What is a Chancart?
A Chancart is a device of paper and color that has been encoded with the nature of some intent as a displacement of mass and gravitational effect on the world to attract it while also detailing symbolically its manifestation as physics for dual source of causation in mind enforced and physicality observed after.
The use of the applied motion for its formation allows it to occur after being activated in the applied mechanism of its motions that displace the thing it represents. It functions because the value of meaning represented is known to the user and weighs the value of the attracted mass it can displace as the same thing that is enforced by user will also weighing this value.
Yet the same object contains the nature of the thing manipulated and thus instead of causing its encounter in space as a journey following its activation and expected result, it can also be used to create the same thing by following the behavior on its nature inscribed directly.
This can allow it to build by instruction another object formed from its natures manipulated or be used as a dowser for the nature sought around yourself as a guide to arrive at the same intent in the same displacement of weight as a gravitational force of the nature in your writing as source.
To undo its effect means deconstructing it and soaking the recycled paper to void the ink of your meaning, into color blended value of interpretation. As paper can be recycled by reforming its nature into new paper for reuse in other things and the chancart built functions as a reminder of greater goals and farther basic notes for its attainment.
It's recommended to use hemp paper, because a lack of trees means less oxygen to breath. It is also advised to think on what one is making as an intent.
As the defined meaning is exactly what happens after within the constraint of other masses in orbit known or unknown which can be dividing the manifest from relief of pressure earlier. These blockages may be periodically slow the causation, but are overcome in ease or effort meaning a chancart for joy as that definition won't remove events that might make you sad but still add the joy. As it will make the rest of the time happier referentially and scenetically until reset needed.
Unintended entries inhibited by other mass displacements of the world, apart from you passing by it unaffected by direct definition of chancart, is why intents get displaced by unlinked bodies in the area. At this time the only way to avoid this is to avoid where they can occur at all.
The effect is powerful enough to cause strange coincidences of meaning with it and the effects it creates are linked in coincidences followed with the intent until it fades in the everyday mass changes back to null unless repeated again with varied but similar chance results.
Step 1: Sigil Emblem of Intent and Nature.
The first step is to make a sigil of the intended meaning, although these steps are all mostly methods for symbolic representation I have used to add weight to the paper to create the effects.
Sigils allow the paper to contain a inspired source for the mechanisms of the intent that defines how its activated after it is formed with emblematic patterns of its nature.
The sigils used here used all letters of the intent as a statement together as one symbol depicting the intent in accidental and caused imagery. While it applied a set of letters for what it meant instead of just what it meant, both could be used.
What it actually means helps you remember the nature of what it does which is shown above here.
Below is an example which depicts the same as stated above and allows a symbol of the intended.
Step 2: Detailing and Coloring Emblem.
After this has been done we add between the lines different details of the thing we intended within what the nature of the intent is such that the emblem depicts both a sigil and details of how it forms in the same space that depicts the thing inscribed.
These must simply represent the nature intended and depict how it forms in some manner of desires that can be inspired or added with the sigil then this is colored and the Sigil outlined so it sticks out.
This central nature of the Chancart is as the rest an optional personal method of building a symbolic paper object, that inscribed ones desires and has an optional activation.
Since it works in symbol and weight of energy applied creating its recurred reminder and displacement, the more effort placed in the symbolism creates a deeper effect of effort preemptive. This is why the steps here continue to add additional details of symbolism beyond this point, like the shape around the Sigil.
This can inscribe additional symbolism past the reflective sigil, for insight much as the accidents and inspirations one has while making it, can create occluded insights to the intent as chance happenings that reveal parts of the way to what one intended.
Step 3: Adding Mechanism and some details
So that the Chancart has the ability to be activated and thus displace mass of the value assigned and thus creating a scenetic encounter with the defined values one must make a mechanism of activation as a method of activating the chancart.
This can be done in many ways but is especially useful when it creates a vibration of the chancart and resembles the sigil in some way by using parts of its form with patterns to add more weight.
One can also add details to the geometry of the whole chancart to give the chancart more values that are shared or different from the sigil emblem.
These can be creatively random as insights undefined or assigned real value.
Step 4: Pattern models and finishing up.
The last part of the chancart's values assigned is giving the chancart patterns depicting the modelled physical nature of the intent in depths of value that model the way the chancarts activation takes place.
This means simply defining additional depth of modeled physics for the thing inscribed and defining the nature by which it occurs to attract the cause of the intent just as much as the intent.
This can be using mathematical equations or simply symbolic assignment to a pattern of values that depict something about the deeper nature of the subject intent.
Doing so adds value of causation to the weight which displaces the causes together forming the intent that is also weighed and so forms the result by intent through logical formation.
The formed intent occurs inside the approximate range of the possibility of those causes occurring that one occupies. Thus the intent is dependent on the way the intent can form somewhere, that the user can influence by traveling there after.
In activation one allows experienced of it in differed places that change how the intent forms based on what can cause it to form in those places. The pattern details its possibility of formation.
One should also finish the details additional to make the Chancart contain the desired style and value.
