As of now what is shared here and beyond is all I know worth sharing at all regarding its likeness.
Due to the contents of the post but also the order I wrote and equally came to understand world travel, this is shared second. Yet because when writing it I progressed the knowledge of it beyond the original mention less in detail years prior it has become a more atypical discussion that in current knowledge can tell how effective it is in part but also where the reality of it is in extent.
That on its own is why it's true you can begin by trying it as even I did, at the initial test years ago before even parsemy, but then stop and do research because of what you find. Since you may be surprised by the encounter even slightly and one gets home by turning around and going back where you live intending return and only going as far for a short time as you like as deep as you go in some aspect.
This is because it works with the mendala shift, unlike my initial test its also advised to go somewhere known not as myself daringly into the sunset in a new city without a map, charged phone, payed attention to wandering and only finding my way back by accidental discovery of off campus university buildings and a security guard showing me the bus home.
As the example I provide for the same effect that led to an encounter with seeming atypical culture shock, can be done in my neighborhood and worked several times less deeply culture alienating and orientation dissonance. into even how to get home. I just wandered for hours in psychosis until I happened to find nearby related scenery.
The whole time I also saw unusual sights:
- Convenient store design for brandname types that was also a home with childrens toys down a hall in the store.
- Unusual mirror technology lighting up the writing on it in neon never seen again.
- Difficulty ordering by language from a somehow eurpoean style asian restaurant with drinks I'd never heard of in brands I knew that was payed for on order instead of after and eat in like a normal restaurant I left after ordering and paying for soup and canned carbonated water as a beverage option. I thought the can was a normal pop drink unheard.
- I bought a pack of smokes at the convenience store mentioned nearby and bought a pack that a week later the pack was noted as not being shaped the same as the same brand exact bought after it at a nearby store. Infact another occasion found similar oddity later in life.
- The architecture with slight atypical eccentricity where I smoked a cigerrete backwards comfortably was either very wide and tall or tall and very pointed for residential buildings.
- On the way the first thing was a stained glass jesus but his halo was reverse, glowing black by lit indoors of a church I knocked on for directions, that a women answered the door to happily, unsuprised and gave me politely.
- Then I found an unusual school like building for the elderly I first thought was for elementary due to painted handprints on paper stuck on the walls inside from a window.
- Then people in my university off campus building way after dark that I thought vampires in psychosis due to the whole night being paranoid while also finding all this odd stuff.
- Then as I found bike wheels headed to class as they sat there infront of an unrelated classroom not even engineering related just as I met the guard that sent me home. I got into the building because it was unlocked, one person on their phone inside.
- The guard thought I was lost, the other person he walked by to meet me coming that way. He just wanted to know if I was lost and sent me home, at my building I found out I had been gone for hours and they wanted to know what and where I went, told them this stuff.\
I then forgot, doubted and disregarded it from other events after, until years later after several years of research in regards to the multiverse on paper. Both from disbelief and presumed superior alternative of knowledge and less proactive experience later useful for the insight regarding what could be out there at all. Since you definitely don't get the idea of infinite until you've at least seen some of it in words and even tech.
So only here in this post did I reattempt the explained effect above, as previous less depth methods before this using just pattern recognition base of expected scenery and form I used just to review the reality to another opinion seemed fine.
Yet below is what followed after blended with the mendala effect, pattern recognition and a parallel reality described effectively was I somewhat surprised to have found what is shown. In summary it did exactly the same out of context results of encounter. Yet in distance far outside the range of just the above where subtle alternates were noticed that are conceivable from no knowledge the shared under is seemingly more or not.
So until you grasp anyways the distance from yourself here in this world, I suggest you really do at least know enough to be prepared for the unlike of where you go safely, as whether this method is real or false as shown, you can't truly know as I can't know in this case regarding mendala shifts of reality.
Since the science says its false memory, this works, but the below is unknown discovered technology. Which in least of similar science could be unknown to you, but somehow this still is why I struggle with the found encounter. It doesn't follow from observation my encountered expectation of reality as I know it in nature of functions and resulting physical knowledge of Science I can think of.
Its also not alone in it, but also why I'm now taking more precautions, but also review and considerations then in above and previous hypothesis and return, strategy and research, not less defined and considered wanders. Since you really should know more and need it anyways to get to things like I showed. That on its own is just the parsemy to know the like and maybe tech, before you take it to your own use of the mendala effect that is more complex then it sounds.
But I guess if their were anywhere in reality to think you could travel worlds because you can't find portals for proof, the remaining implied option is definitely the debatable mandela effect. I call it the mendala effect however, for the mandela effect being an unintentional encounter with it, that isn't in my case engineered intentionally by some controlled point of personal use. That matters, one isn't intended.
Cause firstly the effect of a suddenly noticed out of the ordinary detail in reality, is definitely what is often mentioned in both conspiracy, claims and even people as I once met and at the time knew not whether it was possible but who stated they had gotten lost and arrived here instead we there.
It was among why I then took the reality of worlds other then this one existing more seriously, because the writing of this person online was harder to understand then normal. That suggests a parallel cultural linguistic exterior of experience for them compared to my customs of encounter here.
It suggested they were either very intelligently faking it, or it wasn't fake at all by the language unlike used at all in syntax. I told them I traveled worlds in as I defined type 1 and 2 world travels of meaning and matter, but that type 3 were unknown to me as what they said of having arrived here. They may have said more but in least of having stated I knew something, may have helped them find a way back. Since no one else took it seriously, they likely eventually figured it out or didn't.
Presumably the way back is back where it began and going back through or back to where you were. My method works that way, you have to go back to you reality by finding it around you. But it differs I guarantee with which method you use to get somewhere and that differs more then just that. Although the method I got might in a real case of debate in current, at least get them home hypothetically. Maybe I'm just skeptical still with what I got, maybe I'm sticking to what I got alone before assumption.
Which in fact of itself as an effect, also doesn't have to be used the way I did and is a basic example, that I recommend being quite cautious with when even trying. As you the reader may know less then me on at least the ideas I know prior, in what could be out there, of what is out there as infinity, referred to as simply a massive amount of potentially polar anything that can be imagined.
So at least with what follows as of writing this above it I only know of a varied maybe on validity of the effects described below, as what they act as as I know them being current to the end of here.
My first reaction was excitement, then I freaked out about it a bunch with further issues regarding an unrelated perceptual world travel that went way out of what I knew in my own mind unmentioned here, then I tried it again after calming myself and the massive anxiety over my sanity or insanity, found more related and as shown a filter point that gave me more anxiety until grasped as I did and is sensible.
As a note, sensible by my own experience with polarity, my own reaction to it and knowledge of paranoia and how it really does root you in time to specific worldviews that in this case too, are internal.
Then as of now took more time thinking on where or what I'll even do with the effect as I know its current state of limits and gain better knowledge firstly to know more. So for now this is just an experiment of what I did with it and where I remained for science regiment of test.
You really shouldn't go down the paranoid train with this stuff, ensure mentally the state of reality prior to the real and in infinite possibility as the multiverse literal in subject, Never go down roads that always exist but aren't desirable.
As many worlds exist and worlds are always better for who wants to go there, but like honestly do think of consequence before collapsing a reality to one kind or another, if at all. As in more then assumed exit from after entry taking it hypothetically in reveal is random not desired.
