While it is still unclear if the present model of technos is safe for others to use based on lack of peer review the following describes where I'm at with it based on the models and build its most recent model, which is the improvement based on the progress of tests and constructed portions known prior.
It builds up to something similar to basic electricity but given a prior experience with an effect similar to electricity inside the materials used here also existing its suspected the inventions can do more then what I presently understand based on only lack of experimentation with the materials as conduits.
Thus to explain this lets begin with the concept of a part itself, which represents a pattern assigned meaning based on the meaning of the mind, which the pareidolia as pattern recognition lets you find outside you in visible or invisible aspects of the world's nature. Which as pattern recognition is known to have three basic functions behind recognition as of present. They are below:
The actual pattern is what you see, which you assigned meaning to, while the points are other points you see which if looked at instead will enable noticing another pattern. While the folds represent the hypnagogia focus beyond the eye which in focusing on the points using the hypnagogia reveal additional patterns you can detect. These simply represent the basic way to recognize a part as simply anything you see about reality in sense of perceived shape or other effect.
However in pattern probability their are pheams which represent the bonds of information made past parts as two connected parts forming deeper connections inbetween, which below are the four I used in my focus of topic as pattern probability itself, while other pheams can exist as other bonded connections between other focus would lead to another topic of focus, but would still use what I have stated above.
Yet these are the ones that represent the basic aspects of effect that are used in pattern probability and technos which are more complex beyond these basic connections, these connections allow effects.
These connections are formed from the ones between meaning, pattern, chance and certainty, which connect into four types of bonded pheam, as four types of base of effect, by the law of part repetition.
A phental is a pattern meaning bond which forms from the connection of physicality described by meaning to form bits of part that are collapsed aspects of certainty beyond the vague unknown. These let you create types of behavior based on a part as itself used for its effect as it is in its source defined.
A potent is a chance certainty bond which forms from the connection of an event in causation described by meaning of a part connecting as the certainty behind what brought it about so represents an effect from invisible form physical tied to a certainty of pattern recognized as being its source defined.
A corebit is a pattern certainty bond which forms from the connection of a pattern being seen so likely to be approximately close to other patterns of like pattern seen, when noticed as a pattern at all, the pattern is recognized again in proximity of it when sought as other similar parts in other parts defined.
A coremem is a chance meaning bond which forms from the connection of a meaning intended forming in the chances of an event on its own based on the definition describing it into attraction by a corebital repetition of the pattern meant as itself the meant repeating by presence drawing in same part defined.
These represent the first four effects applied for our constructed Technos, which will use the phental, potent, corebit and coremem to describe an effect of defined pattern chance repetition intended for it.
This shows the pheams used together to describe a resulting defined pattern chance repetition intended, which is essentially a function of behaviors which exist as a part ( the button ) with a matched chance ( the cause of an apparition ) with a repetition ( at the escape point projected ) by intent of ( allowing exit by reference ). Which as a set of behaviors exist because of the collapse of uncertainty, which is represented by the bonds of meaning exchanging between the certainty of a pattern and another are intended as the literal functions of pheams themselves, which are observations in the patterns by intent.
Which while you may be uncertain about the likelihood of such existing is actually based on the following rules which are represented below, which you can click on to view more clearly.
Their are three laws to the additional of matter, as well as the four types of identicality of matter and scale of expansion as matter, Which help explain how noticing a pattern or defining and perceiving it at all adds to the awareness of itself. Since when you form a pattern recognized about reality you added the perceived reality to yourself, the world and the reality.
Yet that perceived reality exists for everyone who notices it so is not actually inside your awareness as viewed from the sense of perception but existent to everyone who saw the exact pattern you oriented them to in the physical reality.
Yet this is inside the fields of physicality by the dinger of superpositioned uncertainty of a perceived behavioral pheam, by later explained things we'll see later on. After I explain how noticing a pattern creates it in awareness as something in the parts of matter perceived matching mind or mind matching pattern equally.
The first law is that you can pattern recognize with pareidolia anything anywhere if you try to do so, as in each case you will notice a feature in likeness to what your eyes pursue to find in reality, if you try. This in turn is equivalent from meaning, symbol, substance to effect which in all cases are recognizable in the reality as related to each other when you pursue noticing them at all.
The reason you notice them is because you increased the likelihood of observation by the coremem, being a corebital force of attraction as an intended meaning, causing a chance of encountered potent which represented the pattern you expected with the meaning, which inversely is just as true.
