Below I discuss the nature of Parmagic within its basic introductory concepts. However this concept expects you've considered reading the prior parsemy and phental posts in this category on the blogs, although this is for manifesting meaning and guarantee of it in the physicality rather then here manifesting ends of meaning.
The topic here is that which compared to the following two topics are more familiar to occult, in basic premises, although in another unique style from it that is of its own debatably more powerful. While familiar and capable of unique parsemic transmutations of intent and insight it has a higher complexity of basic components closer to science.
Parmagic is defined as to manifest the will and ones end of yourself with yourself and the aid potential of parts of matter. Unlike a more scientific material sense of invention or substances, it is capable of outwards influences of event and causation instead of inwards object invention with same phentals.
We discuss the methods of modelling and the spirit, which regards the Tower of Avondale, which equally represents a method of allegorical depictions of meaning as the spirit, for knowing it.
First as depictions of it, in sense of how it is before language in its likenesses and how this in study of definitions after and cardinals of formation allow you to describe forces of outwards manifestation.
Then as well as know the cosmology of some outwards motions and bodies or form astrology of more then tradition, for these astrology form maps of ages, that signify transference between them.
Some of these concept equally help introduce other effects, for latter concepts of parmatter and more. Afterwards we discuss how these basics of meaning can be used to manifest them with tools for it.
The style is more modern compared to medieval in sense of tools, so expect its likeness to be some part traditional, artistic and some part as though living with the likeness of what ages after medieval could do instead. Thus it looks like similar, unfamiliar and unique in style of magic in same sense of manifesting the will and ends, but in a set of practices come in three posts levels, greater in complexity then what I often see are introduction basics of typical occult seen.
It concludes with my first taught portion of my school of mystery, which as just a persuit of meanings, is what I did with it and for the sake of considerations possible but not necessarily what might be. It represents a groundwork built for what of all three topics including this ones three posts, is the mystery I considered to develop this essential practice as here the first lesser mystery, that is its origin.
However, that mystery is a depicted image and short explanation, which is meant to be meditated by yourself and interpreted beyond me, for I cannot actually repeat what was great depth for you. As it is now in my unconscious of habits, not my awareness that acts above it, in what it passed through to.
So let us begin the first post, regarding basics of manifestation, before more advanced forms of manifest. These posts are rather long, feel free to read them over several occasions, by returning to the last image you saw before leaving, as a way to keep your position in the reading of it.
1.Tower of Avondale, flatgateway of memetics to diverse stars, what is meaning in sense spirit.
The Tower of Avondale is the flatgateway of philosophical meanings, eldritch unknowns and of the enlightened spiritual worlds. The flatgateway, represents the fact that firstly no person built the tower that isn't literal in matter, but rather behind the awareness and perceived in the mind as what behind yourself perceiving reality, is often never seen or noticed, but rather noted, speaks forms of meaning.
Its flat, for as the front of yourself being such, is as it, but as other then it, the spiritual realms of astral, which while most think them symbol are transcendent to it, in likeness not actually language, but rather forms that only in seeing by meaning of word, before defining it in language, looks behind you in awareness as something that inspires what you draw in front of you on paper or a screen.
As behind the language in the likeness of awareness speechless, as forms of essence beyond the likeness of communication, that in what is not symbol but before it, in sense of geometry subtle, but equally spiritual in relation as world of spirit, spirit of divinity as personifications in Art, of world astral, in meaning. Is actually occult, in sense of not being known, for it is hidden, in not even symbols seen.
Thus the tower, lets you see what before you think you know meaning, reveals to you in not even its language but its form of pre-materiality, the spiritual essence that in farther, allows not the definition of one sense of that meaning, but rather the many depths of that meaning before we attempt to grasp it as something, in sense of philosophy, which translates to mortal powers of its translation from spirit.
These are here called meaning allegories of spiritual and astral planes, worlds of more then even matter. For what behind the language of symbol, is the likeness of raw meaning, in its material, is the keys to feeling before symbolism, which in its spiritual, is the manner of speaking of only that meaning, not the physical world of some many meanings in mundane order, that this spiritual, is strictly of its meaning.
Meaning allegories of the spirit, I have drawn below is some examples, in windows of a screenscroll, a drawing done on the computer, of likeness stated as a word, but not drawn from more then what it looks like, before I describe it as words and symbol from its likeness that is interpreted, which these allegory are not understood as more then philosophic forms, prior to the sense of what they can be for at all.
Thus they represent strange forms, that in the meaning before words, is what it looks like. It represents the pre-meaning, before you symbolize it, which is the inner workings of what you mean at all.
These are what the forms of feeling, as pre-meanings of the essence behind the symbols, which detail the sense of intent that actually imbues the intent at all, as before they are spoken in symbolism of imbued force which colored of the forms become its vessel physical, because these are the forces imbued in symbol, which in essence are an allegory of what is under the essential meaning spirit.
The meaning however is part of a persomnia in front of you, but above physicality, as an aggregate of the word, that above its nature spiritual as word, is seen when its frame from the hypnagogic descends from where it dwells only eyes closed and only appears from the meditations of a meanings reverberance into force of skyfalls. Yet it, the aggregate is looking down at the sensations of behind you and your purpose in mind, which you and your purposes stand between in material body.
While the essential key to knowing what the description of the persomnia's frame and its forms of meaning is and when to know it is there at all, is that in parts as nature, the patterns of your venture in the nature of what is a thing, when they think in amassment of length, will sometimes trigger from the song of the forms, that are literally behind you in awareness as visuals of meaning before sounds mental of its thinking, which as colors of songs feeling, cause in records deep, the descent of an aggregate.