You shouldn't approach this with scientific tests like a scientist of this or that as I got here with pattern recognition and observation at front value with hypothetical foresight, more as it is where you going as prior known to drive it. Since if one is a surprised by the result tested, the other reality is not noticed. Testing drives a reality down one direction, Observation allows what in my observation is anything from good to bad and anywhere beyond, between or before it, only if you go down that specific road.
Yet viewed as neither good or bad at all, just alien and not like where you live everyday. That is how I begin to go explore, as a sensical of the unlike, not a conquest for the ideal of myself over others.
Just my advice. I don't even know how real it is, just what I got as it was, then can do from that found.
This above represents the scales of reality, or at least some of them which have been noted. This meaning essentially the same thing as the large and small scale, but taken instead to the concept that a scale points in more directions of reality then just large and small. Since in using another scale one accesses another reality that followed another assumption about the world that uses it differently.
The result is that one can explore another sense of being from the ones that we call the atom and outerspace, since the world explored studies something other then those sizes and focused on other. The image above can give you inspiration for the scale of reality to explore but the manner by which it is explored provides a different experience. So when looking at these expanses of size, I often view them in the sense of Scalien, which means the distortion and geometry of the scale.
The Scalien world shape of this reality is different from our own, its sizes curve unlike it.
Depending on the geometry of scale, which like the above image's distortion of perspective, the shape of the studied reality is distinct from the one that is specifically curved like the one of the atom and outer space. This seems strange at first because the thought renders a different perspective then the idea that you can go to outer space and instead the world of there presumed you could go elsewhere. The result is a focus on something in scale and its perspective that enables another navigation.
For example one could view the reality as having a sky instead of an outer space, such that the sky is blue in both day and night and resembles a wall that rises to infinite heights instead of curved and round. In fact using pareidolia you can actually perceive it literally instead of the round sky most know.
That wall of the expanse of the wallsky, is navigated by the above of your perception that is traveled by ship of chances. So the world is explored by ship in your mind, not the distance of outer space instead. While it is true that either exists as a worldview, the way they are is distinct.
The wallsky is part of the world I recently focused on in more detail and this will allow us some experience with how the scales of reality modified by our pattern recognition and idea. It changes the scale and perspective of its curvature, which enables another shape of the world.
The curvature of a space which is viewed as an expanse, distorts the way it is so it resembles another shape then simply the expanse of a field like outer space and can thus resemble a wall. This in turn changes how the organized concept of the space is, so that its navigation is distinct and its nature is in effect of physics modeled that describe another reality of reality.
Essentially this is a form of making a unique cosmology of reality like science or like religion, but in this case the attempt is to take it more in the scientific direction with the religious like alternative cosmologies to the ideas familiar in science. Since if you manage to figure it out you can like my wallsky travel its outer space in some manner that doesn't have to be like a spaceship at all.
For example, when I used my wallsky to fly to another world in the sky as the above of my mental perception I saw a line like angle there, so I mapped pariedolia of the scenery around me to this shape and noticed the roofs of the houses more prominently, then I went for a walk and described the world as having shadow poles for collecting stardust.
This then led me to seeing several pole like structures but their wasn't a seeming unusual vibe to them so I didn't think of photographs.
Although it was using the mendala effect and chance encounter so some didn't quite have reasons for being there I could relate to, others did and still fit my reasons imagined. I simply looked around to find the experience of the parallel world distinct.
After seeing the worlds edge of sky formed, from clouds that were there in large beautiful size and light, I found after a strange technology I don't understand. I photographed this stuff due to liking the sky firstly.
After I found this by a house that I walked by on a walk atypical to my usual walking path.
The poles weren't photographed as most could be easily explained to myself as just noticed reinterpretation of typical reality, such as electrical wires that you see in the photo's.
The odd thing was the free door, as I wondered why you'd need a free door as doors are rarely needed in my mind, so why does this person have an extra door, that's in good condition as well.
Further, below it something confounding to me was spotted.
It's something that I have never seen before or can conceive in a world without stardust from the poles perhaps or something I have no knowledge of in general anywhere.
It is hard to say whether you did change worlds in this method because its walking around. Yet noticing unusual vibes and situations, that somehow apply to elsewhere, like culture shock in your own neighborhood you spend time in every day.
It is surprisingly interesting as an experiment to try. However, it is highly likely that you won't find the patterns of concept out of your field of knowledge easily, without parsemy nor understand how to explain something specific, describe a cosmology and have enough certainty of expectation to enable the results.
I got them from several years of using pareidolia specifically but I approached modelling more skeptically because it was never done before. So I didn't know if it would even get this far, but also that you have to get this far to achieve what I can do with it.
It may be slightly easier with parsemy to generate your own concept that in turn lets you faster by fact you know theirs a way and this post helps you figure one out in sense of initial cosmology for the knowledge.
This lets you get a grasp of your own manner, further pareidolia doesn't actually have to be used to travel worlds, just the understanding to grasp it and being prepared for it in experiment. The effort to know it wisely helps judge what I went in with selection of desired focus that I grew to this point.
This point of progression looks a lot like my beginnings idea, just far more advanced with tech and more, because I went with knowledge and being prepared in understanding firstly to achieve and better be able to do it. It's true that I did use it in the process of getting here but in simpler levels that worked in less capability, as being of less ideas to advance and reach effectively. They did help me achieve parts of the process that got me all the way here.
The reason for the low results is likely a lack of knowing how to drive the ship, but also because a vehicle is driven safely or not to arrive in the right manner to the location you intended but ensure is as expected. I haven't used my vehicle of the wallsky, much at all yet, for the result being what it is since as you may have noticed the concept resembles a space program but in a parallel form.
It just won't take you too far away because its lacking the fuel to get there even now, just in the work I have to continue beyond it, which is actually walking farther out of it, but also more then that discussed after this. It's not known yet in much detail, regarding the people there and how they are or aren't quite like myself in less then similar scenery I can presume is used the same.
But once I met a person who got lost and entered this reality by accident, I noticed that they had a language accent of mostly underlying meanings in their sentences, that made it harder to understand similar to a person, who speaks a different accent or knows more about something. The language doesn't translate the same in experience that recedes past the known about it.
I may be able to use some kind of buffer to make it easier but I don't know yet how. I may know later in this post as I think about more on the subject.
Since firstly doubt inhibits the reality to continue in that stability of expectation, since its the denial of something and the assumption of something else is what draws it in. So if you can't properly believe and act or know and confirm at once. It won't let you do it as advanced as if you did. It may also be easier for you to build your own method of travel yourself to arrive there in better knowing.
It is surprisingly interesting as an experiment to try. However, it is highly likely that you won't find the patterns of concept out of your field of knowledge easily, without parsemy nor understand how to explain something specific, describe a cosmology and have enough certainty of expectation to enable the results.
I got them from several years of using pareidolia specifically but I approached modelling more skeptically because it was never done before. So I didn't know if it would even get this far, but also that you have to get this far to achieve what I can do with it.
It may be slightly easier with parsemy to generate your own concept that in turn lets you faster by fact you know theirs a way and this post helps you figure one out in sense of initial cosmology for the knowledge.