In simply its because you can always see a pattern with pattern recognition like the one you seek in the reality at any place and any time as it appears when you sought it, but not when you look away from it. Infact its only because you never noticed a pattern and don't pay attention to it that it doesn't exist, because the second law of addition states that anything exists as a presence if the meaning is data.
Which means it exists when it is a value of a pattern constructed from other patterns prior, all language we know is based of patterns we perceive outside ourselves so the pattern we perceive as we always did were noticed first in front of us, but anything you made up with those words such as the effect I described above, is comprised of existent words that are known to exist so can be arranged as such too. The localization of the words you perceive that match the new definition you describe is the constraint.
Because the third law states that the localization of the pattern is situated where the meaning exists, because all the original terms of experience exist from knowledge and communication of them, which in their exact specifics of what is the meaning in relation to the part outside you is what is needed in the effect defined inside you to exist outside you, by the matching effect from existing meaning as parts.
Yet when you render that fit together pattern of what is familiar and known as parts, such that it becomes the new thing you defined as a combination of parts natural that exist on their own, you actually create by the factoring of parts used a connection that did not exist in nature, so the resulting effect or anything made at all, added matter to existence beyond the parts that used to exist as matter.
Things in meaning defined from old meaning taken to same in matter, match when they converge between the meaning and the matter that represents a type of identicality, which comes in four forms.
The first is norm-identicality, which represents the identical between two patterns, which the two circles matching are identical, the second is semi-identicality, which represents the identical in only portion with apsects not identical between them similar to the circle and half circle, the third is Nott-identicality which represents the circle and the square unidentical in similarity, while the fourth is Palin-Identical because while Identical in form it also mirrors itself like a palindrom distinct in identicality.
The last is distinct because compared to the first three, the part described in the identicality was smaller then the previous levels of matching or unmatching parts, which in all are identical parts, non identical, semi identical and palindrom indentical parts less noticed as the rest of the pattern beyond the focused details you paid attention to when I discussed what these identicality capabilities meant.
As the remnant of the identicality represents the leftover, which is the portion that is leftover past recognition as additional beyond the recognized descriptions of matter. Matter is what is is as everything in existence of your awareness.
Which is always what it is until factored by the rest as something so is multipliable by the entirety of everything, to produce even more then itself as new connections between them as like an effect. Which is none the less not identical to omnithings as simply the unimaginable maximum of infinity. This in turn explains how the universe expands by the factoring multiplication of its values in erosion.
Thus from this part specific we will take our pheams created and add underlying components to it, past the described effect we made, that represent the way it behaves, based on the four types of identicality which more of them exist and which we can use as many pheams or as many subcomponents of, to produce the depth of complexity for the effect, which must be studied past its detection to use better.
Since the effect was attracted by the intent to see it, but it was not manipulated in more depth of description past the fundamental test predicting it exists, that signals the latter greater possibility of the effect beyond a detection of it slightly, which is why we use the pheams and the identicality of parts inside it, to better understand it correctly. Thus we will also depict the effect we mean as I saw it.
Its not that you created the effect in your mind, its that the reality contains a like value by the fact the meaning you processed must contain the value of what you intended because it contained it in mind yet your mind is in the material reality and must use the existent value of its meaning to process itself.
However we shall take this basic component and implement an additional aspect from other chems which I got the initial aspects from as a table for the first pheams, but this we will implement with the second as well among this first concept to build a more powerful effect for following things more complex since this shows how its quite diverse to use as a concept of effects protophorm or otherwise.
Protophorms can be read about in the prior post on parmagic, however we do different here for matter as we will assign more to this technos as a technology then simply the effects of a protophorm as we will be building a complex pattern probability device of effects specifically.
However the following will go into more detail on the functionality we've begun building, such that it is distinctly more complex in causes and in behavior, to allow it more versatility, which it enables by more functionality of effect, created from the use of both its nature and its behaviors internally defined.
This merely adds several additional effects to a single particle that represents a distinction of qualities which we will later better understand in what follows from here. As this above gives us the effect, which we take for the forward utilities of technos, by adding a set of technological capabilities.
These are firstly specialized chems for types of affection in the interface of Device parts which are selected with the bottom five types of affection beyond protophormal we have already done, which are among the utilities for a technos device among additional that follow. We will go through the uses of to understand what each above section can do, but not what it all does as it varies by previous above.
