These documents will probably loose their link after sometime because the documents become partially outdated to what has changed since they were written and only summarize in short what happened last year in simple following up till now in what is one completed and one unfinished. They may be shared again later but they both contain information that I'd rather remain sparse for now.
Since the first shared contains a basic instruction of parsemy which is an idea generating cardinal memetic navigation system that can allow mass idea formation but due to this results in dissasociation from common knowledge that requires another's patience to grasp and when written lacked knowledge of paper technos which meant it didn't consider technology with the writing.
So my next goal is to attempt a more clear and better instruction distinct to how I come up with so many ideas I can't be quite understood which is its price of continued use but also one of its most fascinating capacities since it taught me in practice as idea generators mostly a method for memetic mass production that is also exactly what it sounds like, since I can't remember much of it after.
Since it exceeds my memory storage and modified my cognition to record it linguistically instead of other wise in code script to reload it to my mind and thus reacquire the forgotten code if well recorded. Not all cardinals do it that way but I use especially memecode while thats merely preference.
The same cardinals also reveal ideas advised to remain within ones interest topics of beginning because otherwise is a waste of time or might scare you if you look, don't expect that not to be scary as an idea. You can solve the idea to remove it from concern, but better is sticking to what you would rather think about at all unless you really have to look at it negative, when nothing is actually negative as an idea unless you make it look that way. Don't say I didn't warn you though.
As I'm stating that ahead of myself prior to improving on what he still figures out himself, regarding a concept that is novel but also one able to generate entire subject matters from scratch or less anytime.
The concept was written below as something viewed as creative when what's actually going on is that you created/discovered and defined something you made as a connection of mind that likely interests you but that only you know about and can be furthered yourself somehow. Using matter with it similar to a science creates like expectation so the same type of conditions apply to it in what is done with it.
Alas I hadn't done much with matter yet on writing, so I say it now, but can't say what you'll even find if you use it, since my brain forms its links another can form others easier so while I may have heard of some stuff anyone who uses this is first to hear but not necessarily last to.
I left it short because I don't in this document since I have experience with what is not alone a tool that can't be used just for new cooking recipes if you don't go eldritch unknown explorer with it, but that you'll still have the strangest meals you like from it not everyone has to also like.
Still the point of it was probably that it was meant for your own liking, I use it to explore anything, but idea generating actually helps with anything as less then a complexity of my liking, if used that way. Which is why the next improvement will probably leave the explanation less theoretical and in depth because I've been called crazy so many times I can't even tell if I make much sense any.
Which is also a symptom of having generated so many ideas that it takes ages to explain much. None the less I both like being that kind commented cause its fun and insightful and that's my break from this. Mostly cause what I do with it, is my thing that of what's left is always for whomever reads it. So I can't actually confirm you saw it the same anyways, but at least you liked what I did.
Irrelevant, I already shared this once, so I can't say I shouldn't again anyways. It's just 71 pages.
The next one is the time I spent working on chancarts before they were as good as shared here where I wrote a long epic story and stuff experiementing that I never finished cause by then it was 600 pages and the story started half way through the planned trajectory, for what would be an estimated year of writing after I checked, this before I had to write the other half that I kept adding more to, of what I started that was an attempt to explain discovery by example initially.
I gave that up and its the second time I try writing what I usually write in notes linearly and what initial documents was 2000 pages of and what the second document written after it was also 2000 pages or so and I'm not actually sure if this one is included in that pile cause it only might be.
Either way the reason I'm doing this is cause I'm gonna write another, but share important stuff copied on the way instead cause seriously that amount of linearly progressing narrative plus idea stream I was even bored of sometimes and still did is what shared took about 3 months or so of my life to complete before I ran away over here and then backwards on my blog list still going anyways.
Then I took a break and made chancarts once I figured out how to make pattern encosion and more compact inventions related to whats next only so much better then what might have taken less time if it was not for all the drawings, extensive thinking and streams of detail I love about these writing trainwreaks I never know what's happened cause it always goes unusually unexpected and logically plot twists in subject as it goes.
