Post being updated live as its being written.
Previously I have had some success at making more advanced topics with additional insight and modelling into effects by things like my submachine chance pattern simulation coding post and some others which provide moderate advanced stuff to use for things.
But because these allow improved ways to do things in more advanced ways, I chose to study and focuse in deformation first and in priority, because if they continued to progress the depth of effects in ranges other then deformation the world would become generally more advanced because others would be inspired to progress their concepts to researched depth and complexity diverse. This that would go in all sorts of directions, of which many diverse concepts would arise in the world and their would be issues with people not liking the encounters and experience if they did not want something other then modernity, such as a world with a future.
Thus if I could progress the deformation concept they could help provide an escape from the world that was observed as having a future and could be driven into other ranges without interfering with other worlds more effectively, such that anyone could be able to drift out of the observations they did not want in their presence, such that their wouldn't have to be a conflict with all the differing worlds, that aren't compatible with another person. While allowing return through it and other capacities.
Although this would require a way to deform the world so that it can be left or entered in sense of observations so that they do not collide with each other unless observed. Since this would allow people that got lost in the drift of all observations a way to get out of that observation in sense of providing a way to reemerge in another state, by manipulating mendala shifts and deformation, in sense of reach, rather then observations that cause change or effecting in one reality. The superposition of all things represents the observations we see as a space that occupies many positions at once.
Thus this allows you to collapse the uncertainty of that superposition so it ends up being observed differently, in sense of physical parts. So it can help with exiting the observation of some reality.
Such that this effect allows you to exit the observation here to the other position that contains the desired reality, since if one had approached this from the sense of one reality that you were changing, you would be prisoner to the changes that can occur in that world with your effect and with others effect, while shifting to another position instead lets you leave the position without changing another persons position but fitting in with the position observed by how its been reached to resemble desired nature.
Since one collides as chemistry with another in the same reality and the other moves to the position in all reality that contains ones position observed. The conflict with the reach method is that it requires that you depart from the observation of position collapsed to another, leaving the frame state of the reality you are presently in, which when departed acts like another position you can return to in state distinct that fits that defined part which means you end up in the other position of infinity and can easily return so long as desired and defined and then observed without anything changing since before leaving. When shifting however you typically return to your default position so long as accustom to it more then the other, so you stay in this reality as long as you observe it and recall it more by typicality.
However, to allow this effect one requires models of deformation reach shift defined that allow the effect desired, which in sense of encounter, our previous simulation space helps provide a causality variation in sense of observation by providing a way to end up using the other experience, but where it fails is essentially creating the encounter with the other rest of experience that is the literal other that's always there and what about it can be changed so it becomes another there, by changing observation of the encounter, such that one ends up observing the encounter differently.
However, some may ask whether this effect is actually hallucinating and the answer is that in sense of mendala reach observation of position, nothing is actually perceptual and associated with perceiving in sense of qualia, the change of the qualia by functions of perception such as what constructs the perception beyond the observation, that must be reconstructed as a set of hallucinations inside the mind, which overlay on top of the reality where they are created and blind yourself from actual reality.
Since instead the mendala reach observation of position works by seeking in physical position of observation in sense of actual point in all possibility a position of desired observation, which must be found by navigating what is recalled as a detail of focus of the eye and navigation, while recalling the point of observation the same and noticing the pattern of observation different, situated with the surroundings that you relocate from in observation of connection to, to connect with another position.
Since the observation is not actually associated with how you observe things in your mind, but rather the observation is considered in sense of what it can detect beyond the mind, in sense of both navigating space as the collapse of observation and observing something outside the actual observation that is situated beyond the mind, but which the mind as an observation situates yourself in, without observing the one you were once in.
Thus the observation you find outside your mind, is not constructed in the mind, but rather their is not a construction of the qualia, rather you must actually try to find the position while looking out at the world and using the mendala of observation to reorient inside it.
In fact when doing so you will notice it doesn't behave as though you shape the geometry of perception in your mind. Such as by using your mind to rearrange your brain, such that its somewhat like shaping the matter you usually see with your hands, but in sense of mind which must be done with what's in front of you, but doesn't escape the reality of what's beyond the mind, by being in the mind so body is still connected to the physical reality outside the mind.
Instead, when trying to deform objects while observing the superpositions of possible objects as we shall learn following this, when you deform the matter, the matter only changes when you look at another position which can be directly in front of you or somewhere nearby, meaning you have to actually look around for the position in front of you while using your intent to attract yourself to it, in sense of using your pattern recognition to find the other position in the arising ranges outside your mind that you notice are more like the position you want to see and less like the old one.