Using the Chancart in inwards and outwards methods.
The use of chancarts is unique compared to material computers of scientific technology and magical occult symbolism of divine energy because chancarts are perceptual physical subcomputers of meaning intents and mass weight affection through values of equal to the attraction or less for causation.
They allow a referential manifestation of the modelled instructions allowing a created effect of a meaningful nature of the encoded value. But it can also be used as an activated scenetic causation of the encoded value by mass attraction to the awareness scenery since its symbols are tied to the users nature by physical identification of user themselves.
The chancarts also allow themselves for use of dowsing during scenetic journey or measurement of values in referential application since both reflect a mass effect on the chancart instead of from it and these allow information acquisition for travel or needed extent.
For example using the referential use of a chancart allowed me to build the first technos device on the left by using the information on the chancart to manipulate its details known and interpreted as uncertain values.
Then using the information acquired together to form a technos chancart tool for measuring the leftover direction and orientation of a corebital pattern model of plor geometry. Thus it allows me to access past or future constructions of the corebit in a spatial extent. Although this is an unrelated subject that isn't discussed here for being part of my next broader focus on desired extents of chancarts.
It simply used the information inscribed and merged a subset of the possible outputs of the information inscribed as the steps of categories for forming the object but the same process of inspiring or instructing the steps of something can be used with actions or other things.
The other object was made through use of the activated technos two nights ago that caused me to stay up all night thinking about the nature of deeper affections of sanity, emotion, reason and spirit in matter then the next day continued with an evening where I brought the AAoT chancart with me in my backpack and didn't take the second bus to walk 1 and a half hour or so to my original destination.
During this walk I thought consistently on manipulating the nature of those same matters and considered tools for modifying them and the broken clock effect I was forming by walking down an uncommon road of my usual walks which effected the clock of cycling flow and disrupted the usual events around me. I thought of possible ways to use chancarts to further effect the broken clocks.
Once I got to my destination because of the walk instead of bus I found an earring higher up the hill from where I would have gotten off the bus and so missed it and thus the impulse to walk from where I started by random decision of moment then due to the chancart in my backpack actually caused the whole event to occur by shifting the mass of my mind into thinking to walk instead of ride.
Once I got the earring because I was waiting for something and smoking the nature of the earring as a moon tear effecting tides of changing moments by stilling it into a frozen state effected the next 12 hours of my time where all I did was wait and smoke because the artifact earring effected my mass the whole time I'd left it in my pocket and everyone around me was also waiting.
Once I attached it to paper and deactivated it with interpute drawn button I felt less impatient and a lot more active.
This was made easier by buying pill containers for paper recycling the marker colors since it added to my mass the nature of changing time in a weeks worth and allowed me to make the second chancart as soon as I waited a half hour for the bus, the bus to leave, have another smoke outside my house that I didn't originally intend to light when off the bus as I planned, then go to the bathroom constipated and wait. As soon as I pressed the button to deactivate it I wasn't constipated anymore.
That less fortunate mention because the same issue was mentioned by others around me since it froze my moment into waiting and smoking and unusually smokes help with constipation. This with the hours of waiting for nothing the night before, the day gone by of the exact same thing and the sudden smooth and efficient passing of time after it was deactivated without me even defining the effect until 12 hours after I picked it up shows that the mass effect of meaning values is real.
As the nature of the earring is a liquid drop and moon pattern and thus relates to the tide ripple effection of liquids such as times flow, but unchanging in possession since its unmoving as the moons orbit effecting tides so times flow frozen is actually physical.
The earring is also heavier at the bottom and so more likely to fall out of an ear like a drop. Loss of this earring alone is likely to cause the female moon and thus the women to be saddened and weakened in stillness of both earrings freezing of the moment to beauty although she could use the other for a necklace and so freeze the moment into no loss passed over from the loss.
All these effects are directly linked to the form physical of the earring exact and would be worn with light moon colors. As the earring like any meaning ascribed to the nature of a matter is real in the effects of mass displacement it contains.
It is especially effectual when recognized even as undefined in the contextual embedding of the value of form in the memory unrecalled until noted after the subconscious does. As picking one up while using the AAoT and thinking about this fact of meaning in form of matter means its real.
As prior and during to the whole adventure and as it ended in waiting for a very long time, was this nature thought by me and its activated dowse consequence shows the validity of perceptual physical mass effects and shows the do effect the scenery in details unprecedented but exactly the definition assigned in values defined.
So while this specific use of Chancarts is especially used for my own research on paper technos, the effect the chancarts has on the awareness scenery is actually as effective as the referential instruction applied steps use since both are displacements of the value to its attraction and in both cases the manifestation of the value is formed by the exact effects of the values in the chancart.
However the advise specific for a journey based scenetic use is to be open to the expected effects, patience for the whole events of chance and coincidence that follow and are noted during it and allowing your own position of journey to exist in spaces that add the likely by containing the mass values that one is effecting around you.
Another tip when dowsing is focusing on the disrupted mass of the object or self while pointing with it or carrying it with you and following that direction to reach positions with the attracted value.