This lets you get a grasp of your own manner, further pareidolia doesn't actually have to be used to travel worlds, just the understanding to grasp it and being prepared for it in experiment. The effort to know it wisely helps judge what I went in with selection of desired focus that I grew to this point.
This point of progression looks a lot like my beginnings idea, just far more advanced with tech and more, because I went with knowledge and being prepared in understanding firstly to achieve and better be able to do it. It's true that I did use it in the process of getting here but in simpler levels that worked in less capability, as being of less ideas to advance and reach effectively. They did help me achieve parts of the process that got me all the way here.
The reason for the low results is likely a lack of knowing how to drive the ship, but also because a vehicle is driven safely or not to arrive in the right manner to the location you intended but ensure is as expected. I haven't used my vehicle of the wallsky, much at all yet, for the result being what it is since as you may have noticed the concept resembles a space program but in a parallel form.
It just won't take you too far away because its lacking the fuel to get there even now, just in the work I have to continue beyond it, which is actually walking farther out of it, but also more then that discussed after this. It's not known yet in much detail, regarding the people there and how they are or aren't quite like myself in less then similar scenery I can presume is used the same.
But once I met a person who got lost and entered this reality by accident, I noticed that they had a language accent of mostly underlying meanings in their sentences, that made it harder to understand similar to a person, who speaks a different accent or knows more about something. The language doesn't translate the same in experience that recedes past the known about it.
I may be able to use some kind of buffer to make it easier but I don't know yet how. I may know later in this post as I think about more on the subject.
Since firstly doubt inhibits the reality to continue in that stability of expectation, since its the denial of something and the assumption of something else is what draws it in. So if you can't properly believe and act or know and confirm at once. It won't let you do it as advanced as if you did. It may also be easier for you to build your own method of travel yourself to arrive there in better knowing.
I have no idea what it is, because the timeline of that world was not mine, so its knowledge varied from this one causing the noted details of its place similar to my own to be unlike my reality. This is somewhat why time and space travel varies in experience, from your base of origins, since some details of what might have seemed normal in the shift are hidden by the nature of your visit.
The time period of a parallel world varies in knowledge so it can have other tools in plain sight or other alternates of the familiar that seem unusual to someone who travels outside it.
They also form in the mundane and they aren't always planned due to the same unexpected values mentioned last post, underlying the definitions you define in use of the wallsky.
It produces a distinct timeline of parallels that relate to the meaning of the cosmology. It remains closer to yourself's place of origin, but as you go farther into it recedes into the unfamiliar.
The tech found has to do with stardust but how is unknown.
More on the wallsky as we continue, but you return by taking your ship, back to home and looking for the familiar around you, to help guide yourself back to your own experiences of the typical life there regarding the pareidolia of the space and setting.
The changes have a half-life, since they decay with memory, so you must forget and never look at what wasn't there before that changed, or it will be there. This is because you directed your mind to the world that had it there. It's also possible both timelines did some things the same way so what is done as you go might be equal in both realities to events end result. Such as stealing something, will make them find you to get you charged with theft.
I didn't take the weird object even though it was free because I don't know what it is.
I may try that on another occasion since its not the first time I run into weird stuff as part of the intended journey, once I got a neat staff looking for a wand instead.
You also may have no idea what it does, so consider what your doing there.
The culture shock may also effect those around you regarding you, as you are a visitor.
The reason for why my wallsky works and exists is actually mostly the idea that I can make the sky look like a wall with pareidolia, then I can visualize myself in a ship above my perception.
With the ship I can use this insight of meaning or direction of meaning, from the visuals I see there in that outer sky space above my head, to then I use mendala and coincidental effects of mass attraction of the intent for arrival in another world, with that knowledge to arrive at the experience I intended.
While that reason is simply a loose special effect of sorts and makes it seem like its lacking depth, it is in mention firstly like this as a basic formation of idea, that in more knowledge later expands deeper into it and gives it more modeled complexity.
This is because the difference of a scale varies its capacity and travel, and I want to encourage the exploration of more manners like and unlike mine to travel. That in least of inspired similarity use the idea of mendala effects and chance encounters of mass attracted world travel to exist, but aren't assumed to be only possible in the wallsky, since parallels exist in use of those concepts.
Since parsemy previous lets you come up with new ideas that might relate to here or use other concepts unrelated and the ideas here help allow basic similar effects, but that in almost all cases vary depending on how they are justified and what they are. So this deeper discussion on world travel uses its method, that may not be how you end up using a world.
Since I can justify my method works on attraction of my walk through curvature leading to the exact world by use of my mass meaning effect, but in other methods like Dimension jumping on Reddit, the reason and way it works is different, so the result and what it does isn't the same. A method someone uses can be made with parsemy, but the method you use is a taste in style.
You can use something other then the wall sky with the mendala mass meme effect to travel the world, but depending on what it is the way, what and how are varied from the example.
Since scales and uses of a direction of knowledge and reality effect what can be done with it, including the knowledge of its depth and its capabilities you defined. The reason the sky is related is by the fact that it is the map of the curvatures and the reality of that curvature to travel to, so it enables the navigation that I descend from to arrive.
You may not actually like the art style, since world travel in essence is an art and the practiced person may have distinctions of their own knowledge that is customized to their own ends.
So I don't have a justification in sense of itself first explained, that makes the world I use as my base reality for world travel to be the only world that can be a base.
Since I can create one by asking the question and relate it to my cosmology in the fact that I like the idea and can find reasons for why its the case. The reason teaches me more about it, that confirms it exists and can be done.
This is an example of how the way you justify and see the worlds scope of reality, like a science and a religion, can be justified in manners that effect how it works and what it can do. Curvature works by being the angle of your position in reality traveling a direction that has infinite nearly identical ends, that happen to be compatible with the precise position prior to the arrived position.
Those manners limit you to the effects that it allows, so if you find a way to travel another space or scale, you can in that manner you create that lets you, this can very much more then most.
For example flying to the literal blue sky and exploring it like its outer space, is different then outer space in science, because you need to shrink the ship so it enters the blue sky as an outer space. Or perhaps some other justified method of doing especially if you plan on trying to do it.
This in itself as a concept means to arrive there you have to be able to get there, this takes another task of manner that like my wallsky method, requires above the mind to reach, but that in other tastes and acquired skills can be easier or harder depending on how you figure it out.
You may also simply have a telescope like tool as discussed later on my end for some world travel tools. These and more can be useful inspiration to the idea of how you can travel a scale of reality but my method uses walking around and finding myself there in the sought visuals I see guiding my position into another reality by orienting myself in a perception that isn't my normal pattern of view.
The pattern of view of your normal reality inhibits psychologically the normal expected scenery because it leads you to see as you usually act the world around you in that way, changing it will lead always to noticing things outside the typical you know. So this is how people experience the mendala affect accidentally, by looking somewhere they never looked before.
As such the way I look at the scenery with pareidolia as a set of recognized features, orients my walking down a slightly different direction of motion towards those precise views of different places.
That's why you look for the familiar world to go back to where you recognize the similar, over the uncanny that remains there as long as you look for it instead of the similar to yourself. If you relax and it seems familiar enough to go back to everyday activities you will return to your baseline reality and return to seeing everyday life the same way.