This until I don't remember where I started a month ago so I check the last document cause I don't want my computer to crash for a fifth time without loosing too much maybe. Mostly cause I'm pretty sure I made so much information it seized and I hadn't turned it off in days, then I spent about a half hour actually trying to find that vague detail I mostly forgot that's suddenly so important for the next thing I'm thinking without knowing quite where it goes.
This is a shorter example of what I used to do in notebooks all day, then on shareable documents, because I can never photocopy that much pages ever and didn't read them much while writing.
I might just be a huge nerd for a thing I invented mostly cause I ran out of knowledge to read online and was disapointed that I couldn't know more then what was still unsaid. The only other thing I do is lay there thinking about what I have yet thought of because I'm too bored of typing to do anything else. Then after an hour I go straight back to it cause I never seem to find more important things, except cereal even if its craft dinner cause that's also pretty much the technical only thing I eat.
Luckily, the information is blindingly huge it has gained an inconsequential vacuum of what most people don't have the reference to unless they some how found that other page elsewhere once. Especially with notebooks I now use for side tangents, notes I missed later on the way and personal inside references to what I mean that are probably mention in multi-directional maps like this:
Most would really have to study it lucky to quite maybe figure what it was, the above doesn't even mean anything cause I was making up new words that temporarily meant something I lost interest in after cause the next page of this notebook is like prior pages filled with scribble entities cause I was doing this thing where I even scribbled on on my wall.
The one on my wall turned into a dog though, cause somehow what was the answer to a past problem that looked like a sense of awe, poofed later into my future self a few months after when I became a dog deman. I had somehow drawn a dog I didn't know, until I moved back home and said, I drew a dog on the wall by accident or maybe that's just the pattern I recognized after being a dog.
Cause all that meant on departure was pretty much the concept of life having many ways symbolically. I don't even draw ways like the ones in this random notebook anymore.
Anyways here's a few years later's random example better organized I can't even visualize in whole data either. It somehow started wanting a short explanation and I think three chapters in was not even in the same universe it had planned to be exploring cause that place got way weird and way huge.
At best browse, look at the pictures and likely be confused at another realities logic I made up, that also works but wasn't even progressing much at all cause it was so huge direction ally I could never leave there and still miss basic concepts I didn't find every time I looked back at what I wrote first.
And by the way this is what happens when you take the idea of idea generators just to explore ideas so hard you brain has seen the essence of all cognition of meaning matter in all it back then even thought was a thing that could even be conceived. My brain like information so much it lost all of it anyways cause it got distracted by a squirrel and ran after it and lost its doggy bone he was burying.
I literally think I'm a dog because that's how my writing goes, it was gonna do that but then 16 pages later were still not what was supposed to be the next thing, cause I somehow forgot to mention or something on the way and then I rambled on about something for ages, then continued.
I think I have so little conversation outside myself that all I know is the torrential rampage of my thinking that even as a kid who didn't write much down some how over thought the basis behind all this so hard I'm still confused how I swear my story was somehow about that much stuff at once. Even the five year old had plans so great for his pretend, he never finished it cause he got distracted too that everyone stopped playing with him cause yesterdays imagination was way deeper tomorow.
I think by the time I decided to otherwise they had grown out of pretend and done sports so hard all I wanted to do was keep telling stories so I only stopped after I got them playing a different game first. That's another story, that by the way is how my rambles get longer, I'm just done for now.
The second game they played ended cause I let steal from each other's imaginary cities cause they asked while I didn't and went camping and then they ruined the drawings keeping track of that.
So I guess all I did was accidentally teach them all what happens when people all steal from each other. I still have the pets from mine in my city too, their in the story above that I wrote.
Their cute and I still like them cause a joke that young kid said was he'd make a second I haven't finished yet cause I rarely think of that one much at all but its not the same either anyways.
Trust me I could actually go make friends I'm sure, if my issue wasn't too busy with this thing I made.
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