That aggregate spiritual persomnia dwells above the physical behind the perceived of the physical and cannot on most occasions be seen with the eyes open, unless nothing be there at all, such as darkness. Which only in the third hour of ghostly light can an aggregate enter in broad daylight, in rarity of what is essentially an entry from the attentions of what you fundamentally consider, from outside existence.
Thinking in the forms of meaning, essentially from the feeling, symbolled in affections as parts, where parts are patterns of appearance referring to phentals in other blog posts, but here of philosophy, not physicality for a symbol and its magic, allow the manifest, in first the symbol born of the flavor of the forms that meditative of pre-spoken language or symbol, plus its attempt at describing, imbue the fundamental reality, of the flavor and the symbol of its nature as the matter and its color form specific.
As a rose may be loves symbol, but only a certain rose of the flavor of the meaning, before the symbol, decides the fundamentals of its powers, in the song, pre the sense of what is its symbol, that symbol is anything in its fundamental phental of potentials of affection, but that the sound of a form is the flavoring of the technicolor, which imbues past the real, the magic of actual meanings essential.
Which means imbuing the flavors of nature of as above these forms of no meanings, but the flavor of meaning before it is assigned to quality of physicality, as before the bond of a phental nature.
This means not just any rose, but a rose of a flavor in the meanings formal picture, that sounds of the tone of color motions, as the vibrancy of what you meant, which in visual is power even greater.
Color motions regard the forms you draw as I did above, because they vanish in true sense in meaning, changing as of seconds less then seconds in the meaningful, which are passing's still same song. This is why it is wise to listen to real music but not necessary to do it, except if you do, you must listen to music in the purest sense of what your own sense of tastes are, after any selection of music.
Since those sounds and the way the forms dance in them, is closer and ever closest to your spirit. Which if not in those tunes, are neither your end, or your very liking, even if its popular and they tell you its cool, because the sounds of your music's are the sounds of your power in only its colors of spirit.
Yet any persons power is their music when singing in the ways of their being most become purest, in freeing from the common of people with less themselves in wisdom that may relate to others anyways. Yet must be the music's of their real personality after they born, gain of its spirit, which as charm or charisma, shyness or eccentricity are the same forms of before meaning, radiating as their personality.
As the flower normal is of some flavor, but the exact rose of love is of a loves flavor. The exact flavor of not a rose, but the rose of flavors you mean, past the symbol drawn blindly, is better the rose meant.
As its value of meaning, is more sharp, to the dull of what isn't depicting more then pattern, where much of my art here is playing in the sounds of my felts and record, which are my dwelling in the world.
Below I have taken of the allegory and of a symbol of the same meanings, intertwined as powers, which are the symbols of those meanings in our mortal physicality, which are later for affections and more.
These are not just symbols of sanity, emotion, reason and spirit, which would be just a dice, water, screw and tablet, rather these have been imbued with forms prior to the symbols.This adds additional mass of the meanings contents, which were taken from the prior forms of meaning which are not meaningful and rather what is within the meaning itself which taken into the formation of them in any object, tunes more potently the once normal objects, into objects enriched with the meaning itself past the simples of patterns that can be found anywhere in anything regarding meaning. Since these are no longer objects of the everyday, rather are objects of the spirit world of the meaning itself.
Since they now contain more of the substance of meaning then the material world of the mundane, for having a higher concentration of another meaning then mundane, in the likes of the spiritual planes.
Which in relation to what's been discussed here, reflects the Persomnia of frames in the hypnagogia we will discuss now, past the world of physicality, only seen in eyes shut or in rare ours of the day. Which form when we meditate on a meaning or on a question or on anything, which draws down from outside our plane of the mundane.
A frame containing the persomnia, as perhaps a recognizable aggregate, or any other strange form of symbolics, is but of a kind that reflect the meanings we ponder in ways that may not be clear or may be clear, but that always come from the velocity of meanings we ponder in some way.
That in shut eye or open unseen to us, are the meanings world descending to our plane from the spiritual as glimpses into its world, controlled by the focus as the symbolism of meaning meditated, that are directly responsive to the meaning which is as its projector or its substance under its world, that draws in the hypnagogia of the frame that is its occupant. Our world is material and mundane until changed.
However, a frame of the persomnia is as likes I will draw for each prior shown, which I took from focus on the meaning as the word, which brought the form under it into presence in my mind which then I shut my eyes and saw the persomnia in the dwelling of a frame as a space in front of me that opened as a vision of something.
Which represents the inverse side of psychology personal less noticed during the day. This in turn effects me by being the passage of my memory in meditations of the daily, which are equally the translation of my spirit to my identity.
Yet which in turn are containing my spirituals as the forms of deity I imagine as personifications of focus selected, persomnia are a character body of person, which in turn becomes inside its frame many things that depict the spirit and realm of its meanings past materials.
This in essence can be called your imagination, which is your own body in spirit as it links to a mundane plane of the physicality, yet the imagination and your spiritual body is personal and reflects what's in your awareness only sometimes associated with other bodies.
This body of spirit is transcendent to your awareness in sense of your now knowing, your subconscious and your unconscious as your associations with divine personality. Which beyond this description, varies from person to person so I can only speak of myself dwelling. Which another's would encounter and find themselves there instead of me entirely.
However, I will show you what appears as frames for my persomnia which are of my symbols as their characterizations and equally of what my meanings reflect as my awareness means them. Which do not necessarily reflect at all times same scene in either direction of the tower of Avondale we are discussing. Typically I would show what my persomnia look like, but alas, this is not what is more important in scenes of frames, beyond just a statue many often have seen in society.