Thus the appearance of managing to succeed at this is not like a hallucination, where the misshaping of your brain ends up looking different without moving your eyes and acts like a complicated mechanism you build in your mind as a body in their to rearrange the perception, instead you end up often seeing only a position closer to the desired pattern, meaning just by looking around you see pattern end up more like your desired observation which continuing slowly draws you closer to the desired one.
So you just look around and try to better see the pattern from another angle of direct observation, then as you get better at seeing it from certain angles you get better at seeing it from all of them and when you've observed it completely its in front of you and your position has changed in sense of physical encounter such that you now observe that position. Thus arrive there in sense of observing the same way you can observe that you will succeed at finding a cube on the streets to pick up and take home, by actively looking for one until you find it, except you do so in the infinity of where you are starting at.
But does that mean others see me differently when I'm at that other position, the answer is that the other person see's what they actually expect and pursue in sense of observation, because you observe the pattern that you were either told or believe and always believe by what you actually think about it, that creates and decides your position in all things, thus your position in all things is based off how you defined it because its always expected to contain what you defined it as, if you didn't know they were in sense of what you think life is, you would have absolutely no idea about it or where it even was.
Because in sense of how you always saw the whole of infinity, infinity only contained everything before you noticed something else, so other people observing you while in that position, either see what they expect about the situation in all positions as their own observation, which as any possible position might observe your walk down the street to be normal.
So long as they view it from that frame of observation they only see what is noticed, as you walk down that street seeing it differently they cant recognize so notice details about what's always there that are different and navigate away to another position that when seen from the other position is always what they expect, see or notice, thus their are conditions of position, where another person observing can see what your doing while looking or not, in sense of their own expectation, either what they or you see.
But that depends on if they actively pay attention to all you see and not what they see, so while I can't presume the exact difference they would notice from what the other person always sees and I don't have a complete understanding of what I can see inside the other observation, the presumption is that they would see you interact with an object as they see you interacting with that object that might share interaction with the other observation in sense of distinctions that are also based on assumption, which what they rarely assume about a situation will not be as immediately noticeable, while what is will be.
So they have to be directed directly to all the positions and so they might never actually notice anything unless they are looking at those features and some are farther away from them, but those positions that you see are closer to you and what you see that they must be directed to, but also how they end up being filtered in expectations themselves, by what they notice and assume about it too.
So while their are areas of condition where the two can be unequal such that they don't see your seen and cases where they see your seen because they noticed it differently, these also depend on if you expect them to notice it and also if they do, which depends on the position you've reached that extend with encounter in sense of effects that have yet been thought of regarding switching which person is with you in that condition. But you can find people if you observe they exist that can see it.
So this lets you navigate to the position in the infinite that are there, by observing that something exists and then expecting and pursuing the observation that it will occur as well as seeking out the point that is more like the position you intend to find and forgetting the other position.
So you have to find the other position and get closer by defining what's missing in the observation and adding it to the observation, in sense of trying to find another experience such as being happy, you have to continue to look for the places in all things that make you happy and forget the places that don't, this is mostly normal, same works for finding an observation of something else like the scenery immediately in front of you.
You must simply keep looking around to see it from another observation of perspective and mendala that becomes as another position then the one you were in, if you proceed significantly into the other observation then the context of another's observation of you effecting the matter, no longer fits inside their expectations of typical reality, so they no longer see you in positions that can't exist to them and only see another of infinities possible positions in its place which can deviate off the exit from the position expected in any way that they expected, but another position of them in the other position can then see the observation because they are part of the new observations position, which if anything is changed in sense of physicality that only follows the other observation, its accepted as observed.
But it is tricky because you have to actually enter the complete observation of what you defined by actually achieving the total observation that shifts the position from the usual observation to another one that contains the other positions, which in some cases are far closer to yourself then others, such as having bought a new house, by buying a new house and having the money to acquire it from selling your house and savings you had.
But if you desire to change the appearance of something without actually pursuing the first level of deformation in sense of observing the steps to the result in sense of basic physicality and cause similar to the simulation concept previous, such that it is rather observing something different through the repositioning by observation itself, not observing positions between in sense of more subconscious activity you usually do, but rather consciously observing into new ranges without necessarily moving your body, you need to do the same thing, but with more tools of observational mendala reach that are discussed below. Since these tools let you move beyond the navigation of your usual positions, to positions that are outside your range of noticed in the immediate now within just observing it differently.