The ideas used to justify the basic effect is the mendala mass meme effect since the guided pattern you intend with the eye guides the path you take, but the reason it relates to the sky, is related to where I am and what in deeper sense it allows me to do.
As a place in my mind and in the reality itself it lets me travel by recalled place in it and where it leads to in reality of pattern seen. Since it helps me visualize the pattern I am going to and is useful for exploring, but as a field of explored terrain, I can explore then decide to go to, by use of visualization of what is above my mind in perception.
I also use certain tools to help me that in themselves are maps and ambience for traveling, that I have linked personally to the wallsky, but that some other space of travel may have done wholly distinctly. Those will be discussed later, since I have much to say about this whole concept I have experimented with but still research in different ways.
Like the astral world of spirituality and magic, the way I travel is in mind, but above my perception viewed as a sphere of physical sight and mental thinking.
Above that is the wall sky as a space of visualization.
The wallsky space is like a wall and a video game like ship drives around in it, it lets me take a ship to other celestial bodies as patterns in that wallsky that show up.
Once I pick one I then descend from the landing of that pattern and view pareidolia patterns seen in the wallsky in reality. This lets me alter what I directly recognize about the scenery and helps navigate my walking. Knowing about the world with the pattern helps direct the place you end up. You can't easily cross into unknown or unexpected places, without first expecting that place to be there somewhere in the semi-familiar scenery of a different pattern of recognition.
If you get good at pareidolia, you begin to notice it can make the similar seem far more uncanny.
The underground is similar, it has a videogame like cart I ride in to travel my mental time and enter states of time warp, that allow me different states of time self and place.
It works by letting me arrive at the likeness of some past event I was in in mind or matter, by helping me travel there and find the time in mind or matter somehow. It lets me search my memories, futures, pasts, parallels and more regarding time. Since it is the stored cavern of my times, that holds the ways to places in time. It is entered by climbing down the ladder as I visualize it in my mind into the under of my perception. Its sort of like the place where all my lives are stored for reuse or new.
These times are navigated by reconstructing the scenery of the time in my own effort before the moment, this lets me arrive since the same moment defined meets the criteria for it. As a result the time period is more in your own effort instead of pareidolia and encounter.
So to reach in this sense you must find the moment around somewhere, but it can be improved in practice by judging the likelihoods of the event being somewhere and getting there.
Now I will discuss the ideas of additional detail I have thought in this moment on the nature of these two spaces above and below perception of mind and matter. This regards the Orbit, Moons, Directions, Roots and Heights of separately in two and a third parts of time and space. These enable the essence of something in experience that allows the path for more things in experience.
Firstly the Orbit of space is what tells the times of infinity where you are in it, so the place you set out for is in orbit of walking, taken to the eventual end of its course and the end arrived begins another cycle around the next end of goal. The pattern of the position and the place pursued guides you to the direction you head out towards and find in the pattern, that in turn enables the next step to get there.
So the way we walk to further distances in world travel, is by crossing the distance between and remaining there for the moment to continue past the next metaphorical gate, between you and your ends. This means that in essence one walks the distance between the two places to find an end that is closer, then find another. The further you go the farther out of the world you knew you went, so take the time as it may require anyways, to do the right thinking on where you are headed.
Since you won't take it to where you don't go unless you look for what isn't like your home. This itself explains the mystery of how some people do accidentally end up in another universe, they did something unintentionally that caused the effect. However, not all worlds arrive in the moment in what changes, just what comes from knowledge to attain. So when searching for where to go, one must know the end in sight, or find the end past that, in mind makes sense to start.
The first time I used the method above, I was very skeptical about it and since then I'm far better at using pareidolia to do what I did in the photo, at first you may only notice smaller details even though it had the same effect. The reason was because your gaze only knows a distance in the worlds scenery its familiar with and I looked many places before I saw more of what was in front of me, this helped me understand matter.
Secondly I had to prepare far more to get the difference of the effect I showed again with the knowledge I studied firstly, to know where I was headed. So while you may try the effect I showed above to know it, the journey farther takes time to figure out since where are you going and how are you going to get there, why and how. How since a different method allows a different way to somewhere.
You should in least be prepared and knowledgeable about where and what you are headed to do. What manner you plan to do that is up to you, so I can only provide a basic key to the ideas I know. Yet also what helps show a footprint of what I tried and did for myself specifically to give a head start from the days I only thought I could visit worlds in a story I wrote.
This changed when I found more then what I first thought was simple with pareidolia but after I had explored in only wisdom, but grew more evident as I looked around and kept seeing more and more of the world. In fact I can see a lot more in the world around me now, then back when I began only in knowing the position of deeper position to look. You start where you are familiar firstly and only conceive of what you can come to understand effectively.
The reason for something working is important especially for why its real, the reason also helps effect the effect that you actually understand by that reason. So if you know something and you explain it, you grasp the concept enough to use it. However, the reason you know effects the possibility so in the fact I went skeptically from doubts to too much realizations to deny it easily at all, I then knew I could take it farther by the fact that I grasped the idea more.
So the next part represents what I use in the maps of the skywall that are three moons of Orbit to explore, that even in knowing what I give, as example doesn't equate the distance prior I know first.
So in some ends and in some parts you are on your own to know the meanings by discovery and the world your headed to in some manner must be found yourself. I can only provide what I did and what I shared of more. The distance to some part for yourself is in your reach, so long as you take the effort in models and research to get there and its not all on my blogs.
Experience with the way, comes with the art of ones beginning.
With the ship I can use this insight of meaning or direction of meaning, from the visuals I see there in that outer sky space above my head, to then I use mendala and coincidental effects of mass attraction of the intent for arrival in another world, with that knowledge to arrive at the experience I intended.
While that reason is simply a loose special effect of sorts and makes it seem like its lacking depth, it is in mention firstly like this as a basic formation of idea, that in more knowledge later expands deeper into it and gives it more modeled complexity.
This is because the difference of a scale varies its capacity and travel, and I want to encourage the exploration of more manners like and unlike mine to travel. That in least of inspired similarity use the idea of mendala effects and chance encounters of mass attracted world travel to exist, but aren't assumed to be only possible in the wallsky, since parallels exist in use of those concepts.
Since parsemy previous lets you come up with new ideas that might relate to here or use other concepts unrelated and the ideas here help allow basic similar effects, but that in almost all cases vary depending on how they are justified and what they are. So this deeper discussion on world travel uses its method, that may not be how you end up using a world.
The angular curve of ones walk weighs the same as the gaze of the eye to the familiar or unlike.
Since I can justify my method works on attraction of my walk through curvature leading to the exact world by use of my mass meaning effect, but in other methods like Dimension jumping on Reddit, the reason and way it works is different, so the result and what it does isn't the same. A method someone uses can be made with parsemy, but the method you use is a taste in style.
You can use something other then the wall sky with the mendala mass meme effect to travel the world, but depending on what it is the way, what and how are varied from the example.
Since scales and uses of a direction of knowledge and reality effect what can be done with it, including the knowledge of its depth and its capabilities you defined. The reason the sky is related is by the fact that it is the map of the curvatures and the reality of that curvature to travel to, so it enables the navigation that I descend from to arrive.
You may not actually like the art style, since world travel in essence is an art and the practiced person may have distinctions of their own knowledge that is customized to their own ends.