The frame represents what you see in that meditations questions or considerations in association. These represent sometimes the body of the persomnia or other associations of the sacred more important. Since they reflect the inspirations of enlightenment as what your venture of the mundane and life can come about to become, in the transmutation of the mundane into some formation of your identity.
The aggregate is your characterization, perhaps drawing or personality depiction, which represents the spirit of that meaning which its substance is behind you and the personality before you, but in what of its dwelling is the authority it gave you in that vision or gazed sight seen, not necessarily its body, until or if it is seen doing something, or can equally be spoken to to gain aid in something it gives you.
Below are four images, of frames, which are always a vision seen in empty spaces of its colors, apart from nothingness, as something not physicality or dream, rather as though a cut portion of existence.
Because they always come as a spiritual frame or vision, in the hypnagogia as not an astral projection, rather a hypnagogia concentration, which displays itself as a vision seen suddenly. Yet often especially when you have practiced and navigated the pareidolia of patterns physical or learned, to navigate the perception of meanings, by visually seeing what you mean, in the mundane in front of you eyes open.
As if you manage to use pareidolia to see the meant as it forms in front of you, you used the frame of hypnagogia unseen to map the perceived around you or the internally recalled, by the hypnagogia to the likeness it reflects in front of you, which is dually created then and always found there before you.
Since this is collapsing the position of the matter and mind bonded, to the closer in mundane of your spirit. When you do this in great value, your meaning of self through parsemy, become more aware of your own desires in it, which as formed deeper meaning build the visions hidden in hypnagogia unseen when your eyes are open, that map the seen into being, from the intents of finding the meaning there.
What you mean is found in mundane as though never noticed before in the patterns, when you have created it in the existence, from the hypnagogia descendent and meaning reflected, it only remains if remembered by you in the patterns of existence in front of you seen. This is created and was not present before or after it was known by you, only used in patterns when seen by you. Since the unnoticed of anything is never actually seen by you, unless you look at the point of it in front of you.
This only becomes clearly apparent however with regards to phentals prior, when you have seen enough to manage to create new things in the reality of what is seen in increasing, more then what was there in the point while seen. Which means being able to add to reality in a point already seen, things that were never there before that appear directly in front of you while gazing it in physicality.
However I have myself only managed to add some things to physicality in gaze of moment, the rest of what I see I add in passing research that fundamentally the meaning you believe always creates your reality, but the manifestations of what you believe always arise in how you allow them to form, often in passage between, not instantaneous formations from the meaning and frame before you've managed.
Thus below are frames of the meanings previously mentioned in the momentary ponder on its meaning. They provide an imagination of the dwelling of these spiritual meanings pondered in prior to reality.
These represents Imagined in subconscious reflections, things in front of me that associate to in my case the meanings I think about. Which in observation equally reflect the meaning and symbols of words as the visual that forms as a symbolic meaningful frame. These frames are insights formed in the intent to think on and the continuity potential to think on them or be given by intention of, an insight of spiritual form, meaning and symbol in front of me. These display similar to the symbols above, a higher form and symbol that allows you to recognize unique utility or purposes as well as potentially more.
This is because it represents a processing of meaning and mind, as what is unseen in eyes open that as a form of difference between the reality it is and the meaning you see behind you, between you receive your awareness of something that in turn allows you to know it, but also create it as these are in either. Since while you go about the day, if you check by shut eye, you find that these hypnagogia forms often vague unless deeply meditating on a subject eyes closed, are actually always present eyes closed.
Because they represent the higher reality outside the physical perception which is filtered by the awareness in the physicality, through these two reverse directions of meaning, which the persomnia is the hypnagogic connection of meaning and symbol, the meaning behind you allows cognition.
Which yourself control by altering either through the intentions and symbols, these in turn allow you to change what the world means at all. They let you gain insight, alteration, manifestation, symbolism. Which can equally be used from directly inside the awareness as intents to do so with form, symbol and frame beyond it, yet later I discuss this in other ranges then, as other then.
Which only when you feel the meaning it states as seen in pattern phental, because the meanings form is the sensation of it internally, is that meaning so, as the felt sensation of the actual meaning outside you, contorts with the perceived as the following prior meaning into the reality, as its between meaning and the hypnagogia behind it as perception, that brings it into presence as perceived.
While like magic typical, when you intend something in the physical, later you somehow end up there by chances inexplicable this works the same.
Yet it actually happened, because you induced the meaning in your mind and the hypnagogia behind reality to push into the linearity later on of reality, the manifestation of your intent. As by the convergence later is where it fit in in daily cycles uncertain.
While it seemed to never enter first, the hypnagogia entered from outside the world, when you caused it later by the hypnagogia transitioning into the reality at the right hour of the manifestation. But this can be done in many ways, yet its important to understand this as it happens, not as sudden. These represent the guiding forces of meaning and spirit persomnia, to transition your reality to somewhere else in it all.
2. Gods outside the tower, in the Corebits of repeating patterns as their geometries us under.
However these are equally not the Gods, just the formation of them understood in the body spiritual. The Gods represent the corebits of motions and change in the cascade of everyday life outside you.
In the categorizations of my own, their are firstly lesser, animals, mortals, spirits, gods, Gods, GOD which represent how I view the reality itself as first comprised of beings less then animal, animals, mortals like people who live in the mundane, meaningful spirits under a pantheon of gods, gods such as any pantheon of spirit which may have many names such as Persomnia, Gods which represent the one God of a religious or given body as the essential source and singular authority of the body and GOD which is what that God represents in some aspect but is not actually the GOD which is absolute largest completion of all things completely, omni-anything in what is also unknowable as all things.