Essentially the Scout particle protophorm is used with device parts which represent sets of device like technological interfaces which contain potential utility and the name of the device type from combination, which are given a utility base as a set of functions of meaning for those device type parts which in general are mostly diverse in either as of what they can be for but related to their meanings.
The ones in the used for the Technos are specifically for making the device have an neutral appearance, an antennae for receiving unseen signals as detected information for the device and input buttons taking in philosophy regarding the search and an output of itself the information in the sense of scout particles to be more complex then as we had them before. This is then applied inside the five effectors that are additional types of affection beyond the likes of coincedental affection that allow more chance effects.
The reason they aren't coincedental like the protophormal magic of the scout particle is because they are effects that relate to observers and the interaction of the object in space itself, rather then added by part protophorms apart from the normal that are present and added as shapes in the device.
The five know effectors are described below aswell as given the example they used above.
- Intercept is the ability for an object to be present as a causal interaction that induces by its prescence a resulting potential response from its prescence in the area as a material. This is like how the device we are building is designed to be weighted such that it helps move the user towards their goal by pulling the body more in the exit direction as one travels with balance.
- Pronantics is the ability to generate a scope of viewed potential patterns associated with the timespace that details something about the nature of the now, based on how its reflected. This is like how the device will have a pattern with a reflective surface that depicts potential useful things in the area relating to exit, luxury and danger aswell as attracted needs, by actural angle.
- Recylling is the ability to recycle parts of collected or area specific locations into useful portions of reality for a need by referential containment in record that denotes what can be used. This is like how the device will denote potentially area specific things that can help with its intent scout, by being the actual things one might want to use as references to allow ease for idea to use them.
- Cordience is the ability to use a motion to cause a transmutation of changes to an object or area based on how the motions alter the substance in question to cause it to be effected by the intent, which in this case of example uses extra peices exceeding the central object that move and resemble the effects of scout particles which induce by user intent plus motion influence itself.
- Ambience is the ability to use light, shadow, color and appearence to influence the area of spacetime by altering the ambience as the spatial glow of vibe and aura, which alters view. In our example we use the coloration of the device itself to put off limited reasons of its purpose such that its vague and not easy to identify for the other observing such that its utility is hidden by it.
These effects unlike the protophorms that increase the chances altering the pattern by being a potential added to the space of scaffolded occurrences as added weight of attraction, the above effects alter the pattern so the chances instead, as they are a pattern that is detected by the events of time and so are responded to as resulting alterations of likelihood, not likelihoods altering the pattern as it changes.
These are our basic effects of pattern probability affection, but their is also dingers we can use as ways to alter the superposition of uncertainty, rather then the certainty of a chance which can alter reality.
The above information is quite disorganized but shows a more clear symbolization of the same that is below which shows how I used the above premises in relation to the technos we are building. The basic idea of superpositions is modifying uncertainty of changes through alteration of that unknown.
It means collapsing the certainty lacking through an observation that guarantees the uncertainty instantly by the observation of the point that reflects the alteration into certainty, rather then not.
However their a several capacities you can use with uncertainty, that are outwards inwards in relation to the inside of your uncertainty or the outside of another's uncertainty that can interact forming blind spots until collapsed and certainties until uncertain based on the following physical behaviors of uncertainty and a superposition described below. Which can create unpredictions and predictions.
Its roughly well explained below in essential sense regarding chance and potentiality of uncertainty. However the effects I listed for the radiokit are not, but mean the literal terms in relation to the idea of uncertainty, that also associates directly to the prior effects of the radiokit described above.
This lets you construct an uncertainty manipulation with the following effects of whole interaction.
As you can look at each of these parts we used thus far and after, as essentially distinct parts or pheam interactions in distinct complexities that result in a type of information we can then consider as we continue, into more of the components of its actual form as a technos as we proceed.
Now these effects will be assigned like the other scout particle to the object we are building, but in distinct ways from each other because this one is partially associated with the scout particle and partially associated with a distinct type of influence as an ambient attraction rather then a protophorm causation, so its a passive continuity of states, rather then an active alteration of perceived protophorms.
Superpositional states like the above can do don't always take the shape of protophorm passives, but can equally represent physical behaviors in the object and we may try to induce them more pattern wise too.
Below are some tools for modelling the things we will be using to build the basic blueprint for the technos, however a few more effects will be incorporated as we go and included in the final build.
It also features many distinct materials one could use for this because these materials are rich in both encosion potential and pattern physicality, which is dually able to be property and chance, because like a leaf, most of these materials are flat, move potentially in the chaos of the wind and equally follow a pattern of exact nature required for them to be the exact uncertainty of that path they fly through wind.