Although presently the topic is still moderately advanced, must be modelled and allows some stuff.
But we shall learn what I know of it presently, in sense of deforming beyond action and parts you know exist or find with expectation more solutions come and instead, how to deform and observe by mendala observation, the immediate something, so that it begins to look like something else, which in present time of writing, my success with it is limited to tests without modelling, so this occasion is to explain what I know and better model an effect with it, to see how it improves for me and also how to do what I know thus far.
Which presently I have only observed it change with some difficulty at getting it to change and keeping it visible, but in small smaller then large success ways I have managed to successfully observe my basement bedroom window at another size I can switch between and adding a shadow or changing a shadow somewhere so that its visible or invisible at all times. These two examples provide me with enough belief in the capacity and knowledge to visualize an improved model below, that should in sense of provision for the reader allow roughly the same success as me in the above two examples.
But may require some practice in sense of how to actually achieve that level with knowledge of the present instructions that begin now. After I return.
Observational mendala reach repositioning of quantum observation superpositions.
This is essentially what you must do to allow this effect in sense of one part change scale of shift into another position of observation, when one observes a change of observation they move one part away from the present observations position, which is of a value of distance in a direction of association of meaning sought observation.
Which means when you look for something in observation around you, you observe one part difference every time you notice some features in the peripheral, that resembles the pattern recognized in peripheral, but peripheral is less recalled then the point of observation, so is a hyperspace of possible recognition's inside what isn't as stable as you think it is from usual recollection, because the mendala effect works by what is remembered, forgotten and discovered in recognition.
So when you try to recognize something else in your peripheral at any scale distance from the point of observation, you are noticing in your peripheral something other then what is there at the moment but that peripheral has numerous observations of other possible patterns then the one you see there normally, so if you try to recognize something in your peripheral other then whats there, such as the figure of a person in sense of just standing there, you will notice an actual person there in the peripheral as something vague and not fully visible that distinguishes as a person.
If you look at that position you then see a more visible position that while hardly looking like the position you saw in your peripheral it will resemble what is usually there, except in that position their is also a vague association with what you were looking for in your peripheral, but not very noticeable.
This can be done at any distance from your point of observation, which your whole peripheral can contain other noticed patterns inside it, only when observed, that can then be looked at in front of you from the point of observation direct, that contain the vague appearance of the thing you intend to observe, which look similar but are in semblance either a glowing protophorm that exists apart from the space, or a pattern on something that resembles a pareidolia recognition of the pattern, or a mix of both recognizable features and some less noticeable features of what you thought was there, but wasn't.
This less noticeable pattern in the usually expected pattern, is the other pattern sticking out of it on another direction then what you usually see, that is arranged outside the directly see expected.
Below is a model which describes the present important information.
Essentially, the observation of your present point, contains a peripheral that is less recalled then the point noticed in all possibility and the point noticed contains all inside the observation, but what is outside the observation of the pattern in sense of noticed central observation, regarding the peripheral and the further out one goes in it, one can see a pattern other then what is there, because you are far more easily able to forget the appearance of what is in your observation and notice something else about it that is distinct. This can be done anywhere in the observation but the point one is looking at.
But this point is anywhere in the orientation you can situate your peripheral to observe in, which locates an observation recognized as the observation, which upon observing will contain what you usually are expecting more then what you saw in your peripheral, this pattern will resemble the intent you intended to observe in the pattern there inside but less noticeable with the usually expected.
Because spatial memory recognizes by observation of recollection, which is why you do recollect seeing a duck in your peripheral, but upon looking you saw a stack of objects that looked like a duck somewhat or a less visible in case of an actual object like the duck in your closer peripheral recollection, or if you looked somewhere less like a duck completely, instead a more ghostly apparition that was in places where their definitely wasn't a duck but you looked for a duck will be present.
Thus in the observation you sought from your usual observation by looking for another observation in your peripheral then looking at it, will give you the observation of what you sought in noticeable and not in sense of what slightly did resemble it and was less in your observation, since in this case you both recalled the observation you usually saw, but looked over the usual distinctions of typical observation, into the pattern that was less recalled, which resembled the other thing.
So you looked over the edge of the observation you did usually recall and saw a less recalled and more discovered position of observation more like the observation you sought. Because the spatial memory of observation holding your position of observation and actual position of reality infinite was changed from an observation you usually expect, to an observation you noticed and recalled in your peripheral but so focused on an observation when looking in that direction and forgot the difference of the observation you usually hold in one position for another that was in the other position.
