. People here travel not outer space or walk worlds, but use the astral and meditation to arrive elsewhere in focus ponder and arrival by chance.
They face on this reality the battle of good and evil, while curious of and fearing the mythical beasts and the unusually specific but confirmed ufo sightings, for no known reason of relation though insidious. They call the aliens whomever demons deceiving the people with a secret plot or angels.
Their is no outer space here, just a dome and no other world to fly to, just the astral to other worlds and spiritual enlightenment with the study of celestial bodies. As Orbiting outside the dome as cause. The people here live more in night or rituals, indoors reading and collecting nature in woods outside.
In the focus of the four elements, the tools of wood and use of stone, with luster of sheen and reflection and starry luminous with plants of mounts and magic sigils, seeing moon, stars and extraterrestrials, we in the sought patterns of these things encounter the basic view of Fana as what herein is its basic form. The elements observed in presence provide the keys to objects that control those forces for end in will.
Since in seeking this set of patterns and likeness of experience, with the cosmology of the prior description, we encounter these natures more then other and begin to see that worlds encounter.
This in turn, if walking within, when taken into account and with our knowledge of that place we then can seek, find and encounter the worlds specific discoveries or pursued acquired definitions.
That around us in that world form in the observed above and the encounter after that led to it's regard. This taught us to see the things in that world that usually were nothing noted at all.
Rael is atheistic, believes only in science, outer space of vast expanse of planets in galaxies far away. It has a concept of science and averence, that enable the world to produce technology for matter and technology for outwards, spatial or temporal travel. Since it uses averence subcomps to help it travel.
On Rael people play video games and read stories, no longer think of religion for what was the past that now is modern and acts in betterment in those values old progressed but also more often focused in ranges of science and consumerism when focused on desires, business, production and ends met.
It hopes to travel outer space, but in current present, uses randonauts as a method of locating synchronicity allows a searched random point of position on a map, to find at the location a linked presence that relates to the mentally set intent prior, often for interesting warps of conditions met.
This while usually used for more exploratory adventure, surprise and discovery of the area, can also be used with Averence submachines and subcomps, to build reference gate warps of nature, that in those reality entered, have other physical traits in the tools, located in rare position by randonauts.
The encountered patterns of metallic boxes, suburb and city of arrangement, lampposts of interconnected wiring, patterns of details between in averence of meanings displayed in interaction. Nearby shared traits work in unison for separated coexistence, antenna rooting of service, spaceship like encounter on side road walks, puddles and litter take with edges of dark grass and bases of nature.
Forms abstract interactions as technology of normal day merged with subcomp applications as a more futuristic unlike in able power of referential serviced improvements often, in measurement used equally. These when viewed as patterns of the reality are what studied grow the encounter with what in it is found and repeated in distances of noted variety that shift you to another order.
Drem lives instead of magic and science in the scalien alchemy of the in between, that isn't one or the other but rather pareidolia of the situation focused on the dream of its placement, encounter and events. They organize by hap-hazard starts and finishes that are their end, while wandering in it free.
In this interaction of what outwards seems as artistic creative work on whichever thought or personal ends they seek now, is tried and reached or wandered to the ends of another moment. They see themselves in exchanges of people, that act more in artistic madness then in reason or spirit.
Since they practice an alchemy of magical and science like interblends of encountered oddity, that in what each do every day, led to strange events, things and happenings. That when in group need, are met then as what needs to be met or alone in where they aren't all present. This effects the now of it.
In fact, they don't seek outer space or astral, in sense of what Fana and Rael do, they seek dream as the likeness of what is in sleep in wake . By seek in the distance of the crossing doing and encounter that between and after, led to the formation of what as either was found in ring world of loops.
Shapes, tunnels, exclamation and questions are found in the gaze of walking, while nature and buildings are seen dreamlike on a path of hills and shifting. The light is dark and the buildings are not like before, the pyramids are spotted in the whereabouts and the sky is seen for an indigo and dark. The sun is shining but the shadows are present and the shapes are as the sights, bringing about themes of dream.
Looking for these things in the everyday scenery, will bring about the noticed likeness in it, which in focus reveals the encounter by showing what in that present is in the repeating patterns of these noticed.
Because the encounter when world walking has been discussed without more then this in manners of world shifting, the capacity to travel worlds can be further gained from other cosmologies. So while above I found in the walk things that seemed to stick out in focus on those reality is done with waywa, as the walk through worlds that is done with pareidolia and mendala noticed distinctions, the following two additional capacities enable from Fana and Real added manners of world travel.
This provides an example of scalien cosmologies of world form created by studying a scale that was made and used for an end that another world couldn't achieve from difference. Yet used together for added power, here for world travel, but elsewhere for many other things. The worlds of a scale can vary like the descriptions above that do other reality of experience.
So the worlds capacity for Memory Returns and Cyclical Modifications are ways to further use waywalking in Drem, but with parts of Fana and Rael used with it, or apart for other ends. These are the sky and earth beyond the curvature that add to the experience of walking the paths in search of new or old links resembling the world within as the horizon of the model and the curvature.