So I don't have a justification in sense of itself first explained, that makes the world I use as my base reality for world travel to be the only world that can be a base.
Since I can create one by asking the question and relate it to my cosmology in the fact that I like the idea and can find reasons for why its the case. The reason teaches me more about it, that confirms it exists and can be done.
This is an example of how the way you justify and see the worlds scope of reality, like a science and a religion, can be justified in manners that effect how it works and what it can do. Curvature works by being the angle of your position in reality traveling a direction that has infinite nearly identical ends, that happen to be compatible with the precise position prior to the arrived position.
Those manners limit you to the effects that it allows, so if you find a way to travel another space or scale, you can in that manner you create that lets you, this can very much more then most.
For example flying to the literal blue sky and exploring it like its outer space, is different then outer space in science, because you need to shrink the ship so it enters the blue sky as an outer space. Or perhaps some other justified method of doing especially if you plan on trying to do it.
This in itself as a concept means to arrive there you have to be able to get there, this takes another task of manner that like my wallsky method, requires above the mind to reach, but that in other tastes and acquired skills can be easier or harder depending on how you figure it out.
You may also simply have a telescope like tool as discussed later on my end for some world travel tools. These and more can be useful inspiration to the idea of how you can travel a scale of reality but my method uses walking around and finding myself there in the sought visuals I see guiding my position into another reality by orienting myself in a perception that isn't my normal pattern of view.
The pattern of view of your normal reality inhibits psychologically the normal expected scenery because it leads you to see as you usually act the world around you in that way, changing it will lead always to noticing things outside the typical you know. So this is how people experience the mendala affect accidentally, by looking somewhere they never looked before.
As such the way I look at the scenery with pareidolia as a set of recognized features, orients my walking down a slightly different direction of motion towards those precise views of different places.
That's why you look for the familiar world to go back to where you recognize the similar, over the uncanny that remains there as long as you look for it instead of the similar to yourself. If you relax and it seems familiar enough to go back to everyday activities you will return to your baseline reality and return to seeing everyday life the same way.
The ideas used to justify the basic effect is the mendala mass meme effect since the guided pattern you intend with the eye guides the path you take, but the reason it relates to the sky, is related to where I am and what in deeper sense it allows me to do.
As a place in my mind and in the reality itself it lets me travel by recalled place in it and where it leads to in reality of pattern seen. Since it helps me visualize the pattern I am going to and is useful for exploring, but as a field of explored terrain, I can explore then decide to go to, by use of visualization of what is above my mind in perception.
I also use certain tools to help me that in themselves are maps and ambience for traveling, that I have linked personally to the wallsky, but that some other space of travel may have done wholly distinctly. Those will be discussed later, since I have much to say about this whole concept I have experimented with but still research in different ways.
Like the astral world of spirituality and magic, the way I travel is in mind, but above my perception viewed as a sphere of physical sight and mental thinking.
Above that is the wall sky as a space of visualization.
The Wallsky and the Underground, outside matter and mind.
The wallsky space is like a wall and a video game like ship drives around in it, it lets me take a ship to other celestial bodies as patterns in that wallsky that show up.
Once I pick one I then descend from the landing of that pattern and view pareidolia patterns seen in the wallsky in reality. This lets me alter what I directly recognize about the scenery and helps navigate my walking. Knowing about the world with the pattern helps direct the place you end up. You can't easily cross into unknown or unexpected places, without first expecting that place to be there somewhere in the semi-familiar scenery of a different pattern of recognition.
If you get good at pareidolia, you begin to notice it can make the similar seem far more uncanny.
The underground is similar, it has a videogame like cart I ride in to travel my mental time and enter states of time warp, that allow me different states of time self and place.
It works by letting me arrive at the likeness of some past event I was in in mind or matter, by helping me travel there and find the time in mind or matter somehow. It lets me search my memories, futures, pasts, parallels and more regarding time. Since it is the stored cavern of my times, that holds the ways to places in time. It is entered by climbing down the ladder as I visualize it in my mind into the under of my perception. Its sort of like the place where all my lives are stored for reuse or new.
These times are navigated by reconstructing the scenery of the time in my own effort before the moment, this lets me arrive since the same moment defined meets the criteria for it. As a result the time period is more in your own effort instead of pareidolia and encounter.
So to reach in this sense you must find the moment around somewhere, but it can be improved in practice by judging the likelihoods of the event being somewhere and getting there.
Now I will discuss the ideas of additional detail I have thought in this moment on the nature of these two spaces above and below perception of mind and matter. This regards the Orbit, Moons, Directions, Roots and Heights of separately in two and a third parts of time and space. These enable the essence of something in experience that allows the path for more things in experience.
The orbit of a walk or a sitting is as a planet of outer space, but as any body in life of passing.
Firstly the Orbit of space is what tells the times of infinity where you are in it, so the place you set out for is in orbit of walking, taken to the eventual end of its course and the end arrived begins another cycle around the next end of goal. The pattern of the position and the place pursued guides you to the direction you head out towards and find in the pattern, that in turn enables the next step to get there.
So the way we walk to further distances in world travel, is by crossing the distance between and remaining there for the moment to continue past the next metaphorical gate, between you and your ends. This means that in essence one walks the distance between the two places to find an end that is closer, then find another. The further you go the farther out of the world you knew you went, so take the time as it may require anyways, to do the right thinking on where you are headed.
Since you won't take it to where you don't go unless you look for what isn't like your home. This itself explains the mystery of how some people do accidentally end up in another universe, they did something unintentionally that caused the effect. However, not all worlds arrive in the moment in what changes, just what comes from knowledge to attain. So when searching for where to go, one must know the end in sight, or find the end past that, in mind makes sense to start.
The first time I used the method above, I was very skeptical about it and since then I'm far better at using pareidolia to do what I did in the photo, at first you may only notice smaller details even though it had the same effect. The reason was because your gaze only knows a distance in the worlds scenery its familiar with and I looked many places before I saw more of what was in front of me, this helped me understand matter.
Secondly I had to prepare far more to get the difference of the effect I showed again with the knowledge I studied firstly, to know where I was headed. So while you may try the effect I showed above to know it, the journey farther takes time to figure out since where are you going and how are you going to get there, why and how. How since a different method allows a different way to somewhere.
You should in least be prepared and knowledgeable about where and what you are headed to do. What manner you plan to do that is up to you, so I can only provide a basic key to the ideas I know. Yet also what helps show a footprint of what I tried and did for myself specifically to give a head start from the days I only thought I could visit worlds in a story I wrote.
This changed when I found more then what I first thought was simple with pareidolia but after I had explored in only wisdom, but grew more evident as I looked around and kept seeing more and more of the world. In fact I can see a lot more in the world around me now, then back when I began only in knowing the position of deeper position to look. You start where you are familiar firstly and only conceive of what you can come to understand effectively.
The reason for something working is important especially for why its real, the reason also helps effect the effect that you actually understand by that reason. So if you know something and you explain it, you grasp the concept enough to use it. However, the reason you know effects the possibility so in the fact I went skeptically from doubts to too much realizations to deny it easily at all, I then knew I could take it farther by the fact that I grasped the idea more.
So the next part represents what I use in the maps of the skywall that are three moons of Orbit to explore, that even in knowing what I give, as example doesn't equate the distance prior I know first.