Everything works like this, your peripheral recognizes a pattern in the observation, which when looking at it always resembles what you thought it was when looking from your point of observation prior, which is stored in the spatial memory of what is actual spatial memory of physicality, recording your every causal observation and experience, so when observing another pattern you immediately observe the pattern that isn't and is like what you recalled and didn't about it, sometimes is actually like what you recalled and expected but also hadn't noticed about the observation in peripheral, so what you see is like what you expect and how you define the observation of life and its effects.
This is exactly how the mendala effect creates an encounter with something you suddenly notice about the space around you that is not the same as before, you expected something strange could happen, you kept in record of memory that it could happen, then one day you noticed in your peripheral that it had happened because you achieved the state of observation that it was the case, and now unless you unobserved the position or forget about it and as long as you look at it, it is actually there to experience.
When first observing a pattern in the manner of noticing what wasn't in the room before, the old point where you had observed the pattern wasn't is back where you observed the pattern before, the new pattern is in the position you are presently observing and thus to observe another pattern you have to look elsewhere on the pattern to see another pattern arise. The new pattern is your position of navigation inside the infinite possible observations of the pattern seen.
So recalling and forgetting the pattern of observation that you observe is necessary to switch between patterns and remain there by actively not ending up in the pattern and being accustom to the pattern.
So the basic components of navigating a different observation are:
The search for the observation in peripheral from observation point.
The noticing of the sought observation in the peripheral looked at.
The recalled positions of observation that are in expected observations.
The forgotten positions that is the missing from the observation seen or found.
The discovered position of observation that are in the sought found intended actually present.
These let you observe small noticed new details in the usual observation point new that were not noticed previously about the prior observation, which contained recalled positions, forgotten positions and the discovery of a position that contained the observation somewhat like your sought intent in peripheral observation, which you'd never seen before in the usual expectations.
However, this only allows observation of a somewhat like observation similar to the one we sought and expected in the observations we usually saw, that fit inside the usual and extended into an angle of observation outside the usually recalled observations by having forgotten a portion of the usual observations that you expect and having noticed more in the other direction of observation in all things.
Thus in the following section I will explain the nature of moving closer to that observation then the one you usually see by actually looking closer into the newly discovered and forgetting details of the old observation, that were somewhere else in all positions until observed again by intending and recalling the position into observation by what is same and different associated with this observation and the other.
The previous discussion allows the following degrees of deformation in sense of observation, when applied as a concept to these areas of observation.
One can intend a situation of context which in sense of seeking is found in the observation at a degree of close to far likeness to the desired intent, as a part in the now observed.
One can observe from a point of a mindset to another the difference of what either is like in sense of parts observed and observe another point that contains a difference of part.
One can intend a causality in sense of encounter in the real that observed later or in proximity is as defined in sense of how it is persued in possibility in areas of observation.
One can observe translucent semi-observations of things half present in observations.
For each distinct observation, one has to observe the other parts of the same desired observation, by finding the additional part, that replaces the prior seen part with the next missing part of observation, which is done through detachment and attachment of observation parts in sense of what is missing from the observation seen and what is then sought from first position of noticed and found in the next position of the seen that contains first the position one saw then the additional position now noticed from the prior noticed some of the parts recalled, forgotten and discovered, which in the first point is less like the intent until the next point missing from the intent is found and observed.
Thus one can accumulate and accustoming to an observation that resembles the observation first noticed then adding a second attachment or removing an attachment in sense of recalled observation or forgotten observation or discovered observation.
This allows you to observe the resulting observation more like the one you were not accustom to and now are by in same sense as completing any task of actual experience, you have to simply gather the parts of cause to produce the observation, by going from step one to step two, to step three to observe the state that now resembles the observation desired.
So every repositioning of observation by sought intent of the missing observation allows you to better observe the part that is the prior and the one missing after, which is equal to one part scale distance closer to observing the whole of what you wish to observe.
Thus in sense of basic observational difference, you can achieve roughly the manifestation of any mundane desire through pursuing the parts between in sense of missing pieces to the culmination of that definition that resembles the parts desired, by actually filling in the gaps and the same can be done with an observation your trying to find directly in front of you, but requires actually taking the time to define and find the parts and become accustom to observing the parts together in front of you, by actually studying what the parts you need are and adding them to the observations from the one seen.