Gods are what are however in focus here as a pantheons god but in the depth of an entire universe, which much as a religion is, is composed of its mortal bodies and above, but which is only one person of some relationship underneath its rule that it governs. Yet these are actually always a meaning of undescription also called the Word, which represents either in small glimpse of everyday people in the people of far far more interest the world as a religion of that Word of that God.
Because beyond that world of that God nothing necessarily has to exist to it. However, inside it the people are one place closer to their God in spirit of meaning then when they are apart. Because the spiritual gods are often smaller in sight of distance to the God that is closer to the earth, which in both always only come as firstly a meaning and its spiritual plane, which isn't on the mortal plane until its been formed into a body or temple and changes the world around it as its transmutation into spirit.
People dwell under a temple when they live closer to it then to another at all. These form the higher worlds past the mundane as nature itself before the mortals are there. This is how the higher planes enter the physical mundane one, by the ends and the world forming in it as a dwelling, although one always stands somewhere inside one more then another or is part of one before another, or is new to here.
Yet the totality of existence and all completed things is one GOD that is not easy to grasp beyond all the worlds and planes of Gods as better known gods of spirit, to mortals after animals or lesser. The word of focus for a temple is not always clear unless you listen to it well and best by those within it.
However, mine is Sanity but of my own relationship to it firstly, before I consider what's inside its temple from what is in my awareness and how I see it, in hypnagogia and meaning that I did not create rather that I discovered itself to be, in parsemy and phentals seen. While equally a place of many worlds that I have considered in it, but are not the ones around me either for they come from me here specifically.
Yet, these meanings exist outside you as real natures of that meaningful word in what it concurs from its repetitions in the nature as the corebit of its form, but in physicality and beyond, as needing that word, which another word describes some other composition of possibility, to what another word is. These are the physicality of the gods, the Words of one Temple are however its constrained reality.
This only shows how worlds form in the physical of some celestial anywhere, once reached by mortals.
This however concludes this mention, because you would have to study one of this any for more then. Yet these represent past the depth of form and frame the depth of meanings in focus as ends of person, which vary in scale of size by depth of information grasped in a range of reading or productivity.
3.Cardinal of meaning for processes of transmutation of more meaning, as divination and models.
Next are what help us navigate some dwelling of meaning created, past the frames of the form and our symbols we gather from it, which as a cardinal is past parsemy as firstly the shown example in original post on this part of the blog. Memetic math is what helps easily teach the formation of a cardinal since its the arrangement and operation of meaning that other cardinals distinct are related to.
Memetic math previous in the parsemy can help make them, because parsemy is the use of cardinals, but is not what a cardinals power above memetic math can truly make in sense of what is another transmute, in strictly what you'd wander as the meaning is created with them, that allows something.
In fact they are also quite diverse in what I use them for here, because of what I explore, in sense of discontinence, as simply exploring places, discovering and realities of questions answered, as places of meaning. Yet it is true that one can use these tools to form another word of focus far deeper then my own venturing. Parsemy in basics of one cardinal for idea generation makes meanings, but more exist.
So below are the 6 types of cardinal I use, as cardinals of processing for some kind of result manifested in strictly the meaning transmuted like the memetic math shown previously.
Each type of cardinal allows you to perform a processing mental of meaning resulting in some kind of resultant meaning, memetic math for example takes the meaning inside an operation equation depicted and results in another.
Yet while they all relate to a an image as a visual table like the equation operators in memetic math but of some other form for some other cardinal of some kind and always relates to meanings associated with it. The processing of one is distinct in some way of kind that those below reflect for its table image process and they can take several shapes and kind when considered at all for a distinct meaning.
This is a cardinal of beauty, which allows you an insight into what is outputted as an insight of information based on the insight it is producing, given the reasons for why the information of a cardinal outputs its correct information.
Since the cardinal of memetic math produces an equation, but in use of that with the physics of reason behind the causation of that effect, one can make a cardinal operation which uses visually the variables of cause to emulate the production of the effect it gives insight into.
As the above circle describes inside itself a set of informational keys which in knowing how to read it and how those reflect what it describes as beauty it allows you to create likened beauty in depiction.
An emusim, is a way to simulate something that occurs or is at all, using a visual depiction that matches the entire thing, through some kind of identical representation to skip building or doing it for real, by matching it to an image.
Which while not as physically present can replace the real by allowing it none the less through some kind of virtual image or beyond, which simulates the experience in some way as an emulation of identical values of form. Sometimes these simulations can exceed the limits of the actual form which can't as easily do the things the other scale of simulative can instead as well.
These enable you to access the unreached through something other then the one that is farther to reach.
However, cardinals are distinct from an astrology which while similar to the likes of normal ones known before, here is as a table of meanings and values as a chart of navigated fates in categories of higher meanings as groupings of spirit. Which represents a set of possible connections in time, space or otherwise as a possible chart of charted course to explore. Which while they come in diverse forms begin with simply the creation of the like below, which represents a chart of alchemical changes as meaning, for the transference within them other things.
They can be used for divination, fortelling or even manifestation in sense of meaning achieved by them.
This is a postcard alchemy which details the values in itself, which equally describe a position of time which the stamp denotes and the drawing made with the meanings in it is its product. Which describe the resulting place of time in distances of ages and beyond, for observation of philosophy, wisdom and insights of its time.
Which can help allow the user to know things from time many and going farther, for depth of travel to as this map of astrology creates the essential place it imbues by the meanings inside it. Which can equally give you powers stranger or unheard in sense of now's focus, as another times own, since these cyclical images made with it are of the meaning time they represent inside it.
Alas the meanings, categorizations and much any more of it like the clock, can be any meanings.