Next we add the Sky and Earth, which enable the recalled and forgotten to be exchanged with intents of manifest within both what we see in the sky and what we intended in the wall sky and the return and reuse of a place familiar, that in use in context of a reality brings about a similar encounter but different purpose that in world is as something or another. These are uncertain discovery and recognized utility.
They can be used with the patterns of the Horizon as the sought same likeness to sort and use Sky and Earth as methods of deeper utility with the world viewed in others then typical.
Going on a walk in an area with the intent of magical encounter with an object can be done, since the intent is a shift of reality that causes firstly the chance and secondly the observational insight that brings about the encounter in what is set and then acquired. One can do this with the help of tools or simply an idea of what they want and where. The received result depends on the encounter that happens to form and in this case because it is magical one finds a novel detail, not a familiar one.
As the above object was encountered in the familiar but noticed as entirely novel about the situation by coincidental pursuit of a magical object somewhere and the tools of use I used for the event. Magic of fana or other forms events by chance coincidental synchronicity that forms after the cast of intent, which forms as an activity or conscious meant causation. This in basic can simply be sought with direction, but in cases of magics more effective area of events that occur, with the help of rituals.
However, beyond the idea that setting the intent for something in continued affirmation and depth of thought after, the magic is discussed later. Here we simply use the intent of magic, to encounter the meaning it stated and the result it forms as the sought in thinking result of a meditation. We simply conceive of the shift as the change, then meditate on its encounter of where or what. This in help with the synchronicity of intent and meditation, provides the result by locating the source of result.
In my case I wandered to the park, used this tool, built by coincidental finds of matter littering the floor built together into a tool for remote viewing unknown features forward that can be discovered at arrival.
This to find a window then a shape then instantly saw the surface of this memorial's back and formed the link of dark mirrors for scrying and the distinction of it being quite large and in area to form a shadow world mirror allowing glances into the ghostence. Simply by coincidence of the encounter as it manifested in front of me with the potentials of insight. Magic works by being the chance, the cast and the attention that brings about the encountered manifest.
In magic of world shifting for parallel reality, one does this to change the meaning of the situations.
This is why we use the sky outside us as a surface of day or night that tells the guiding meanings, for interaction with out own mind, to bring about guiding insights on a journey or as we pursue the intent. This allows us to form a magical encounter in knowledge or matter to form a result of our intent. The sky in this forms an interface with the probable to acquire a specific result from the keys given there. It functions as a source of driving navigation to the place of chances that carries in some way the intent.
As I simply saw the sky cloud above the mirror after and before the mirror, that led to my encounter with the mirror. This gave the insight that led to the final arisal of my intent as a new feature unnoticed.
The sky and the magic enables the luck of a chance encounter as a probability like the sky. This is useful but also lacking in the inverse direction. Since the Horizon of the walk itself allows the noticed features in passing to form the experience and the sky the guide to unnoticed features of intent. The earth enables the solid and repeating typical to be encountered for needs, but reviewed in another lens to form a new tool from normal, instead of from the diversity of what you haven't seen.
I knew about this door on the water tower from walking by it before but forgot its exact features, so I went to what I already knew about the world I knew and reviewed the typical of that place I liked to something related to my intent or my world explored. This allows you to find what you know is there in a lens of the other or as needed to suddenly end up with a reason to go there and also a thing to do. This water tower gives me access to time paradoxes in the area as temporal past, present and futures of setting in related modelling of the same and different encountered to construct timelines. Although that is more complex. It does it with the water towers on the door of the water tower faintly seen.
So the normal I knew suddenly becomes another world by only what I reviewed in its cycle of typical so it became related to another world not typical but compatible with first forms seen.
This in simple is the earth of constants that in reuse in new ways brings about distinction of other places, this in turn allows the traveler to find what was before their world suddenly alike another.
Using these three aspects together as the encountered any in relation, the intended magical discovered and the reviewed and cyclical typical to unusual shifts enables the traveler the sky, horizon and earth of travel. These as the method of direct travel regarding outside waywalks of encounter in scalien difference is the basics for shifting the worlds scenery to another that isn't your base home world.
As the above shows a observation as hypothesis of world that collapses the way of travel to a distinction for itself that much as the astral and outer space, is an expanse of planes to explore. Instead of that worlds manner is similar, but hidden in the world you think you know,. Which isn't actually known very well in investigation of review, definition and encounter outside the expected and often found by expectation.
It shows also in the sense of being an expanse what other reality may have as their own, but only in the familiar range of typical on the internet for the subject itself being a tool for scalien travel, not a scale specific in itself. The review of what is known, reveals another hidden aspect in the scale for things another scale doesn't do and this in all three shows that a familiar technology can be shifted to another. This allows technology to take on parallel worlds of unlike reality as time space warps to other laws.
That concludes the additional features, but leaves Rael and Fana to their discussions afterwards.
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