Thus the next model of observational mendala reach repositioning of quantum observation superpositions or Omrequosp as a name for the actual concept, describes how from the position of an observation like the one you want to see in small sense of likeness from having found a likeness in your peripheral range associated in sense of any observation like it, you then move from there to another position still recalling the prior observation that was like it, loosing what wasn't like it and noticing what was like the observation missing that was now in the observation, by providing an example of it.
Firstly lets discuss propriety, which is the idea that a pattern point observed is recognized as it is expected to be like or unlike another position based on firstly what is recognized then what is different from it from the other position of observation, thus the position of observation first seen and the position second seen after the first position always contains a trace amount of the first position seen as what is recalled and a second position noticed or recalled that is different from the prior position, each of these positions is a part that is actually observed about the position.
So in the first example, I have three of the same image, except with in the first image their is the default appearence, in the second image their are red points at positions that you can look at, on the third image you can see blue places highlighted, which reveal the same image looking different in sense of recognition depending on how you use those positions, you can see depending on the position different likenesses, such as a rabbit, a bird, a man and a fly, but it depends which position you look at it from, that allows seeing the position differently. The red points represent the points where it looks different.
However in further complexity, depending on the third image, that has blue areas which are highlighted on the image and are called folds instead of points, depending on which fold you looked at first then followed with another position point of red, the resulting observation is not recognized the same, rather you carried a different previous observation memory of the fold into the new observation of the point.
Which is what allows you to see some of the other observations inside the same pareidolia image that previously looking at the points without looking at the fold prior, would have not been seen. But because its distinct, the actual noticed appearance of each position is different and recognized as another object then the one you have noticed about it previously and is actively not recognized the same way, but which point is what isn't listed to allow you to find the rabbit, bird, man and fly in it.
Next we have a similar concept where one image represents the actual and several images detailing steps of point and fold to follow to arrive at another observation, but this time it is best to use the actual image plus understanding the pattern of relocation of observation because we will use it to add something to the observation in sense of attachment by locating a position outside the seen that arises as a new detail that you can't see at other positions except if you look and follow that order and look at the position in that way, to which you will notice a detail emerge that isn't there.
This produces an observation of pattern that is intended to mimic the shape of a cube from this observation of just its outline, but to do so, you must first observe the top point of the jewel, then look down to where the missing corner is and expecting the corner in your peripheral, then if you look to the side face that isn't there in sense of a point below the missing corner you can kind of see, to a point on the face that isn't there but could be there in sense of observation and sought in your peripheral, doing so will cause you to suddenly observe the pattern that I described as a cube fitting in the outline.
This for a moment until you loose track of it in the redirection of your observation, although it will be somewhat vague it will resemble shading of the cube, as though now suddenly a 3d cube viewed from this point of reference, present for a moment in the observation. This is because you traced an observation into one that wasn't actually the one you observed initially but arose in the point of observation elsewhere in all possible observations of this moment, but not the one you expected prior.
This lets you observe a position in sense of actually noticing it, which after this last example I will explain how all this is exactly the same as noticing anything else like feelings or causality.
But first we must recognize two more parts of observation then the first that was called propriety and the second which is called the lusion of observation, which is the notation mendala observation created as a phase change of the observation associated with the reaction of point fold trajectory repositioning, but this will be explained after observing this final two components I'm aware of that are peripheral recognition and habituated repositioning of observation, which are the patterns peripheral recognition of other details then the point and the cycle algorithm of observation retention of the features.
Essentially, when observing a point specifically, you notice the point itself, but the peripheral is different from another observation point based off the fold and points prior and the point itself that associates to an actual observation point specifically that always resembles the observation that is found in that point specifically in relative association with prior fold and points.
So from a point your peripheral one can recognize away from the focus point without looking at it, represents an extension of the immediate first point of noticed variety that acts as the fold prior point, that from a point by seeking points in the peripheral of the observation than associate with the observation intended and the new one.
So you can recognize the points in their peripheral while remaining at the same point of observation focus, which repositioning after allows you to re observe the point in that position prior and the new point by actually looking at the right position that's in the peripheral and recalling the old position prior.
But you can do this in two ways, either looking from a focus point to the peripheral point, or looking at the focus point and not changing to the other focus point, this while looking for the other focus point in the peripheral, which means seeing a point and noticing peripheral observations less immediately focused and remembered that end up being noticed as the points desired.
Which is easier to notice from the point of focus that represents what is the same about the observation, surrounded by the peripheral that represents less focused recalled observation that is different, one must either notice from a point or go to the point to see it same or elsewhere, but to see it at that point requires noticing it from that point.