These are simply tables of meaning, which describe in sets of arranged values conditions of application to some cardinal, as a list of possible variables, which in turn provides the meanings results specified. Which sorts the domain of results, to a deeper thread of control in what is called the tendric realm. The tendric realm is the potential scope of meaning in changes of mind as outerspace of more. As the mental memetic terrain of the multiverse of information, charted by locations of prior meanings astrology navigated by the scopes of selection which transfer you through its diverse memetical sceneries.
It exists as a direction of depth like above, to designated recessions within, which are diverse, distinct and varied by the cardinal and navigations of operations, which this in essence is a alchemical navigation of one as what it describes, with possible usefulness inside the prior cardinals as an list of places you enjoy visiting in the memetic cosmos. It can be used for divination, but here as reaching it, since one depicts the meaning in it, to know then immediately in presence or later in coincidence.
Since one uses it to intend/predict the moment based on how it forms from its selection of time done. One is done with the time of the selected moment to know it in only semblance of its likeness, the other is selecting a time in the astrology to forward it into the moment of semblance to the hour it will be. Another created provides another direction, which is another place of possible things inside explored.
However to allow these memetics gained from the tower as meanings which may have been assigned to a cardinal of transmutation or an alchemical astrology, one can only use the effects if they are converted to effects beyond meaning, such as magic or science of averence or beyond in other possibility.
Which typically in magic is outwards while in science like averence it is inwards based effects of an object, in both cases yourself, within it is magic immaterially, science materially or otherwise one can build effects as a tool specifically, of inwards material technology as science or outwards radiating ornaments as magical.
However, immaterially means simply no added substance, versus science added, which means in magic the parts add nothing but the magic to the object, the other adds the alteration material to it, which seemingly similar is not the same worth of transmutation in that one is adjacent and the other added.
That object can be you or it can be with a tool, however the effect requires that meanings in sense of definition be used to produce some kind of result literal, in the physical, rather then in the meaningful or the spiritual of more outside the reality. In magic this is motion initial, in science this is object initial, meaning either its the motion that is firstly changed or the object that is changed most immediately.
While the ones introduced in this section following this portion are especially coincidental motion based in reasoning of causation, which is essentially like above described, where intents of meaning are pushed into actual reality from the frames of persomnia outside them as new motions become your reality, in farther readings these effects become more then coincidental events and rather more materially reactive effects of motion responses or even material objects altered by motions.
However to explain effects, first mentioned here before we look at coincidental effects, that also have mild influencers of collapsed certainty, we should understand what can be an effect, as simply anything physically or substantially real outside you, that matches the meaning internal as a phental of mind and matter bonded, by the reflection of it and that in same order of identical reality, by alterations in it.
One translates a meaning into effect simply by thinking of what the phental of a meanings connection can do in relation to itself about the rest of the world around you, such as events of formation or other. Change the matched meaning to physical phental pattern, such that it becomes the other as you would when arranging meaning in parsemy, but as the meaning would be in phentals of other matter.
This in essence of alteration between the memetic operation and the physical operation is equivalent to the meaning as matter, that exchanging equal to meaning is the matter.
What follows is an example of my worldview beyond the meanings I think, that has been given a type of physicality inside the discussion, which has real nature in its sense of description but not inside the usual expectation of a physical object, yet exists none the less as a real substantial material.
Which while not physical in sense familiar also possible, in how the people who read this are familiar with objects being material and substantial only, this simply matched the physical to the literal of its identical meaning symbol and phental of pattern physical, but in a location of nothing familiar to you. This because that also is substantially existent material that can be manipulated with matter by itself always, just not an object, rather something with a pattern less visually visible.
Because any meaning and actual formation in reality, can be altered or used while not an object and still provide a physicality of sense distinct, much as writing a story isn't an object, but the laws of physics in a story only permit what those laws of physical reality of itself can allow as a constraint material.
These effects none the less while not in same substrate as the objects of matter, can be effected or effect the objects when they meet such as when a book is written or you read it and are effected by it.
This helps equally show what a cosmology is, which this is a model of physicality as a world. As a cosmology is a worldview of the reality, that uses a physicality of substrates to make changes to life.
Thus below shows an example of a substrate neither object or meaning strictly, that is altered by myself.
4. Cosmology of physicality as mapping the models divinated, to the real of patterns phental.
The pre-mentioned type of effect before actual coincidental affection is cosmological inner reality effects, which can be a place you live in or a place you explore, but which as a cosmology of realities shape in nature, effects in literals of its application. As in sense of coincidental results in the larger scheme of possible worldviews one that matches the cosmology you use at all.
It makes what is meaning meant in the cardinal and the meaning in free spirit, now physical, by matching the meaning as the phental of itself and the physical. Minds meaning and the physical patterns that has the same inside each other somewhere as the exact same quality of the other, that fits the need of the meaning, forming the phental of its reality, is that which in forwards after is modified to alter the resulting causality of it in some way. This is how what you mean belief in ideas becomes reality.
Its explained in greater details of simply finding the meaning in the matching matter beyond you, but is equally discussed in same small detail in the phental MM bond, because it is that simple, before additional details on what can be done past that to construct a reality, as from how you frame the meaning inside the physical phental bonds with outside it in the awareness, you construct the reality.
Its explained shortly as the idea that if you believe the world is flat, you will encounter chance event confirmations it is even if another believes its round instead and perceives confirmation it is round instead, which leads to them both existing for real inside their collapsed space of belief only, while the rest of infinity exists beyond the worldview of itself as either ignored, believed or in this case manipulated past the true or false for freedom of its possibility.