Yet that same nature exists in other contexts as well, beyond the wind in what they also can do. However more options can exist for these materials and effects beyond those selected, but much as a pattern of pareidolia is a flat colored surface of perception itself, these materials are flat colorable pieces of likeness to that of perception itself.
The next thing we do is build the effects as the technos with the Chememe polygon interface models that help us organize what must be made and put together to allow these behaviors to exist in the object.
Below are the effects we gather from all prior tables to consider inside the result we will build.
But their will also be a few more effects discussed in relation to the above in distinction, because these effects associate with prior as ways to manipulate things like matter, time, space and perception with them, that represent causal alterations of them with an object of physical pattern geometric mobilities.
Our first step is to study the basic string membrane shell and tension model to help us with some basic application of shape structure, wiring, alteration and material basis for the technos. Yet the model is limited compared to the others because as of present is has never been used effectively, for yet being ready as of right now to be considered for more then structure regarding wiring and alteration.
As it considers the nature of strings and membranes of the lines and polygons forming the blank canvases of the basic object, which can have numerous dimensions of them arranged.
It essentially begins by describing how you take the raw cut shapes, color them, connect and fold them then stitch together the wholes that can vary in 8 additional dimensions of direction depicted and insert the balance aspects we do later.
Then we see it show us distinct types of line which can be used in that shape for effects and then several of the core types of material that can be used, which can also be blended together with heat presses when possible.
Thus first we take our previous effects and arrange them in a similar table to the earlier models, then we consider what each will have as material, lines and shape, to form individual polygon parts pre-substance specifics also applied to this information after the basics of shape change are built.
As these are basic shape changes, but the properties of the plor can interact or further add effects physical. Which even as we conclude that receive patterns of their meaning and additional property from these. Then we consider balance as well, which adds yet another type of influence to the whole we built.
This is why its complex in details, although each of these models can be used apart, the whole more complex is equally more powerful in its total of effects that render the organized whole behaviors.
These are the physical effects before the final effects that incorporate extra non-physical ones, to our base that was mostly chance based as a basic buff and visual protophorm used with the rest that tie in these chance effects with real physical convergences to better make the same chance more powerful.
The blue dots represent what needs balance effects, the green dot represents what needs pattern effects and the red dots represent what need plor effects for this blueprint.
While the essential summary of the device is a set of buttons attached to a set of screens that open and then are attached to the antennae, the way to explain the blueprint is complex especially since one must depict 3 dimensional membranes as 2 dimensional equivalents of them. However to mediate this, when the device is built I will provide pictures of the parts to show how I built the device.
Next we must figure out the plor substance properties of the device past the basic tension capacity.
Plor substances are divided into 9 basic listed types designed to mimic the likeness of scientific substances since the properties were taken from the denominators of property on the scientific periodic table, which the glyph represents the property of the plor that represents the way the material made is layered with types of material and shaped to produce larger or smaller degrees of each glyph.
However glyphs can be used in other representations then the ones used here which have other properties based on other words, but the ones here are closest in likeness to the likes familiar, in both behaviors and appearences, which render a somewhat alchemical scientific feel.
The properties themselves are hot and cold, which are merely sharper hot and rounder cold colorations in sense of shape and effect, soluble and energetic which represent unnoticeability viceversa and tensionmotion effections as basic properties of space, finally things can be viscuous so unable to bend or break or they can be crushable so able to break or bend.
The actual plors contain these values of differences in combinations that form the exact type of plor.
Which are built based on how you render the following properties discussed as materials comprised of averence, which is adjacent interaction of materials forming pattern detailed separational interactions. Which are made using the equivalent exchange of properties, which mean what you remove as property is lost in the addition you add to the property until you remove it to return it to prior.
These interactions of property however form in methods of layering, bonding, adjacency and positioning, which allow you to create the actual properties discussed above, which will be shown in the example with the plor we are using with our prior blueprints. These are colored by patterns after which match the exact plor above we have selected for each component in some form for organizational purposes and as we will see also miniscule pattern properties.
However these materials also have a phase element avepallet, which is either a phase of either solid, liquid, gas, fire or light substance or is elementally mimicking the appearance of them in a phase. These restrict the differentiation of the plor to an appearance specific or a phase greater powerful, which will allow you to make similar substance property in likeness of the phases themselves.
