Averence is the higher aspects of what brought about the previous chancart post on mass meme attraction, since then the idea of mass being equal to the value of meaning. So useful as a source of itself mass or meme inversely the meaning or the mass can bring about the other in force of gravitational attraction, now viewed as being the arisal of proto-matter quality in the scenery as lesser material scaffolds of the motion.
Once called photoforms, the luminous visual forms seen in the unfocused of eye as manipulable visuals of subtle visibility became seen as proto-matter to the natural material world that continuously layers on top of the past as the expansion of the universe so scale time of the reality changing. The idea is that when one cuts a material the proto-matter is exchanged equally with the loss in matter for another type.
The visuals so became tiny values of what in meaning, was altered in some larger whole of matter, that is directly perceived as a translucent lesser layer parts in space. That gather by mass meme attraction to the far more complex collection of many parts, as matter seen in space containing enormous meaning mass values of complexity built from that attraction layering multitudes together. These are exchanged at points of interaction like cutting a peice of paper where the parts are exchanged for another.
Since cut paper looses its squareness for what it gains from less scale but a curved edge cut apart. The squareness of the paper is lost for the other two pieces exchanged by equivalent inversion, interacting with the scissors by improved operational manipulation of the mass meme cut, so it does so in that manner of meaning effective as the operator mass meme for the mass memes exchanged by its effect.
So was also applied to motion and to material as similar meaning description of itself, so what was once a theory of magical synchronicity by displayed symbolism material, became a theory of meaning, mass, motion and matter that describes an equality between the meaning and those other features of reality.
Which suggested the mass meme of attractions can be added as additional proto-matter to an object, by simply willing such and adding the direct language as a proto-matter visual layer extra, to alter small scale changes of an object smaller then the mass meme of a tool, but still consequential in property.
Essentially, visually controlling photoforms of certain meanings with the will, adding them to the object perceived in intent to do so, modifies the object by one part addition of exchange less the whole to matter itself. It modifies one of a larger number of that part and adds while subtracting to the object. The matter and the lesser proto-material scaffolding are the same, one is merely far more dense in number, so adding one photoform of a part type changes one tiny fraction of the whole of an object.
This led to the capacity to build tools that manipulate the mass meme of itself or other within the motion of itself and the material it is as meaning and mass of attraction, but also became alchemically transmutable with the proto-matter photoforms as a tiny boost of alteration and mass meme mechanisms inside an object used as a medial higher value less then whole but larger then proto-matter.
The knowledge of what something means in application with what follows allows a multi-scale manipulation tool for matter and situations, using scales from a small to larger that alters together multi-scale aspects of an object or situation. So can change about another but also what can change it as well as other values of mass meaning so allows a mass and gravity based technology of parts as semi-magic.
The meaning of a word equals the mass of an actual feature of the real less the whole material, so it changes matter by the tool and modifies the chance coincidental synchronicity of its use, as these opposites are used while viewed as the same in nature and so dual able to have consequence simultaneously.
Since one, synchronicity is lesser matter amounts minimal and the other is actual matter as whole condensed lesser matter mass maximums, versus that synchronicity minimal alterations of the same matter, so one modifies the chance motion tiny as the finer less predictable details and the other the motion absolute use of meaning above it as what is actually controlled and predicted.
Similar to how hitting a hammer on a stone will best break it when hitting the right spot and luck decides if two or three hits solves it since the tiny lesser values of meaning are not known prescisely.
Yet here one can encourage but also add more of those spots of weakness in the object on contact as extra lesser proto-matter as the photoforms arising in it, as features exchanged on contact or imbued similar to magic but treated physical.
So by attracting them to the matter as it contacts by lesser transmute of smaller minimal matter additions forms arising synchronicity perceived as tiny changes in the larger immense whole. These changes when adding literal size to wood by will alone as merely the intent can be perceived on observation, but are very small and so only a tiny modification of probability that have chance consequence.
Note however that the scale of this part modification is tinier then the atom in the quantum scale and so only effects a probability and is why its often more commonly encountered in the occult as synchronicity, but when applied physically instead of causally explains how a synchronicity is possible by the ritual having embedded the meaning mass of the physical property in the scenery of yourself so draws it in. Doing the same with material properties does equal but attracts properties of change.
As such when applied with the same meaning mass change of macroscopic motion and material allows a tool for modifying the situation as a typical science like device, that also has tiny fractional effects. This in itself is actually assumed responsible for electricity which is tiny fractional effect and so if progressed past the current level here, the described photoform proto-matter becomes electrical like in consequence by being the same value approached from a universal synthesis with gravity.
However it requires this position of progress that follows as a basis to then be better understood. So is a progression of the chancart post previous that now has a method on the verge of that in minimal usage.
Although since previous posts the photoforms have also gained a visual submachine interface capacity, which as shown in the submachine post allows a visual display to be charged with proto-matter, as a modifier of visual as either focused notations, subtle luminous highlight or forms as a real display of information coded by meaning mass symbolism and intent knowledge of the surface.
Thus it already approaches an equivalency with computers but less vivid in change of computations, beyond the previous pattern only calculation interfaces now used as part of larger possibility.
The progression follows with example focused utility in four ranges of class utility and four schools of transmutation as manners of alteration simply to specify its research but with additional possible. Specified to limit the focus of a range and so improve a range from the basic unification that allows many more uses then the solitary focus that allows a focus to improve past a basic level of possibility.
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