As discounted from the view you choose to use, both as you seek them and as you use them to your own, the cosmology is a phental bond of matching minds idea and the real world that can fit it some. Yet further this means using phentals to construct a perspective of reality that fits your description and the reality you see around you in such a way that it resembles accuracy of it and follows your rules.
This following example, much as the examples of effects after this that act as uses of magic, enable merely an example of how you can use what is above discussed past the meaning, to explore its world.
However to properly understand how a cosmology works, one must realize they are all fake and real at once, because firstly the flat and round earth both exist inside each other much as all other do too exist as observations about the same reality. Yet that can't be known from more then positions of reality it is inside as observation of phental reality. This means that they are all equally valid inside their governing rules of functional construction, based on how you manage to allow the form to exist in it at all.
They don't exist outside the field of reference that is their own border, which beyond another sees other.
Certain fromologies are more difficult then others in same places as another, but this doesn't suggest it can't be done, just that from my experience certain directions for your cosmology can be less believable to yourself compared to others that much as meaning above does, always reflects the self.
Below I have made the cosmology of this world that I am discussing, which is itself a multiverse of capacities of varied forms inside itself, but I will eventually make others. Which this one is unlike but did use the concept of meaning here in sense of other then itself. Yet the technicality is that what is in my reality here, can be used in parts by another outside it, just as I use a computer from outside it.
Its nothing like the world you know in sense of cosmology, but its stable and its not fully explained here, only an example of its components of physicality is explained, but not what you'd expect it to be.
While some of these cosmological details are left to later worlds for being other ones, this details the world of Prosporo as it is within itself and how it uses the rest of my larger cosmology for the posts that I am sharing presently as the first world I made in sense of discovery. Since it is a place while incomplete like any worlds future and depth of possibility, the most advanced of them, that are on my list of discovery, since my meaning is one I explore as real places somewhere in tendric existence real.
The central island is the world of Prosporo, the rising and falling city that has many forms which represent as parallels, appearance of the same city, which I have shown a few below, to show how the city changes with every visit to it, which has a slightly varied detail as one of its parallels of its reality.
Which always features magic and science, the city as you see its prominent features, yet of mildly distinct capacity. This city is one of magic, science and rises and falls, as it always tells a story as a game. That game is the final topic, beyond its tools for story which this is the first of three parts to first topic, that describes the city as what is its wisdom inside it, as of present in progressions these below were once the peak of the mountain, which is ever climbed to better versions of the city, as its parallels.
Which the above most recent has had several others before it, shown to show the mountain climbed. The mountain in the drawing is the continuing rise of the cities improvements as the progression of it as I work on it, which while existing in a metaphorical and literal sense of progress, is existent in a sense of reality, while not a physical cosmology that is familiar to anyone but me.
It shows an example of a cosmology existing in a scenery of other then the necessarily as the world around me, where no mountain exists, but I used another scenery to build the mountain of my cosmology inside it be.
These are in order of newest back to oldest drawing of down the mountain then of what has come of before the peak presently, including one more recent spinoff of, which has more difference then the typical as this city has many like forms of similarity that are other time spaces.
As you saw just now, the mountain is the ever rising improvements to the city, that represents its progression of capacity that started as a game in stories written then as it continued went on to better methods of playing its games of problems with the world, this is its betterment as progression.
That is a way I took a meaning as the mountain and put it in the matching likeness of what I chose it to mean in relation to the actual reality. Although perhaps had I a literal mountain or something else, I would have done otherwise instead with it and the mountain itself allows better then this alternate.
But here is a summary of the rest less mentioned in the present as its cosmology.
Its using tools of its magic and science to face it as well as its two towers of healing witch's well and time beacon. In the center is the citadel, in the sky are three moons of Concord, Prosper and Innocence that are the same moon at different times Occasion, Day and Night that are the phental, test and noted.
The outer spaces above are the future and multiverse and below it are of the conflicts and endings as Caven, void behind the sky, while adjacent to it is the world of Thios the dream world unfamiliar. Which are Caven and Thios are two other worlds neighbor, but two more unseen our outside it.
The tower stands in the distance between both these lands connecting to the tendric realm of many places and the multiverse and future and the clouds are when it is standing in peace and not when clouds gone it is fallen instead in need of adventure, adventure is the darker side of this city be.
The sky is a wall, instead of a sphere or dome its flat upwards as infinite ground, horizon and sky, the planet it dwells on is a ring yet it is mostly water and islands of its parallels, yet its attached to a flat Thios, the dream world next to it as also on the planet ring, without sense of expected logic, but sleep.
The Skywall is the ring of the planet, it the lands on it go around it, as they go around it too, arbitrarily.
Although while at some point I may provide an actual depth past this that exists, I stop here to keep this post shorter, while showing a glimpse at the cosmology I use behind it, which may gain its own post.
This concludes the first portion of this post on the tower, allowing the meaningful and world being of the magic, which here allows you to explore meanings as your ends and purpose, which is beyond knowing them, as a way to discover additional purposes for yourself in what meanings are and can be.
As you learned to manipulate meaning in sense of insights in relation to the symbol, form and frame, with cardinals that transmute them past into into depth of processes, with astrological tables to control the direction and cosmology of your worldview rendered to manipulate as a scenery of materials.
What follows are discussions on basic effects for achieving your goals and dreams, with aid for them. Such that you might encounter the ends you seek, by manipulating the meaning you know around you, in sense of coincidental synchronicity that can better help you find the manifest, of deeper then bare of it, as just the manifest of mundane desire, which past greater then in enlightenment can be achieved.