So in some ends and in some parts you are on your own to know the meanings by discovery and the world your headed to in some manner must be found yourself. I can only provide what I did and what I shared of more. The distance to some part for yourself is in your reach, so long as you take the effort in models and research to get there and its not all on my blogs.
Experience with the way, comes with the art of ones beginning.

Since these moons allow you to travel the physical, perceptual or pheyscaptical places of the two and combined experiences. This enables you to encounter in reality, mind or both the scene on the picture. Since it directs the space ship, to the dwelling of those things around you and allows the arrival of its place. Going to the dwelling of the place you seek, you arrive there by the moons direction flew.
These moons enable the path to the kinds of experiences one seeks, so in going with physical you find a physical scenery of the image you draw, in the path of perception you find the perception you drew and in the pheyscaptical does one encounter the perceived and the physical in one breath. This allows you to change the world you are in to another in the shape of those mind matter one seeks.
This since it relates to the capacity of exploration enables one to cross the divide in mind or matter to the experience one believes and finds with pattern recognition. Such that the mountain island I am on is at the edge of my world seen as the horizon and at the peak of my mind in the summit of the gate, that is in the skywall. Which in essence enables the crossing into other worlds as the ship. This in turn is where I dwell in my middle ground of travel, so I can use the 3 moons from here to go elsewhere.
Since I can further map the experience in my perception to cross to those dwellings beyond here.
In fact, if I were to take the moons to the others beyond both and one and another one, then I would find that in physicality in my home in places without mountains, I see physical mountains as the clouds rising above the horizon that I may climb, by walking towards them and in perception I am the peak of the mountain that is the center while my edge be the receding completion of my experience as the control of the drifting isles.
This with the mountain to the ship and the edge in the horizon forms a universe of three parts of same in orders different, that allow the cosmology, the actions and the ascent in three parts. As now I can draw not the goal of scenery in the drawing prior, but instead the world I arrived too. As the scale of travel I walked through, in the ends I wanted and found in the scale I pursued another world of reality.
The circle is the city, that walks the floating isle of the greater unseen sea, from the orient of his mind on the mountain as he see's the mountains of the distance between, this in all three is the same.
This from the perch of the mountain above his mind, like mountains of his mind and matter, does he go the distance across the scope of his island city as a place of this and past to others stars.
Further beneath in the caverns underground he can cross the times of the place, he can use the time cart to cross the past and futures of the city, but only once he has the keys come after this.
Since in this view of the curved space, he is in a worldview of that worldly place, this brings the place he found, that further helps the reader learn to cross the worlds outside it in the distance alien.
Since Prosporo, leads to other planes and places in the difference of his model of cosmology, that defines the city. The mountains they are the cosmology of another beyond the bounds of the city.
This guides with time and space an easy way to find another place, in the walk to it, in starts here or not, in place that carries the keys to another way between the world of one to another.
As before my walk I saw the pheyscaptical world of my direction, but as I walked in the idea I was in I saw in memory of a few days prior here and that idea new, the key to the world in three places as the one I sought is found in what together makes that place, but apart may be another. This also happened to be the city I was chasing as Prosporo, but in lesson teaches others a way to reach another world, beyond the limits of my cardinals to its dwelling, using parsemy.
This as the idea of a manner to travel worlds beyond the parsemy of books and meaning, lets us confirm the shape of our reality as the reality we pursue. So in what you make with parsemy, you can find in pareidolia of its idea and the world around you, the way to that world, by finding it in what you see. It takes only the idea of a place and the matched form of the place in something around you to warp to it.
This in my example and the readers use, with pareidolia allows firstly any world to become the one they are in, but also allows the worlds to be traveled since it shows the gate to those places. As in the direction that may be outside physical, perceptual or pheyscaptical direction, one simply places the cosmology of that idea to reach the base of knowledge for another world. Much as this cosmology, allows in simple a way to travel worlds, by defining an example of my world of world travel.
The more you walk in one reality, since the orbit you took continued, the more you see reality as that place, by the time you took to study it and grow closer to the grasped concept of that reality. So in taking the distance of first a basic thesis and growing it overtime in what you learn, you eventually enter through the angles of study and walking as being in that place, to the world arrived in in sanity.
So next we learn about the cardinals not of worlds, but of time that divide you from the future of a distance and the past of another, which guide the travel in time to closer ranges of past and future. It's important to work in the order of closest met likeness in yourself, to the world pursued in the world around you, this in turn takes you to the place that warps the time to a closer day of after.
The times go apart from now in many orders, the direction of our walking drives the ends then.
The cardinals we discussed in the previous discussion on parsemy were viewed as part of the mind, but in this post, the cardinals are still viewed as the minds meanings and ways of operating them so they become something and this is how time works.
As since time operates now into tomorrow as what in the distance of the now and the end sought the now is transmuted to the tomorrow of what it becomes. So the future is the operation of additional transmutation from now to then, while the past is the negation in operation of now to when it was less by the descent of amount into what is less.
While it is true that the cardinals can be used like parsemy in what is meaning as things like the following, which enables the past and the future to be defined in parallel timelines of direction, the way we use them in scalien pareidolia is by walking in the pattern of that cardinal direction with the ends we intend in mind and perceived outside.
- Cup -> Past = Hands cupped for holding water when and if one finds it
- Cup -> Future = Air born water filter-absorbing, auto filling, flavor, cup.
- Cup -> Present = A hollow cylinder with a hole on one side for fill water.
So that in turn our view and walk, curve our travel through time so it approaches the time of here, before or after by what in the direction we walked is taken, remains or added in that flux. As in the walk, that is seeing the future, we begin to observe the more advanced around us, as equal to when we observe less progress or loss of progress which makes us see less or equal time of world.
As such, if we travel in a direction and affirm the expectation of distance traveled equaling the approach of time past, future, present or parallel, we begin to encounter and find in that travel more observations of pattern that confirm the time we are in is closer or farther from the age we left, to the one arrived. Since the difference of time, is merely the values shifted of the orient position starting in a direction.
Those directions are often called the past, present, postal and parallel only because future doesn't have a p in it like postal that is the same value of sense in this case. These directions plus the values of what, as the meanings in focus on that travel, like the essence of what is tomorrow or yesterday in likeness or other.
This is what alters the now to a now of this or that, a future of something yet here, yesterday of something less now or parallel of something as other. A parallel replaces what is with other, a present changes theme, a past undoes and a future progresses.
Their are other directions of time in cardinal to travel, yet these are times or worlds of specific orders that don't follow this ones linearity. Those worlds would have concepts of time or not at all, that would further confound the reader and myself, in culture.
Now like world travel to parallels, time travel works by what you define and like either this effects in travel what you encounter, such that what you find in that place of other likes to the unlike of here are effected by the travel.
So what one saw there ends up being different and unlike here in a way that isn't necessarily expected or predicted, only features the variance you defined in explanation for what is take, added, replaced or being in the further possibility of these intertwining.
Thus if you walked to a future where they could better help your memory, you might simply find that the tool you had in present that worked less, varied slightly in what was after found in it, to better help your memory. Since even the slight difference of subtle bug fixes in the program hardly noticed, might in itself be all that was improved, but further one might possibly encounter simply better alternative.