Thus to actually observe the point from several positions you have to habituate at observing the positions that are now noticed in the peripheral from positions that you start at and continue to cycle through to arrive at other positions like the prior and like the after so that you amass an observational habitual repositioning of the observation that retains a stable observation of the same pattern in several positions, this is because your observation doesn't retain position at any time and actually shifts around in focus of period to other areas of the observation, which depending on the actual cycle of habituated observational repositioning is either inside the range for an observation or not.
So you have to use your peripheral in sense of observing the pattern here, here and here in sense of either in peripheral or at another point inside points and a fold point cycle that actually retains the observation so long as you follow that algorithm of observation change inside the same physical constant of repeating orientation change of the fold point observation.
Thus the next image shows similar to the previous model, but represents a set of positions that one observes, plus peripheral sought appearance in purple and yellow motion redirection of the observation cycle, that allows you to retain the observation point in that focus. Which reflects the original model we observed and also features the red position we noticed that's not present and the blue fold position that represents the last thing seen.
It will not use the same shape to allow another example of the same effect achieved on another observation. Below is the actual shape, the positions, folds, peripheral and cycle of observation for something that can be observed in the observation of these points continuously.
This allows you to observe a distinction of shape in the outline that resembles a 3d depiction of the shape although only outlining the rough position cycle to achieve it inside the observation which you should observe by practicing the observation and doing it repeatedly to gain small position differences to achieve it, but it resembles the actual arrival of the observation it allows.
Now in same sense as the above basic principles of observation for a shapes outline, we can achieve the same result with anything in awareness in sense of physicality or even mind itself or body, regarding the capacity to change the observation, so long as we obey the principles of these above effects, in relation to the precise ways they alter observation, thus the following parts are responsible for the following effects, in sense of the previous models, to allow a type of change to occur.
Propriety: Noticing a location that contains like observations to the desired observation.
Lusions: Noticing the location by observation position that alters the usually observed.
Peripheral: Noticing the outfocus position of other areas that alters the extended observation.
Cycle: Retaining the state focus repositioning that keeps one inside that observation.
This means that in sense of mental experience or effect in the body, finding the propriety in sense of considering the sensations likeness then the likeness of the other intended experience that bares most resemblance to the observation desired in sense of vague outline of similarity while still pertaining to a larger focus point on the observation presently noticed one can gain a moderate change of experience.
But then if one then pursues observing the lusions of observation missing in sense of what was noticed as the immediate propriety likeness, then focusing on the points in that outline that are not the same as though they exist in that position but rather those that aren't and focusing on where they should be, by considering the peripheral alterations of observation to observe that position and creating the cycle of observation of the experience in sense of a state that is desired to be changed, one arises an observation of that change directly in the area, field or subject desired, by observing it differently.
So if you have a headache, you can focus on how the headache looks like its not there, observe the lusions of what is like not having a headache and then study the peripheral and create a cycle of observation that lacks a headache to remove the headache entirely, to which others will observe you not having a headache in sense of complaint anymore.
Similarly in sense of causality of an event, you must first assume the likeness plausible in the potentials of causality in sense of a propriety that observes it can occur, then find lusions in sense of motions or changes in that direction that resemble motions most like the one you want to observe to look out for then using the peripheral recognition recognize the pattern extending in causality as the actual result and keep an observation cycle of points where this causality recurred in observation.
Further, removing an observation is the same as adding an observation because you have to add something to the observation to replace what you are removing, which requires that you observe another adjacent feature more then the one you want to remove by actually using peripheral to pay attention to the parts you want to see and adding the missing parts to the part you don't want to see, such that you create the observation of what replaced it and what is seen that no longer features parts.
But the difficulty is respecting the law of behaviours of the above effects of propriety, lusion, peripheral and cycle, such that the observation is seen in likeness, the missing is noticed instead of the seen by the positions either direct or peripheral to the observation point focused and that one cycles through the continuous observation such that it actually persists, but because these effects only work in a certain way their is a law of observational focus guarantee, that decides how well its seen in sense of how well you actually planned and set up the observation shifts correctly using the above models.
Further in starting its easier to work with a blank or more empty texture then with a detailed texture because the difference is how many details you have to work with, but its the same task with additional details that you have to observe. Their are however more tools then these basic methods of manipulation to improve your capacity and ability to do this effect, which make and allow for more power and ability with the effect, beyond a moderate observation change, to cause better effects.