Our next discussion is protophorms and photophorms. Which are the patterns seen as physicality, the meaning mental and how they bond as phentals, but in sense of how apart from the pattern on an object they arise as only those pieces in separation which are less like you think they are in definition. As the resemble a subtlety of phorm not forms, that cause in their manipulation, the arisal of physicality.
5. Phorms of phental parts manifesting, built from cardinals of meaning form, symbol and frame.
Previously we discussed photophorms only visible with the eyes closed in hypnagogia as frames which represent the symbol and meanings that exist on the outside of physicality we perceived as our awareness's reality. While protophorms exist in the reality we do perceive underneath our awareness as the physicality eyes open which look like the static of the eyes when open, that takes the appearance of what we pattern recognize when viewing something such as the idea of particles.
This while both are hypnagogia and either must be better studied to properly manipulate in reality, yet in basics are of fundamentally intent and observation of them, as what we are effecting at all.
These concepts are not yet fully understood by me, so expect simplicity as presently only the manipulation of the phorms in what I see as them apart, in subtlety allows them to exist as chances, you can effect chances with them, by altering the values of phorm in the model of what exactly, to allow the result of chance events in relation to the phorm.
Yet it must be complex to describe change, in what is being changed and how, based on the information you model with the above phental capacity of matching reality to meaning in the mind.
Which while they work for what is taught here as coincidental effects of meaning, intent and receive, they show some promise with manipulation of body and very limited success with objects presently.
Some phorms, are actually existent in eye open reality based on their options which divide by definitions like all but aren't the same by type of effect. Some phorms are studied similarly but exist in only perception external or internal to reality, meaning either eyes open or eyes shut where open is in reality and shut is outside reality. Meanwhile some phorms in reality have no effect on physicality. All of these are based on the intended definition, because phorms are based on observation of phental.
They look typically like the static seen in hypnagogia eyes open or closed, which intent manipulates, but only insight about what they can be based on a model of forms can do better with. As intending something with them rarely does much because isn't very accurate to intent.
Yet instead when you form a phental of something physical, it ends up existing as a part and phental of it which defined a protophorm that is more clearly understood as itself the part and phental, which if viewed in separation by intending one in the static you'll see it alone. It apart from the rest in what you refer it as, as its components, you'll see its a subtle appearance of static that does some tiny itself.
This is more likely to do something tiny and specific about what you are referring to, but you need a depth of defined phental bonds of physicality and meanings of, that specifically states what you did. However as of present I am teaching only coincidental like. Because otherwise it has yet been shown more effective but more complicated, when its using a real model of matter. However the fact of doing so would be more dangerous compared to what is known to work, given a simple model of protophorms that only effects a specific intent modeled.
Phorms are distinct from forms because one is how they are controlled, the other is how they phorm in the reality. One is behind you in the thinking you have as not your words but rather what they look like before you describe your thoughts in language but after the subconscious automatic and unconscious not noticed.
The other which is in this discussion is forward in perception and either part of the frames mentioned previous in small details as the dwelling of persomnia or are in your physicality as one specific frame of high complexity you live in, as physical reality outside you is merely the frame your in, while those you see in meditation are of other places. This test is in the frame you wake up in every morning to go to work in as here and the physical, while the other is where you dream and see meditating.
However, the phorms in either are not what the form looks like when you intend it as just a word even if you think it means what you say when it is stated at all. This is because more is required then one form that translates to a phorm, but isn't the whole of seen, as the remainder of definitions in patterns seen.
Rather then thinking of say a drop of water as they look outside you occur when noticed as details in the perceptual, you should think of each word as a phorm when divided from it entirely be it exterior or interior to physicality.
They do not form as the imagined in mind as its meaning, rather they form as they produce themselves to be in reality of frames or physicality when intended infront of you, which you can't take personally in appearance less the real object you expect. As only what they look like is the meaning, while the key is deeper definitions and what they achieve in smaller then the whole of what's in physicality.
You can check this by looking at some detail and then defining its small degree then intending it in some other location of clear view and seeing that while it looks like that tiny degree you stated, its not everything else in the place you took the meaning from, that was missing from it. As you should take reality not from sense of simulation or natural, but rather as though both, so all assets are miniscule, compared to the enormous amount of details missing from your awareness as other phentals.
Phorms represent a recognized pattern of meaning's form in front of you, which is actually a part of reality that usually comprises all of the material objects or otherwise, that in the case of seeing them in separation from the physical object, are tiny dust like behaviors that do very little but be themselves as you thought them be.
So only the subtlety of more then one at all can build something more effectual.
Yet the issue is which or what does what, how and so many to choose from sincerely.
To show this we will construct one example from a set of cardinals of all kinds we showed previous combined, to produce a set of meanings, as phentals bonded to physical parts of pattern, using all four kinds of spiritual meaning.
This in combination of definition past our meaning symbol and form, with the cardinals used to inspire our phorms, which are then taken in separation to build a complex one of them together, for more then them as something to manipulate with them, such that it produces an effect that is more striking.
While all are seen based on visibility and equally what you constructed with them memetically, yet they only ever do what you described in a subtlety of one meaning worth the chance of it. That isn't fully responsible for what you think it means when you think it does this, intending movement of an object won't move it, but then later you moved it by accident. Rather its less then and far more subtle then the whole parts of an object that many phorms comprise it, but large amounts better effect it.
So this one will be expected to produce a powerful coincidental effect or alteration of events, perhaps perceptually seen as an effect at least to myself who knows what it looks like in front of me.
Often these effects are not noticed by others for being subtle and it takes great complexity to allow them to be visible like lightning, which I have yet managed to produce myself although I've seen some be. They can none the less be used to make effects that start coincidental in likeness but in higher speeds of manifest by complexity, only in hypothesis, based on how you designed them for use in manifesting an intended change they could do more then this.