Further the more you walk in that direction each day and in passing time in focus of it, the closer you get to a higher concentration of that value of time, that in passing gets more effective or less such. This is exactly how you achieve any goal, by increasing the concentration of that meaning apart from past, by the steps taken between now and tomorrow, so it gets more concentrated today in proximity.
As such, the more you walk, the closer you get to it, but this may require entering and crossing what are called filter points and these direct the flow of time current, other or parallel so they don't encounter each other, for what in one would have led to another place, while being taken a way, to a time specific. A filter point, is somewhat like a sign post, that in path taken with it, leads to a type of time distinct.
These are what we discuss as time roots, which serve as ways through time, this in turn offers an example I encountered recently, when I went to buy something outside my world in the multiverse.
In fact, seeing the filter point I encountered will in itself filter you through time based on reaction to both my statements after, in where I went and your own reaction to the statement. Since it decides if you are even able to access the same future, the same multiverse or the same moment in the same way, but not necessarily THE way that is considered absolute. As it flows time in those directions as distinct absolutes.
A truly reaction based statement, does in fact effect, who dares to take on the sense of reality outside the expectations of what one knows, the distance into unknown, is not always for those who don't go.
One does not have to go outside what is known, as what is out there, if one doesn't know an answer to this statement, that doesn't redirect the flow, from what in tested passage directs who actually goes.
No direct direction is incorrect, the filter point, it simply protects you from what you can't conceive, that in mind would never be where you'd dare go, or even conceive to delve deeper into its halls.
Alas, you really should know where you are headed, when you go to cross the checkpoint to somewhere, only by the key of the known, that lets you over the gate that it takes to cross.
You can't walk into a place you don't know how to reach from the lack of knowledge to get there, from what in lack of thought, limits you from finding it in what out there separates its divide.
It is true you can accidentally cross, but they often do hurry home, for what in the above should be taken seriously, if you didn't belong in mind. As taken is reality that took it seriously it so found it.
It filters the inspired down the ferry, to what they ended up finding in the filter root taken. That is the key to where I went and why you may not actually want to take this root to where you instead went.
You would also never find filter points that don't effect where you don't even think to go. Since what guided you was what in the filter is always what you'll even cross to, from the reactions to its end.
Not all filter points are like the one above, just places of reaction, like a sign post for a specific road.
Someone walked off to save the dying world, another began rotting in the world, third denied the world be dead and dying and the fourth didn't see a difference in any of it. This directs ones travels.
I went to buy something from another universe, so I headed to the metaphysics and spiritual store in my city, to use that spot as the store to encounter an out of my world parallel, when I got there I found the store no longer existed, the store was for lease and on the window the sticker with the above statement was found. It is quite shocking since the demeanor and statements are triggering polarity of timeline.
In the response one has to the situation and the way you take the shift of your reality with it when traveling through worlds and time, you direct your travel in it to another time. Since the object of this filter point directs who and where someone will then go if they accidentally or intentionally cross the worlds or times to another one while observing reality and walking through it to arrive elsewhere.
Filter points are natural, I can still access my world from the internet or other found magical and metaphysical sources like down the street, but I warped the world so I'm not in my reality of magic, thus the magic store doesn't exist anymore and I exist in a bigger world of possibility. So my choice and test passed irrelevant with the filter point directs me down different polarity of reality that I walk after.
Since you can react by calling it a spiritual conspiracy and going to the light and pleasant store across the street that sells exotic objects as a novelty gift store for ones parallel reality purchases, or you can corrupt the timeline by presuming secrecy and buy a parallel object from a major business in the area so shifting the polarity to my worlds darker side of conspiracy or lack of belief in conflicts existing at all.
As if you thought their was a conspiracy you'd go to the positive reality across the street to filter you out of the fear of an evil force and confirm light exists in the multiverse, if you saw no concern at all you may go anywhere else to find a parallel because their is no real concern to infinity that isn't acceptable. You can also think businesses sell in many worlds so suggest in corruption of morality that the infinite is secret and so become a negative force of time in itself, but consequential on yourself.
I myself went first to a major business under the thought that it doesn't matter whether they know or don't since a business irrelevant can exist anywhere, but not magic for being parallel so I went to a Staples for office supplies as a more broad scope. Then I went to the small gift and novelty store after, to buy something else unusual, finding both in both, since in my mind the multiverse actually does enable you to go in the positive or negative direction in options, at the price of each's consequence.
Since in my knowledge, the ends of one or the other are present under other folds, as optional progress, that one can walk between or to and back from presuming knowledge and ability to return, that allow different experiences. I view reality as universally null moral, but that another may prefer as noble good or baneful corruption, which interact as opposites that filter the end of one and the other in separation.
In everyday life this filters as what comes to be expected as your state of mind and confirmed reality.
Travel filtered myself into the multiverse of polar positive and negative lines, leading to my encounter as I approached the store across the street from the Staples around the block, to include polite people offended and surprised by rude people swearing angrily.
Which as expected, represents the timeline and polarity of time direction I traveled. As through going in both directions polar simultaneously, I acquired expansion disks and Moiré coasters that filtered my position of life different then another.
Both which are not typical values of meaning, we know on earth, the objects I acquired are things outside normal encounter. Whether in knowledge or in my interpreted use, these meant products of experience produce possibility. Only the root of my trajectory allow these results, since to have both you would have had to gone to a large office supplies store that is tuned to having one and to a novelty gift store that also had the other.
In that interpreted acquired set, irrelevant of what might be its purpose, allow as specific parallel possibility, another reality that can't be in access without having access to these objects or knowledge of them in reconstruction.The root you take is directed by the filter point that directs the flow, going back and around leads to the other root that in turn directs time and experience differently.
Yet the difficulty is finding points of root beyond filters, that reach outside the expected cosmology in different people that don't live in the same situation. Since the difference of that place they live means they have specific access to a diversity space of products that always features a distance of multiverse atypical. So long as the situation has enough potentiality of loss in field of observed information, that allows curvature mendala shift, allowing discovery outside the range of what you expect.
If one lacks access to large stores or neighborhoods for discovering parallels, one can also pursue nature in which the variations of matter there can schism into shapes outside the purpose of typically viewed possibility, which in use as shapes of random order, can equally become parallel possibility. Since the shape and purpose discovered for it lets you access a naturally formed geometry parallel.
Below are my atypical multiverse acquired parallel technology, that I purchased at stores, in focus of pursuing a range of complexity of encounter which can be in intended purpose or random. In that the mass of possibility, it would differ a discovered point in it, which has an unexpected purpose or value of meaning, that enables something outside the range of what inside known is expected. It allows the expected to shift in distance to something that from the outside of the timeline is not as your own.
This is irrelevant of whether the travel did change your world, or changed what you knew alone. As in the discovery of an unnoticed part of life, you shift the expected reality, to another that contains other. It matters not whether the reality of that parallel is real change or false noticed place new, since in either the focus of the discovery changes what in your world is the world, by what is now present instead.
However, things like my first photo, demonstrate the potential for things that really aren't clear to me. Below, the parallel devices that are also unusual, for they do or are defined as something that isn't here. As the first is interlinked in the familiar and multidimensional while the other that is defined as something that seems to not be of use for anyone, while my acquisition alone contextualizes them.