The effect is the same in all cases of alteration but it depends on what you are trying to observe and locating the positions you want to observe requires pursuing the pattern desired in the peripheral from the point observed and actually accumulating the observation in the observed fold point cycle that actually allows the observation. It can take some practice to manage to see small differences to moderate differences with this effect and how you reach the observation also depends on what type of nature you are observing where the context of the propriety, lusion, peripheral and cycle are different.
But hypothetically if you gain sufficient detailing and observational accuracy with these basic effects you can manage to observe anything into presence from the basic components arranged correctly. This is far better in some ways then when I started, where I had to stare intently and use intent to find the position while letting the attraction guide me inaccurately around to find the positions I desired, taking a lot longer and providing an inaccurate but sometimes useful search tip for finding the right pattern.
Meaning if you simply intend to find the pattern missing and fill in the details of what's missing you end up managing to notice more associated details needed, which can help you plot out by recording the necessary points and physics for the observation by searching, finding and knowing them. Presumably with some practice and some consideration you should be able to observe moderate to complete success with simple things that are more obvious in sense of application, then what is harder by complexity.
The part observed and sought represents one difference of intent, so the definition of what is sought is also important but that is what our next models help with in the more advanced section.
Which allows us to change the matter observed by actually interacting and splitting parts as well as creating values.
In fact, the parts you intend to find around you are as defined are as they appear in the context of definition, but if you combine two parts they react to make something since propriety, lusion and peripheral do not look the same in sense of what your observing and often when using the above methods alone, you will find parts combined make parts then the ones you want. This is because the parts react so splitting the observed parts into its constituents provides you with the value of its components.
Which in transmuting in sense of adding more of those parts in a value of amount to something, increases the amount of it in the observation, by a part value worth of amount of what is underlying the part itself, which while quite small as a single part if increased in amount of value becomes more immediately noticed in concentration of amount.
But their are several diverse operations and things you have to find to render a specific difference in sense of adding that part that is only worth what you mean but worth that amount, such that you then observe the pattern with an addition of that part.
Which while you can discover parts and used words that exist, you have to subdivide it into its components to add to that component in sense of what under is worth up, so if you try to do anything specific you have to actually construct the clear observation and definition of the part that is that part and what under it comprises it as a reaction, which amass to the part. Some are not defined in sense of word, which you can also depict as an image to describe it, known parts subdivide into deeper details of the parts intended.
But combining any part reacts to form another part and they interact with operators in ways that are not known when using undefined parts as simply the observation that's created by the observation itself.
These often produce vague shapes additional, which in context of definition are as observed and only do what they actually do as interactions of things, which never have definitions for them, that end up being created by the same collapse of observation that assigns it.
So its rather easy to explore other observations with it in a way that by reaction that resembles the value of the part and what under it in composition reacts to produce the part defined, since the part added increases in amount of that underlying part in amount in the reacted part, when observing that value of it added and increasing the observation of the part above from underneath in sense of how it increases that part to the observed result worth the single part, one finds it increases more effectively.
And it works far far more effectively at changing the color of my wall, because the observation is actually noticeably different then it was before, in sense of how much exactly you increased it, but depending on context more of this or that means other observation and color matters in sense of defined color or null, while size depends on increase of what and in context of the point rising and the point added between it.
Although I still haven't checked how effective it is for size, I just did, it works pretty well at changing it.
Its just very specific for each part.
And theirs an equivalent exchange in value and part, meaning what you add remains what you take out is gone and the amount depends on how often you observe it being at all, which increases or decreases the amount. Which is either observed negated in value by intention or observed in value of amount to increase it, but other effects can be done with this in sense of applying these principles to other areas where one can find ways to make the parts interact through things like action, cause or space.
Thus the main parts of Omrespc are:
Basic principles of observational mendala reach superposition collapsing:
Propriety: For observing like patterns at points of recognition in folds of recollection.
Lusion: The actual part observed in sense of meaning as single part of definition.
Peripheral: The extension of the part exceeding from point, that allows the whole view.
Cycle: The habituation to the observation cycle to actually seeing the part consistently.
Tools of changing properties of Omrespc observations:
Reaction: The way observing two parts in connection changes observed lusions seen.
Splitting: The splitting of observed parts into other parts forming it prior in sense reaction.
Tools of amount:
Value: The value worth one part equal to one part, multiplied by amount of parts increased.
These allow oneself to transmute the parts observed into other parts observed from the ones usually seen, since the observation of lusions intended and the reactions that form them and form others plus the value of what exactly is observed in amount changed, lets you change parts observed.