This is using them as scaffolding for events of reality, which tie into the causation as drawn guides, as the freely produced dust protophorm parts of phental meanings are in the air and must bind to the likeliest candidate of your intention nearby in sense of upcoming event.
Which can effect others as semi-seen or unseen effects, that alter the surroundings as intents, but will only raise likelihoods of certain events occurring similar to a sigil but perhaps more rapidly.
Below is the work I did to set it up, with models of drawn phorms and what the combined does. These used the symbols, forms and frames of the above discussion inside their own cardinals I made below, but the essential of what is needed to use this concept has already been explained. The difference is how you use it with definitions of meaning you define and deepen for an effect at all. Yet it is recommended that you start with what you can know you can do with protophorms before you try more then as tests.
Because the following is coincidentally formed its similar to what you'd learn in occult basics but in this case it is done in sense of more then a sigil although causes similar results, but more predictively. As with a phorm affection instead the instant to later resulting of it is far more immediate and functions as an event alteration, but its because a physically real material substance adds push into cause, rather then in the occult where it is immaterial and even more subtle compared to here.
It works as a heightened chance of causation based on presence of the phorms in the air and I've tested this and found they can be almost instantaneous if the opening is possible in places of high uncertainty. More is possible with parsemy, cardinals and what you explore as a world including ways to use types of parts in manners more effective then phorms here as is, but much as are beyond this discussion and topic as additional. What I mean by high uncertainty is anything with lots of chaos inside its nature.
The difference of phorms to a sigil is that you can see its power as an effect of hypnagogia dancing or changing in your visual space as something that effects your life in followed chances like a sigil. But more believable effects in sense of guarantee or likelihood mean more complexity because it is physically existent in the reality and actually has an alteration it can effect it with, that is its phorm.
You can use this only as an example of what can be done, which might seem complex, because the complexity is what differentiates the power of this effect's definitions and much of the remaining shared insights are essentially for use of benefit of clarity on what you can do with the above. Yet you should only use this concept insofar as you understand it, so please consider it with some reasonable tests of.
Yet is not its totality, the definitions you render with the meanings symbol, form and frame above it allow other entries of manifestation then this, for changing the world around you in some ways end.
That possibility is based off how you use cardinals to describe the meaning, the meaning as the phorm seen and the way these phorms sometimes invisible or not, as parts effect the reality around you in clarity of tone said. Yet in same sense of great complexity means wiser insight on changes made.
So below is a somewhat unclear to you model I made, which exemplifies the effect I set up, but doesn't discuss it in much detail, only shows how making cardinal processing's form a power of meaning, as the meaning intended and the phorm seen.
Which is the noticed details of felt being, that produce the result of what you meant in depth of intent and then match it to phorms like a phental, as new parts in the reality of physicality or other. As phentals of meaning mind matter, change the reality of what is physicality then by what is added in the arisal as the precise meaning mass equivalency of parts drawn to closest arranged meaning possible to exist.
That in essence is the smallest detail of how to change things with parmagic, the part phentals of its pattern and the meaning, which is the phorm seen apart from the rest of matter separated, as using the cardinal transmute of the parsemy and resulting probability of defined, adds to the seen what is phental as the phorm from the form. It means as your phental formed in any position instantly, that invokes the frame's entry into physicality as the seen follows, but remains and may take time to effect successfully.
The remainder is left complex, to help encourage you to experiment and self teach yourself how to use this beyond what I've said, but show you a complexity of cardinal meanings and what it did when tried.
Essentially, the above picture describes what is in the above description, it uses the first symbol shape with 6 circles to denote the colors and so meaning that will be each side of the cube, which equally is filled by the 6 spheres themselves and itself the cube is of all its colors. This is viewed as a protophorm that is added to the object selected causing it to slightly change color and so does its ambience around it in the colored directions both inwards and outwards, as added novelty.
Thus it makes the object more likely to have something new about it later as just interpretation, which can be either divinated as information by it or found in it later on in relation to the meanings of the colors selected, which use a table of color to decide which colors are used for which meaning.
Meaning is converted to it based on whether it is Chaos so black, Order so white, Balance so Dark brown, Fractal so Red brown, Life so skin colored or its either pro-living, con-living, pro-machine, or con-machine as basic meanings that relate to other meanings as which category the meaning is put into for its color. This provides the colors for each side and what will come from it in renewing of use.
You can also mix the colors for more in turn from these basic ones.
However it also features a thought on how much that cube is worth in sense of presence, which means how much is it going to be renewed and stand out, which is done by the values of 1,2 or 3 being assigned in addition or multiplications based on each worth itself plus or multiplied the new direction added for every motion in consecutive steps of speed of hand thrust divided into three of slow, medium and high. This merely assigns how prominently the effect will be compared to before the addition.
Which is slightly visible as a colored aura and object difference, undone by intent.
However, you can also take the spheres of color out, which can be looked into to know the effects added after use, since they record symbolically inside them the effect you added, but anyone can view this, unless you take them out and leave only a randomly shifting cube of colors that still have the meaning. You can then put the spheres elsewhere for other effects of your own addition.
All of this can be modified past this into other forms of magic, but this is how you use it, by making a specialized effect of described intents sort of like a sigil, but in meant intents and protophorms. However as previously discussed they are only useful for coincidental like effects as of present discussion, because we simply added something into the object as a chance effect, not alter the object itself.
This concludes the first post on basics of Parmagics.
Some teasers for next posts topics.
Magic Causations Symbols.
Sigil Iconic Cut Ornaments.
Aveliquid Forafters.
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