Ghost post that is unfinished.

This is the Table of Chems, it will be our guide to creating a concept that has not been known, for the world explored herein. Firstly we shall take the one in the bottom left corner, with the ravenfly above it. This we shall take to the moon of squares and the sciences as this will suit our oddity today.

  • Geodes
  • Ravenfly
  • Squaremoon
  • Science
These will be these seeds for our base, that will begin the path to the world, of its brethren, indeed. It shall be quite unusual to the folk of the earth, for it is of things not of the earth and of the earth. Let us explain the concepts of these things individually and define the concepts as found by ourselves.

While I mentioned printing the cubes basic shape, the colors can be added off screen for ease. The shape of the cubes can be useful to have printed because of swifter time in practice making them.

This is what defines the experience of the scientific like world using the natures we created, it allows us to build special cubes that contain the physicality of reality. These in turn allow an explored possibility of interaction for building a world specific to these concepts in their arrangements. As such we can study the cubes effects and can then build inventions with them that cause or do things.

Below are cubes I made for use in the squaremoons that build up our experienced technos, for building. It enables us to gain experiences from this world, since the world works this way.

So let us discover something, from the world called Squaremoon.14D and gain its concepts farther.

These are the completed Squaremoon.14D cubes of projection lamp types. While these are one set that are far more diverse in actuality. Since the cubes can have many forms, this set enables a basic amount for exploration. The cubes have been interpreted this occasion and we received ideas for physicality that can be reviewed later within the same shape or reused from that shape.

The physicality we have found is listed below, which shows merely manners of building things.

These are special types of knowledge and practice that the world has, they enable different roles of practice which the world studies and each serves roles for the inventions and way of life there. Further the world uses the ghostence with the projection lamps to build their reality, so these are more complex by use of another practice, explained after we explain Ghostcell math for depth.

Since it is an important part of the worlds understanding we discovered with the cubes.

The manner we use ghostcell math is drawing cells as circles with patterns inside them, then linking them and interpreting their meaning. This gives you insight on the space that is herein, in the use of the math. So it gives you meaning about the situation by ghostence link in the after of it.

It lets you know something by coincidence of the situation as a nature that arises in the math.

This can be used as spheres collected and placed in clear boxes, to be used for buildings.

The world of Squaremoon.14D uses the ghostence as a way to embue their technology with ghost powers that are unique. This is done with the practice of building them and one does this in a special way since one simply builds a ghostbit by finding either a holo, glow, lite or shade in the area and combine it with a likewise object to form an appearence. The four things one uses are defined below:

  • Holo: A projection of lights shape seen on a surface from a reflection or window.
  • Glow: A luminous energetic shape seen within the air while focusing on the air.
  • Lite: A highlight of an object shape seen on a surface from a light source nearby.
  • Shade: The shape of a shadow on a surface that resembles a certain form repeated.
These are interpreted as a form that means something, then one fits it to the same shape of something nearby, depending on which is used it has a different type of ghost fauna assigned. They are respectively below in same order as their shadelight above:

  • Plasm: Benevolent ghost fauna of kind nature with noble values of ghost energy.
  • Spook: Trickster ghost fauna of mystery nature with unusual values of ghost energy.
  • Haunt: Historical ghost fauna of temporal nature with time orient of ghost energy.
  • Creep: Malevolent ghost fauna of scary nature with ill values of ghost energy.
These when combined with a similar object causes a form as the combined meaning interpreted of the shadelight one had used and the object form one had assigned it too. This gives you a ghostence form, which has a meaning to it one deciphers and can use to act on the ghostence or put as an appearance into an object to add that effect to the object on builds with projectors.

The ghostence is the superhighway of the trace living, inanimate and dead in the universe unseen.
All things leave trace energy in their departure, this energy has an effect on the place parted. The creeps can be benign but fear the malign creeps for they are cause for the distress and must be made pure with the sanctity yet shown.

Below is an example of each ghost fauna type and resulting forms created for use in inventions.

In same order as the natures of each, the forms found tell truth from traces left behind.

This we can use with some of the things we found in the physics we modeled with the cubes, so we shall build the last as I had a peice for it on a walk today. This is a tool for building a projection of the ghostence on a peice of paper, it opens up a doorway of viewing to another space and is simple to make. One needs an open cylinder one has acquired, a light that fits inside it like your phones flashlight, a clear plastic bag and a peice of paper placed over the cylinder with light under and plastic bag inside it. 

We can use this with the forms, to see into the variants of energy on a paper and know more about the ghost traces involved in the space of in between and departed of the Not. 

We won't be doing that, but one merely interprets what they see, for their is many things out there.
So I was exploring the ghostence and then I used randonauts to find this location where I heard this noise repeating. Listen on full speaker, one of the lights also has a face. from r/Randonautica
The next thing we shall do is look into more physics of the cubes, to ascertain yet another invention that we can use, then we will use the squaremoon interactions to build a third and discover the link between the projectors and the ghostence. After we shall finish with some time and space linked to the things we learn from the projectors and ghostence, for I have grown bored and head elsewhere.

These are the physics we have found, the ones we shall discuss in more detail is the battery in short and the Ghostcell building in some detail. The battery is a box with a clear side that recharges with light and can be used for power in effects of energy used throughout the world. It allows effects of shadelight capacity, by enabling special encounters with those effects listed prior.

The Ghostcell building is built usually in space with ghostcell math orbs, as a stacked building based off the math's nature used, recorded and made into Ghostcell captures. These are then used periodically to build buildings by stacking the captures in different ways to plan the building with each capture as a room.

However, we can't build a building ourselves as one person and I don't feel like wasting plastic for the captures, so we will just base it off the ghostcell math I did. By lack of real space for a building, we will use an artificial building composed of drawings and interfaces for the same role.

This is how we will come to know what a Ghostcell building does, but each unique by math used varies considerably. They have ghostly effects and can contain use of ghostence fauna and forms in them. So we can come to know more about the ghost powers of the people of Squaremoon.14D.

The building we got is one where we enter and descend into an orange room with many mirrors reflecting off each other in weird angles, leading into a room with a wellwall as a reflective pool spinning on the wall that contains the view of happenings.

This last room is made by recording a whirlpool several times and placing it on a screen with a purple hue so it shifts to varied spinning as time goes on. This wellwall allows us to see the happenings of the ghostence and so know the haunting of the day.

We are effected by haunting in time, which effect the way of the day and what will happen, these act as ambiance that effect the daily cycle by leftover from previous days. The whirlpool in hypnotic stare opens up the idea of a happening as a vision inside us that shows the coming day.

One could build this device in other ways, or one can stare into the bathtub drain on all fours while in the bathtub in early dawn or dusk with only window light, as it drains after a bath. This is because a bathtub draining makes a whirlpool and this is also creepy to do, which is perfect for the rather creepy world of Squaremoon.14D.

The people of this world aren't evil, merely haunting and interested in the spooky haunting of life. They live in small one room houses with a bathtub that is also their bed, the sink is their dinner table. They watch television as one of the windows and it often plays static or haunting music, the record player plays softly from a vent and they meet outside to explore the larger buildings during the dimly lit day.

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