The avepallet however divides into four types of pallet for each distinct elemental phase, which are the likeness of the actual elemental phase based on the following four for each pallet:
- Crust: Earth, Solid, Ice, Conerises
- Fluid: Water, Liquid, Mist, Compound
- Smoke: Air, Gas, Flare, Protophorm
- Flame: Fire, Plasma, Gel, Burnmetal
- Amber: Polarity, Lighting, Inkdew, Litpolygon
These represent the likeness to these topics or the actual useage inside the material, which the less clear are conerises which are simply coneshapes, Compound as fluid with something in it, Protophorm as actual protophorms, burnmetal as wax and a metal mix for color variation of burn, Inkdew is motion and absorption interaction, Litpolygon is a flat surface illuminated by light under it.
These all permit in combination or seperation and even cross pallet interaction ( for other then familiar) the method of making a likeness of science phases and magic's elements, which here take on the likeness of either because you may have noticed the moderate alchemical vibe of these plor, which represent chems of appearence property, which these together form some, but others can exist.
These others are formed from the other of this glyph or other made glyphs that contain other property then these, which used form types of plore based on meaning as property for the material by arrangements. Which the above are focused for now for the likened likenesses specific. As in looking at what other property arrangements can do, I found them far more alien in likeness to other concepts.
You must select the plor based on the membrane effect and the effect of the devices components based on both useability and actual effects, which can be further customized with the phase elemental avepallet for distinctions of capacity those enable past the basic premise of how to make each substance, based on each glyph property, which will be shown below with those selected for blueprint.
Which is below showing glyph property distinctions for fabrication, how those meet for each plor and which were selected from it for the blueprint then equally given likeness of pallet, which may cause need to alter the conditions of the basic plor setup, such that it matches same property but other pallet. The result is a set of basic property arrangements for the device to function more effectively with the basic membranes we selected and designed initially, then the pattern is added finally, before balance.
Above we see how the plor uses the shapes of the polygons as rounded, sharpened, visibility, tensions, solidity and brittleness as basic components of interaction for the same plor substances being depicted as shapes of matter that exist within the reigns of those substance plor glyphs they have. Thus they are rendered distinct by the prescision of how they are shaped which leads to distinct potential behaviors.
Then we see how they are assigned for the blueprint and which, which have been given a purpose based on what its used for inside the blueprint, which as a device presently provides buttons to press, which open windows in the device most of the time except one, while the same button then forwards a motion to the antennae that means the protophormal particle scout component specific it emits for you.
The actual screen windows that open will help with the dinger interface as patterns for the pattern recognition that aid the observation of the protophorm itself as a symbolic key, which embeds in observation and shifts with it to help gain extra levels of information past the basics we built. That requires the pattern component previous. Although the yellow button does different, providing attraction of things so is something that only sends a motion, which draws in by protophorm its encounter.
The patterns below allow both informational reference in pattern or iconic form, yet can also be used to make additional substance plor and effects in general through how they interact as inkings of paper. Which equally can develop other properties from part protophorms assigned and used based on baking or acquisition inside the materials like one did above where one takes the shape and alters it to that effect, which can equally incorperate the membrane string information of lines for more complexity.
Past the membrane, plor of a shape and pattern of underneath these, their is the balance after pattern, which effects the motion of the materials so is able to as a whole, make a substance of distinct effect, that is neither like science's own or even quite like nature is often encountered to be.
The above picture denotes a total of 6 methods for making patterns distinctly which will be used together with the locations we need patterns for the device to form specialized patterns which represent the information in this case of the windows and a few others.
However these patterns can also be used to make other substances that look more original and can even have other property based on how the pattern changes the property of the paper when they are colored with it, as it can make the material have slightly different effects comparable to how the other four main materials have like capacity.
The four materials are paper, tinfoil, laminant and cellophane, which in relation to each other can equally help form patterns of other material combinations which make additional materials based of patterns or otherwise as additional ways to make a polygon of another kind that has a distinct property. As combining them as layers enables the layered polygon to behave distinctly.
However the above image also features a puzzle node table which can be used to refer to the pattern as a way to inform where on the pattern with language based on describing the meaning, shape, color and nature, which refer the like and enable you to know which is being described on the pattern. Yet the same thing can be used to understand how patterns can effect pattern recognition, so be manipulated.
As they can help design the meaning, shape, color and nature to effect the same things.
Thus below we have taken the plor selections and designed their patterns for this case, based off the types of pattern depiction used above, to make a distinct pattern, which considered the whole of it.
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