Parsemy is a way to generate information by essentially coding information with operations of meaning instead of number, while it resembles computer code, without the value beyond the meaning. Instead of computing a value of number on a machine, you use the meaning of something in any topic and operate it with a value of equation, that renders a new link of information. These equations can equally function as models of information depicting changes of operation, generate information types or code the functionality from prior of deeper functions of memetic information.
This topic explores what is called the Tendric realm of minds outerspaces, since like the physical world, the mind is a space of many terrains explored by navigation through cardinals of operator and direction.
As such they are significantly powerful at information generation like an idea generator but in deeper sense of defining anything and equally generating insights from the information somewhat like very powerful divination or other types of information processing.
Operators operate meaning by being alterations of the information to new kinds, meaning exists in a geometry of mental tendrics, which follow specific chains of operation, similar to the game Doodle gods, these can be used for progressing information, or coming up with new realities of information.
In normal thinking we form new ideas when we happen to make a connection from something, but we rarely know how we formed that idea at all, this math shown below allows you to know how, so allows you to form as many ideas at any moment instantly, instead of periodically. Yet because of the novelty of its production, since new ideas have a felt sense of novelty, they actually can be addictive if overused, especially in my case given I produced so much information I wiped my memory with it.
While this is the basics of memetic math, its suggested to be done on paper or on an art program, since holding ideas in mind is harder then when you use a visual depiction to run the process. In fact since then, I've found improvements past this with memetic math for producing more processing power in the mind. Yet the immediate use of writing down ideas to map them is an upgrade to processing, which works by visually storing the words on paper instead of in mind, so enables easier information linking then when not on paper. It also upgrades the capacity to think new ideas in general, giving you practice.
While the basics below show operators and a few examples, cardinals beyond memetic math are diverse and allow memetic mapping in ranges of operators more diverse then listed, made from listed and directions of intent which reflect the meaning of the generation code, as the programmed results be.
You can use this basic set of operators to form complex equations of idea generation, sometimes in visual forms other then math, that act like programs of meaning generation for information mapping.
In the picture one sees many operators used in memetic math.
Below are some of the operators with explanations of how meaning is operated with them, the rest can be understood by considering how a meaning can be applied within its operations, in transmutation:
- Addition + : Synthesis of two meanings together so they form a new idea merged between.
- Separation # : Ideas linked separately, in a sentence of correlated meaning divided between.
- Inversion ! : Opposed thinking of concept listed in a diversity that has more then one opposite.
- Division % : Divided definition into component parts rearranged with another for new idea.
- Negation - : The removal of a meaning from another meaning of any kind, for the lack of it.
- Attach @ : The attachment of a meaning to another meaning in a position of changed effect.
- Cutting / : Using a meaning as a method of separating another meaning into parts between.
- Denom ? : Finding a common denominator between two meanings that is the same related.
Below are examples of memetic math used to define other words from the first words, that represent whatever meaning is associated by the word at the time and the result similar. Meaning is associated with the appearences of the letters inside their words, but more on this later.
One expounds the meaning from the base meaning after generating the idea, such that past the words it makes more sense.
One can combine these meanings defined into a longer one stated as the expounded idea complete. Such as what is below, that is mostly good for some kind of strange story:
The cycle body of the candy fed mouse in the exterior break of shape take, has the translated artifact of the border map of the beyond.
While this meaning seems atypical and perhaps best for a story, the meanings used as a sentence mean the literal things those words mean, which describes itself based on the meaning of each word as is. One can expound each words topic into something more detailed based off the information in the generated connection, since each word prior in the equation adds up to the meaning generated, which one can use to explain the idea previously generated.
To best demonstrate how meaning math can quickly produce new ideas, below is a picture that at the center has an icon for the ideas of wisdom, fear, faith and madness, then it inverts those ideas away from each other, then inverts the new meanings again, synthesizing where the grid fits for it. As a result it produced rapidly enormous unlisted meanings from the reversals of these meanings, some known progressively less known at all, so forming entirely new concepts beyond the ones we have present.
