A world of Sanity Chems explored shortly.

The teapot, is the way to the flight of Sanity, drinking tea enables from the teapot a way to the states of mind, that dwell in our thinking. This as I sip the tea, tells me the essence of reflection, for I saw this then on the sip of tea, from the teapot that was poured.

The essence of reflection, is found in the mirrors bend so the way to our end today is in mirrors. As through the looking glass are ways to summers sane. Let us first gaze into the tower, to see our worlds wonders. As we should first see what this place be like, in strange Sane winds.

As music of minecraft plays in the backgrounds. So I gaze into the drifting dinger entry and see the bear hugs by the red grass tree. This is where we are in Avondale asleep.

This and the city where I was standing in my home, was a place of many things seen, that were of dream and slumber sleep. This because we stood in avondale of Dreams.

On this day, my father did turn into a frog, for he had departed and left a frog on his thrown that day. This carried onwards into what would be the day, woke after long nights dreams. As did I dream of a city where I spillt worm candy crawlers on my bed and bough crust icescreem at the store. These were as they sounded spellt and all.

This is the world of Chems, that follow from the dreams we have, we look into the s-cube of sanity and we seek out a starmap of the chems. This sends us off to the chem magic of the day!

These are our companions of the city, who in dream were met in other times before and after, but of also parallels of other days. These are the wanders with the characters I dream or am in silence. For I am the Arath that is in center today. Let us also call myself Kevin. Woof.

So let us take the the journey, chem for place of chem in the magic like a science in this art of dream. Let us see what the chems journey will take us in the city.

We shall go to the Lusions and Statue of the Beanface, to know the chem of its essence. This we take in walking out to its resting place, but draw the way there after as a sight greater, from the entry first. We go with Guus Trixeht, who will be our friend we ran into at the wall of time today.

As this nonsense wandering, be the path of the dreamy avondale.

The peculiar, it is the key to the chems, which in this land of avondale are explored to see speckled glances at the infinite. It wanders between them and explore the world and ways of many places.

It is why the world here looks as mystery to the dreamer, wandering in places peculiar.

The beanface attacked and so Guus set out to defeat it, for this was the way of the fight.

And friends chimed in with musical score, the beauty was the victory of battle. The stances of chememe, are the powers of the player in the role of alchemy. This be the way of the world.

Then at the party, the dances were led by hand waving Mubzoom, famous pop singer of the fifth cluster. Who was the pop star of great songs and strange chimes.

Listen to the song Fire by S3RL

These are the Lusions for the Chememes that we explore, they let us into the protection from others who fear the alien places of begotten wherever and this is what we build our magics by. Using the chemes with the physics of sanity. For you see, we arrange the meaning as a forward dream.

Let us build a model of the Lusions and Chememes, the venture to its wake.

We simply draw arrangements of symbol and shape like the lusion beanface, with above ideas as tools for the journey. We can further go with any place of being and find oddity there.

So we find an experience by the models we build for it, the Sania of the worlds, the experience of its being as the places it can be with the Lusions to open the space or setting. We build a model of being and so we see a place of being in the model we make. This enables the wake, to its place.

This is an example chememe, that has been transformed into a setting as an image and this is what the world we are in does. They form imageries of other worlds as a magical science using lusions as divided points and chememes as internal setting to form the experience of another place.

They then speckle the world with this art to transform it into a setting of surreal oddity.

They make statues, animated places and visual art with the experience they draw first.

This allows them small isolated places of experience with the outside and this guides the adventure.

But they do more then this while working, for they add utility to the things made, so they act.

This is a spellora light, a form of lighting in the world here, that represents a lighting composing itself of a paper mess of chems that illuminate and style the space as a decoration that creates the ambiance of the space.

The ambiance allows special effects of space which enable the formation of unique events. For example the above ambiance created with the spellora papers is stone streams, so the space in effect of it has a flowing manner to it as a river by stones and so is also hard in nature.

Then Guus and Kevin went to the Scope mountains to see the cone of being, there.

This was done with the cube of Sanity simulations, which showed the map of the land.

The cone of being listed the ways to be on its glowspaces and the scope of the mountain let you see the yellow stars of a drifting blue sky day. This was a space of the formed chems that enables an experience. They wandered here for a time before departing again for another space of being.

But they first practiced the stance magic of the chems, for this magic was the power of being.

Stance magic is a type of magic that refers to the stance one makes and the imidiate transmutation of the scenery that follows as the experience you find there. This magic uses chems because it transmutes the intention as the chem into the directed effect as the observed response.

It actually works if you try making a pose while intending it do something, then finding the experience somehow after the effect was done. Its practice is temperamental however, so the experience received does something interesting but unexpectedly related to the intent.

One merely makes a pose with the intent and observes the result of the cast. It works when observed to follow. This is because the action is chemistry with the meaning as the result it forms.

Further experiment improves the result by thinking on better ways with pose to do the effect.

Then Guus and Kevin decided to go to another world, because they had been here for some time, this is how they had built the two blog posts thus far. So it was time to venture elsewhere.

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