Although depending on the exact intent applied in the chancart the amount of time it takes to manifest completely varies by effort to reach a caused result, effort to take part in the occurrence on its way and the amount of time effort must be done to achieve it when you are involved.
Because the example of the construction was built to be useful for me and my forward work, I have added below four chancarts built for more general purposes of everyday life as examples in finish product to inspire the readers on forms they can use and experiment with themselves.
A chancarts effect on the world around you is temporary and lasts the amount of time carried or if left behind after activation fades by times passage of changes as the chaos of everything else effecting the attraction around you back into natural chaotic cycles as does willful modification of mental focus.
The activation modifies the values every time its used and the strength of displacement of values effects the attraction count and so power. Although these last few notes are less understood in effects.
The effects of the chancart are sometimes unexpected and powerful like the earring example and the exact definition of their intent is relevant to what it means in exact its of its nature linked to what it brings about around you.
So use considerate caution of your own thought with them to avoid unexpected results since they can work well or have effects with consequence by misuse of intent. The intent attracts the essence of the meanings nature to you and you are exposed to the value encoded in some way due to self's symbols.
Below are the four Chancarts and short descriptions of general common uses for ideas, they use different parts of the above knowledge separately for specified use in common subjects as tools:
This is an art style pattern chancart that only uses the referential portion of its effects to allow the likeness of an art style to remain similar through stored base insights into its forms and practice. Here in this case the style is coined Rayfear which combines light with scary imagery.
This use of chancarts is useful for keeping track of things one likes or as a way to organize and reference information for help remembering it through knowing the symbols or referring to it to apply the right practice in art.
It can help with tests by helping you practice the lesson through forcing you to know what the symbols mean and showing which you can't remember to help know what still needs to be understood.
This Chancart is a measurement tool which uses the intended context defined in mind with the roll of the dice it is to know that contexts currently orbiting attraction of temperature flame physics and then one uses the information to act on that knowledge of hot or cold physics. The info is then applied to the context to add a persfacial extension of flame, that gives the object a vibrational shifting of the specific physics assigned.
While not using typical atomic science, the method of building measurment reference chancarts is already done with science as things like thermometers and rulers but these paper measurements when applied logically and scientifically allow new forms of measured value.
As when they are effected by the studied question in unrelated subsets of research they provide a more accurate extent of the model. These chancarts allow measurement or value acquisition based of constraint whole potential values also useful for games as random potentials or option selection.
This is a dowsing chancart which is held at the end of ones fingers to point out a position or direction to gain philosophic question and hairsplitting pondering with application of a visible symbol on the pointer in the same breath and so provides a way to wander through questions for potential lessons and improved insight on a nature asked or a newly thought idea.
It can be used at home in your house or on a walk to relax the philosopher of life or as other general purposes of guide and information insight while orienting you in space since the meaning it has been given underneath it weight displaces with intent you hand so it pulls you to its use of guidance.
These chancarts are useful especially for uncertain navigation and novelty of travel or observation and so can be convenient for now thoughts and encounters or a way to loose yourself in a new setting it reveals for you which in turn may even guide the user to happiness or other things based on attraction applied.
They may cause long walks to stranger places to reveal the thing it attracted you to linked to its code.
While the result of the sigil under this chancart and the scenetic chance encounter based manipulation of the mass effect is the use and practice for magical application of chancarts the use of the energetic magical law of attraction is not applied for magical or typical desires and instead allows the user to traverse the depth of a scale of something placed in its perspective tunnel until removed.
Thus it lets the user who uses it traverse and experiential extent of scale extending into the depth of the nature it holds until removal and thus creates a deep insight into the nature of something as it manifests around over time and may grow deeper and more complex every moment. At least until one might even forget the whole depth.
It's an example of a magical application of chancarts because it manifests effects without direct user causation through contact or other then outwards mass effect attraction in this use as a somewhat deep scalien attraction of deep occluded details on reality. The practice of using only scenetic magical attraction without otherwise, even when this one is also referential, allows manifests of things like ones goals, desires or even the powers of magic on its own.
Concluding these basic applications of the mass effect of chancarts and their inscribed symbolic meanings as patterns, icons, symbols and more on paper shapes also linked to the intent allows a referential instruction, measured detection, dowsed orientation and scenetic encounter of the values ascribed.
While more possible applications may exist then what is shown here this post shows basic applications in the depth I use them and also within more typical needs for others who may not want to get into the deeper complexities of chancarts. As beyond this post I am pursuing the further research on mass effects as shown in part with the intents for the shared ones here.
Thus I hope this was of use to the reader, further I will hint at a fifth form of application of the mass effect for the users curiosity which is called casting and allows present next moment effects of intents mentally defined and caused by body skills that effect events present immediate.
Although the exact capacity is not always instantaneous it allows casts of visualized special effects in hallucination or visualization allowing one to speed up the rain or disperse rain clouds with ones hand with added mass of chancart or without it at any time. These simple examples are for the readers own curiosity and potential experiment but lack my own research.
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