However past a certain point on the image I then added several other meanings from other occasions also either known as words or meanings I had made with this concept, resulting in the image that contains enormous interpretable meanings, which one must simply interpret.
Cardinals are programs made with basic operators and code of memetic math, which allow the information produced by a set of equations inside the programs to output specific kinds of information.
As they receive an input of information which is routed through an operation set and generates a specific kind of information from the arrangement of the operations and required input meaning type.
These programs generate specific ranges of meaning, so thinking in sense of what they generate and considering what you want to produce as a categorical imperative of information, allows you to generate specific categories of meaning.
Below is an example that uses an array, icons and location to generate a picture based off the information inputted into the cardinal, which represents a code of memetic mass, that roughly translates to:
Yet these are depicted in another format as a program table to make it easier to visualize.
Below is the image created. Because the memetic cardinals allow different types of information sets and various manners of creating information and kinds, one can use these codes and memetic information possibilities to generate specific universes of meaning, which translate to actual types of possibility.
This previous cardinal enables generated images based on them, which much as any set of operations which in this case were simply separation and assignment, one can use those operators for a result. Further anything can be an operator if you pass the meaning through the process of another meaning, which results in a new meaning which is distinct by the operation categorizing a new type of information.
Further anything can be part of a categorical imperative of some other kind, which means anything can be a categorical type of something, irrelevant of what it is, so long as you figure out what the difference of the new type is in that category of thing. For example below are some strange categories of thing:
While these seem strange the first category simply represents fruits that look and taste of certain kinds while the other describes types of love between two things that represents something about that love. So long as you attempt to find a connection and make one between the strange addition to your category, then you can manage to make a topic that is of any sort of unique kind, from topics that are unlike.
Finally, the memetic math can equally be used for specialized pattern encosion called multinet patterns for information storage bases and even interpretative multiplications or otherwise. Which allow memetic generation like all this but in multiple values at once instead of one value per operation.
Below are four types of pattern that can help store, refer and generate large amounts of information.
They function based on depicted symbols representing the meaning arranged in tables of complexity for various purposes through operated visual displays of change. The operator decides how the symbols are placed in the patterns which reflects what the pattern looks like and how symbols combine to form displays of interacting information. You can also apply number and variable input for more options.
This in turn enables them to produce much information because they display in multitudes numerous possible arrangements of those meanings, which lets you search through an operation divided by the meanings you put into it, as numerous results as are inside it.
This is good for gaining massive amounts of meaning in one range, based on variables you put into it. Finally below is how to apply the operators above in a pattern so they end up being equivalent. Thus for each operator their is an equivalent action of pattern encosion for two distinct forms, connection and array, which display the information in an operation of space distinct, allowing information depiction.
These can be used as cardinals of depiction which allow information kinds.
These simply denote how to arrange the symbol or set of symbols on the pattern such that they overlay or sit next to each other, to display large amounts of information at one time, which read afterwards can both store large amounts of information you generated or generate it through depictions that in combination of two symbols overlayed can depict a new symbol of what they are combined.
Finally, below are 6 symbols which can depict any information type listed, based on the way they are arranged, which can be used with the pattern encosion or other forms of information to generate or display the information types, which also feature the capacity to be used as tools for insight on a specific information type, since depicting a request with the 6 letternumbers as a symbol and reading the information it produces when arranged informs you on the information needed.
As shown in the second image, where the first are the letternumbers and the second how to use them with pattern recognition to generate information pieces based off how they arrange.
This is another cardinal for generating insights, that maps a search request to a result.
These symbols each represent the meanings synthesized, using what they mean and how those depict information of a requested question, you can depict the question and recieve through pattern recognition of the information depicted a result that resembles an answer to your question.
These are examples of the application of a question with the 6 characters, which allow a sort of non-internet and so multinet based search engine for information.
Since many of these effects allow an information service for information discovery, that allows you to explore the multiverse of information generated by the possible code, programs and searches.
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