However, to help make some more sense of what I mean, here is the lengthy story of how I discovered this, to show both what it can do, what to expect and what were prior noticed details that comprised the application of this idea in sense of what was actually studied to know about this effect, regarding the experimentation that led to predicting the effect.
If you are having difficulty with the above concepts, try going through these steps of observation to better recognize the different effects associated that I learned from to allow the whole effect I experience, since this below gave me the prior experience to use all of them together as the above concept.
First I noticed that I could see parts around me, then I noticed I could see parts that were parts of matter I couldn't access in sense of smaller parts in the parts around me that were real.
So I found that without actually taking them apart or arranging them in like property overlays with paper, such that parts of one thing fit with another part of something else to create a new part, their was still no way to access all the noticed smaller parts in the observations such as light on the wall or the square I see in a blank wall.
But the parts I saw in sense of things I couldn't access in parts escalated when I noticed that if I tried to observe the window being bigger it seemed to increase ever so slightly and the more I tried to get it to, the more it made me see all sorts of other things that weren't same effects as things I could ever see when just normally looking around, so I could see parts in positions that were almost anything but random.
Some of these parts moved in ways other things cannot, others I could intend and see observations of as desired for a time of observation but would slip into other observations I wasn't intending and I realized I could intend and observe virtually anything with the intention of seeing it and seeking it in front of me, but it was always not exactly like the intention looked only moderately like it as though missing some intention.
These observations were not in my mind because they arose by looking at a specific point that I found by attracting my observation to the meaning intended and they were all in the areas I looked around me and remained when I looked away in some parts, such that it was like I suddenly saw another space with different patterns and it depended on what I looked at, or disappeared never seen again later, or that as intended looked as intended minus parts that weren't defined or arose as though I could see the object moving slightly or greatly while multiplying. I noticed this especially while relaxing and experimenting with it in bed, in sense of intending parts or different slight changes and trying to increase the effect.
I also began to improve my observation of these effects over time beyond the original parts that were the same when looking at normal features and showed up apart in the other features when trying to see them there, I also noticed whole objects were comprised of many smaller parts all distinct but unrecognized or defined, so I realized they were all actual parts in tiny sense of one part itself in sense of an observation and that I could add and remove parts by intending to observe one in a position. I recorded these parts and experimented with using them, with small degree of success at getting them to cause effects.
I realized the mendala effect in sense of memory and forgetting associated because I noticed how it was easier to end up seeing a space that was way different and as though I had changed something far greater in observation then just a small portion I had noticed in usual attempts while remaining in a trance state laying in bed and loosing attention to parts of the area, as when tired you forget more of the observation by being closer to sleep.
That's when I realized from old notes that peripheral vision has the ability to be recalled or forgotten in sense of focusing on certain areas, and was essentially not the effect of mind forgetting when dozing off but the senses observations forgetting and noticing when paying attention to certain things, this allowed me to improve the quality of my observations of the protophorm lusions better then before because where they weren't always as visible now I could unfocused on what was recalled and focus on the intent while using peripheral vision to map it out.
Then I realized on inspection of how they behaved at all times was not as intended when trying to get parts of different kinds to stack to form the intention, which while intending them would combine into two of any kind that caused a reaction, but I was using arbitrary parts I intended to see and caused a reaction that made something I didn't recognize or intend.
But now I knew that parts were comprised of other parts when split because when you combined them they became other parts, so I split the parts I intended into smaller parts of what was in the shape itself and found that it gained or lost that part as another recognized but different part then the one I was observing, worth of what was above it as the part that was made of whats inside it, meaning the part that was a wall was comprised of at least another part in sense of observation that created height, so increasing the height protophorm lusion made the wall increase in height, or the lighting comprised of bands of some kind when added with the rest inside the wall lighting increased that lighting value in sense of notice-ability.
So I then I increased objects by an amount of that part underlying the part intended and noticed this increased the observation of it even more, then I actually tested it on myself in sense of sensation, to see if changing the parts would make me feel different by increasing my muscle size and noticed that after I felt like I had slightly more muscle, but in an amount that was surprisingly noticeable enough to watch increase in front of you and feel more muscular in body sensation.
So I concluded that you could actually change matter by observation. Then I realized the reason my initial observations trying to add the part intended with my mind was creating all sorts of observations I didn't recognize as normal things, so was because I was adding the value of window to the window not the parts inside the window to the window, so they both reacted into something beyond a window and a window.
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