As truly, why would you need these coasters or use them for what they are as coasters and what honestly are notebook expansion disks for if not in both cases answered potentially only by the act of myself going to buy things in the multiverse and not the world I am typically in. Simply because in my mind and even others, these objects are fascinating but atypical.
Warp spaces coasters, for parallel lines of object placed on the top and spun. Spacetime expansion disks for paper books or scenery place that increase occupied spacetimes.
I got these looking specifically for things from the multiverse, not the earth, buying them normally, since the cashier just scans the object and accepts the cash not recognize products.
One can view the filter point from any angle of opinion, depending on which you observe, you filter yourself down a hall to a specific reality. As for example believing you are now in a conspiracy due to confirmation by the sticker, will make you go further down its hall to more confirmation, so end up likely trapped somewhere in a 1984 like parallel that also looks like they live.
Even though if you'd gone my root and simply stated lack of difference between good and evil, would have walked around the conspiracy you were navigating towards and move on to the infinite by going into a store at all instead of running home and fearing the coming new world order and death of earth.
The filter points can be that harsh based on which reality you are certain of in mind, so much as it was for me, it's a test of what you know, that filters where you then go and happens in daily life as well.
As the sticker could have easily been a joke from the gift and novelty store, a skate shop, an artist, the metaphysics store angry with lack of customers, or virtually any approached statement of belief. That belief in selection as the answer itself, directs your next trajectory down the road to where in time you arrive. As much like the walk to another place expecting it, confirms by arrival, thinking such equals it.
As often the conspiracy theorist walks down the hall of fear, without knowing how to leave so he gets stuck there, without knowing he can escape or even save himself in there with his own solutions. As in infinity you can actually achieve both freedom and imprisoned society in the fine parallel line of who walks where, to which part of infinity. that answers to the rest who go there in other positions of life.
Can't say you agree with me, so I guess irrelevant of which you walk down, I assure you will find it.
So if you don't want to be a consumer slave to the illuminati, don't walk down or believe you are at all. Since you could also just move off grid and live in the woods with close relations of person. You're only a slave to the illuminati as long as you convinced yourself and concentrated the statement, so taking yourself down into that reality, instead of avoiding or going elsewhere in what is another hall walked eventually leads to what as stated could have easily been a pleasant and more positive reality of happy.
No one but yourself can save you down those halls you take with this, a time root and a filter point, is always an unexpected redirection of goal, by a technical sign post that controls and directs your reaction, to where you in reaction went to reach the place in infinity that after was found there. Since it filters by that point, the person to what the reacted.
As if they left their world accidentally , would have been seeking just magic, so they would have found another source, if they were headed out of reality, they would have known where else instead to go, to get there closer and easier. That in essence is how a person that did end up lost in another reality, can also find a filter point back into the one they left, since if anyone is lost anyways, they find familiar.
Further a filter point, is a natural super positioned redirect the reality, that with unknown cause of origin and reactive redirects of consequence is a filter. It occurs by uncertain sources of any cause and effect, in that many parallel potential sources could have caused it, the presence is what eventually directs the flow to a specific timeline. A filter point can come in many shapes and forms, so keeping an eye out for them helps chart where to go. Knowing them can also help navigate the timelines to specific ones there.
Because my reality shifted from the loss of that small store, the expanded reality I came to know after was one where the large and small bookstores, the jewelry store and the precious stone store all replaced the tiny selection of spiritual focused products of the same kinds.
So from an identical type selection minor I shifted the position of the same selections to divided competitions in major amounts as far larger diversity of same objects. Yet simply in the area of other locations, since the loss of a small store evidently also suggests that competition of other stores out weighed the need to visit the small store in less diversity. Especially since it did have little options in it.
Which before were not in mind until I checked online for those products revealed it the actual truth, all stores except the mainstream book store, are small stores that focused on broader subsets then metaphysics specifically. This in turn may imply both the direction the store owners went when they closed their own store, instead of improve diversity of products became spiritually paranoid.
This in turn also allows me however, more diversity of parallel reality in infinite to access, since the higher concentrations of diversity in each extends my reach of probability. As for something outside my expectation range of typical reality I can find more peculiar in larger diversity of focus, so it leaves noticeable room for curve of now.
Regrettably, the store I started with should have moved locations or tried adding more options, instead of what seems like an implied concern of spiritual loss in society, that may have led to the belief people didn't believe spiritual matters, so create the causal filter point for anyone who went back or knew but didn't visit the store as being inspired to become spiritually active instead of simply not in the store. As knowing the cause of the closure happens to also reveal a leaning of where it cam from.
None the less, two people going down the conspiracy timeline won't meet in agreement, so they will perceive around them in time and space a different conspiracy. This in turn is how the multiverse forms naturally when a person is able to walk down one timeline that never saw another, but if a traveler, is able to go back and go down a different one to then perceive and experience distinct timelines of observation that don't actually intersect.
This gives the traveler an advantage to the wandering person, who simply confirms and believes consistently what they learned and agreed, instead of chose and traveled, redirected and undid. In fact the use of walking worlds can also enable you to remain longer in a moment of extent, instead of being carried forward in time or regress in period of comfort by the focus on the likeness instead of another.
Although the novelty of time, is constant, the pressure of holding a period enables effect on constants that in contained remain constant instead of in release later change time to the new period.
This is called novelty heights and enables you to orient how long one is in a position of experience, beyond the idea of walking there and being carried on to after as released to the next, or back to the before it.
It's useful for a break of focus, that is limited to only the length continued of its constraint to that period, the longer its the same, the more likely it will change, but you can keep it for longer, so long as the changes you make in that constraint don't add to the recession that reaches the next period.
Thus in resting at relaxation, so long as you avoid anything exciting or stimulating, you won't shift time. Yet only for the amount of effort you remain there, before it moves time to what happened after by what inside the prior caused after to be defined as what then happened.
The focus on a specific moment and the continued affirmation of it, keeps it present so long as you affirm the world is like that, in world travel you can remain somewhere more often then the person who not traveling ends up moving on to the next thing from there.
So intending and observing a position of explicitly novelty rise, enables you to increase change in the world you are in while novelty decrease observed slows down change. This especially if you find that the world around you has become constrained to what you know it as, with nothing changing about it in perfect present moment. This is because you in one world, remain by better control there, instead of observing that life changes, so new comes always instead of as you yourself intend by step observed.
However, you can treat novelty rises and descents as not in constants, instead of finding it constant. This depends on how you see your position changing, still or returning, which controls when and where the world seems more new and progressed, older and less advanced or suddenly in new experiences. It lets you focus by your effort on a moment, rather then the continuity of time to another moment.
This concludes the basic pieces of advice and tools for walking worlds, that discerns the orbit which continued effects the difference, the moons which differ where life parallels, the cardinal that decides when something is, the root that decides how the world is then and the novelty that decides the change of the now to another after. The control of these aspects are basic tools for traveling overtime, the distance that ends up as some moment, instead of another, by the steps between here and there.
We continue with a deeper concept about aspects yet discussed enabling other possibility. This however is on the next post as a method of dividing the subjects more conscisely and limiting those who care to read farther. Although also filtering it from this post forward to what is wiser for your own comfort. Since often solution to conflict is in present and here, not as easily reached in other then or there.
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